Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Pinterest blocks Jihad Watch as “hate speech”
Here is yet another manifestation of what I have noted frequently lately: that the Left is using Charlottesville as its Reichstag Fire moment, to choke off all dissent.
Why does Pinterest think that Jihad Watch, a site dedicated to tracking the jihad threat, is “hate speech”? Doubtless because of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate group” list. Yet the SPLC classifies perfectly legitimate organizations falsely as “hate groups” and lumps them in with the KKK and neo-Nazis. When it comes to lists of “hate groups,” the Southern Poverty Law Center doesn’t have any competitors. Its “hate group” list is the only one around. It’s the only one Pinterest and others can and do refer to when deciding whose speech they will muzzle.
That’s why groups opposing jihad terror and unrestricted immigration, and defending traditional values are being targeted and silenced.
If you use Pinterest, or if you don’t, please contact them at help@pinterest.zendesk.com and politely and courteously register your protest against this fascist suppression of the freedom of speech.
On September 17, Jihad Watch reader A wrote to Pinterest:
Why can I not pin from Jihad Watch or Pamela Geller? I’ve come across this before but had thought it was an internet glitch … now I see you are censoring factual information. These are news reports of events, not ranting about anyone. Please reconsider your ban on these and other sites you consider to be related.If your intention is to “protect” your users, be aware that you are not allowing us to have information we need to make informed choices.I’ve enjoyed Pinterest and use it often for recipes, hobbies, homemaking, and tracking news and event trends. While “hate speech” or inciting to violence is horrid, sites you are censoring such as JihidWatch, Pamela Geller, and Breitbart are simply trying to keep people informed. The acts they sometimes report are reprehensible. You not allowing people to know about such acts is also reprehensible.
Later, after Pinterest sent back a generic reply, A wrote again:
The tips you sent do not address my question about censorship. Please let me know if you are in fact blocking pins from Jihad Watch, Pamela Geller, Breitbart, and other sites. If a site is inciting violence, that’s one thing. These sites are spreading information — not slander.In addition, I would like to see a list of sites you are blocking because you disagree with their apparent viewpoint. Perhaps that list will counter my belief that you are being very selective in the viewpoints you do not want seen. Thank you.
Pinterest replied on September 27:
Hi A,It’s not currently possible to save Pins from this website because it contains content that goes against our Community Guidelines, specifically hate speech. The reason we block certain websites is to protect our users from coming across potentially sensitive content while using Pinterest.Avery | PinterestAvery (Pinterest Help)