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Stephen Colbert
Fr. Mark HodgesFr. Mark Hodges


Stephen Colbert promotes ‘filthy’ Netflix show that sexualizes children

SCOTTS VALLEY, California, September 29, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – The creator of the new Netflix cartoon, called animated kiddie porn by pro-family advocates, was featured on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.
Co-creator Nick Kroll visited the late night talk show Wednesday to promote his latest project, “Big Mouth.” The show is about adolescents awkwardly going through puberty and discovering the sexual world around them.
Colbert introduced Kroll with great fanfare and eventually asked about the show. “Is this the kind of show that parents would sit down and watch with their children?”
The question itself got mocking laughs.
Kroll smiled and said jokingly, “Steve, I’m going to leave that up to each and every individual parent.” Then he admitted, “It’s very dirty.”
“Big Mouth” features graphic masturbation, nocturnal emissions, “puberty fairies,” a giant condom creature, and “aching pubes.” A personified masturbation pillow falls in love with its abuser and wants to be more than just a “fling.”
Kroll got a lot of laughs with the line that his show “is kind of like the sex-ed video I wished I had gotten to see, but also, like, filthy.”
Colbert told his audience that they had a clip to preview “Big Mouth,” but CBS told him it was “too vulgar to show.” The late night host said his staff censored it heavily, and yet CBS still said it was too vulgar to show.  
“So we’re going to show it anyway,” Colbert quipped, to more laughter.
The clip was blurred and almost completely bleeped out.
“It’s so much better — and worse — that what you blurted out,” Kroll quipped back.
The series features star voices John Mulaney, Jordan Peele, Kroll, Maya Rudolph, Jenny Slate, Jessi Klein, Jason Mantzoukas, Fred Armisen, and Kristen Wiig.
Most offensive to pro-family advocates is the cartoon literally showing the genitals of pre-adolescent children.
As LifeSiteNews reported, pro-family advocates say the show sexualizes children and is fantasy food for pedophiles.
Anthony Khoury of the Vigilant Community speculated on a possible motive for Netflix besides revenue: “Hollywood and the world elite are full of child (molesters) and they want to normalize their derangement.”
Other commenters said the show “normaliz(es) pedophilia.”
“The profanity and crudeness makes it unsuitable for a younger audience, and the fact (that) it’s about literal kids going through puberty makes it unsuitable for an older audience,” wrote another poster.
After Colbert promised a donation to the Puerto Rico hurricane relief for every celebrity that posts their 13-year-old “pubescent” picture on social media, he made the sign of the cross.
“Big Mouth’s” entire series of 10 episodes is to be released Friday on Netflix.
The interview, including the bleeped out clip, can be found here.

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