Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Pakistan: Doctors, security forces murder Christian seeking help for his pregnant sister (America May be Last Safe Place Left For Christians in World)
A Pakistani court recently freed 20 Muslims suspected of burning a Christian couple alive in an industrial kiln for so-called “blasphemy.” Pakistan’s infamous blasphemy laws allows Muslims to target Christians and other minorities even in personal matters through accusations of blasphemy. They ensure the supremacy of Muslims over Christians.
Now comes news that:
Doctors and security personnel at a hospital in Pakistan reportedly killed and tortured a Christian man with medical scissors and scalpels and seriously injured two other Christians who survived the ordeal, triggered when they demanded care for their pregnant family member.
This gruesome attack involved more than one doctor, and also security personnel, those who are mandated to protect and heal. This open, barbaric gang-up against the Christian family is a systematic and troubling “norm” in Pakistan.
Most horrifying is that such brutality is justified in the Quran, which describes unbelievers as the worst of living creatures (8:55). It should be needless to say that not all Muslims ascribe to such barbarity, but it is necessary to repeat due to “Islamophobia” pushers who will care more about the reporting of this cruel story than they do about the victims.
One can imagine the global outcry if Jewish or Christian doctors and security personnel attacked a Muslim family who sought medical help for a pregnant member of the family. There should be an outcry over the abuse of this Christian family. Instead, there is silence, as the West has succumbed to Muslim Brotherhood groups that have imposed their own blasphemy laws in the West as they cover for the atrocities committed in the name of Islam against infidels.
Wilson Chowdhry, the BPCA (British Pakistani Christian Association) chairman, described the incident as yet another example of the Islamabad-sanctioned “ongoing genocide.”
“Pakistan: Doctors Kill, Torture Christian for Demanding Care for Pregnant Sister”, by Edwin Mora, Breitbart, March 28, 2018:
Doctors and security personnel at a hospital in Pakistan reportedly killed and tortured a Christian man with medical scissors and scalpels and seriously injured two other Christians who survived the ordeal, triggered when they demanded care for their pregnant family member.
The British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA), which tracks cases of Christian persecution, identified the wounded victims as Anil Saleem, a brother of the pregnant woman, and the woman’s husband Kashif Shafeeq.Sunil Saleem, the 28-year-old brother of pregnant Kiran Saleem, succumbed to his injuries.Kiran reportedly went to the hospital in Lahore for a scheduled appointment.Kiran’s sister Mehwish told BPCA:I am deeply disturbed by what has happened to our family, we were expecting the birth of a new child into our growing family, but have now lost our eldest brother. We are all deeply grieved, and Kiran [Saleem] should have delivered her baby, but now her pregnancy is mysteriously delayed.Medical instruments were used to kill [Kiran’s younger brother] Sunil I saw the wounds myself and now I will be emotionally scarred for life. At this moment in time, I just want to cry forever.Members of the Christian minority in predominantly Muslim Pakistan are often victims of atrocities at the hands of some Islam adherents.Referring to the pregnant woman’s dead brother, BPCA notes:Reports suggest that he succumbed to injuries that include blunt force trauma and severe cuts from a sharp object. It is believed that the doctors used medical scissors and scalpels to severely wound the three Christians. At one point a sheet of glass was also thrown at the Christian victims and all were severely injured.BPCA notes that Mehwish yelled at the doctor who refused to treat her sister, triggering an argument.The altercation culminated in doctors and security personnel at the hospital beating and killing Sunil and seriously wounding Anil and Kashif.BPCA declares:Instead of trying to calm the situation other Muslim doctors and a two man security team joined the argument and locked Sunil his brother Anil and Kashif Shafeeq the husband of Kiran in the room they were in and closed the shutters.The atmosphere turned chilling as the three Christians were informed that they would be beaten for their insolence and roundly set upon the three men for 30 minutes telling them that there was no escape … The violence has been described as ‘harrowing’ by survivor Anil Saleem.Wilson Chowdhry, the BPCA chairman, described the incident as yet another example of the Islamabad-sanctioned “ongoing genocide” targeting:advertisement
The failure to adhere to international medical ethics should be deeply concerning to the Government of Pakistan as it highlights the failure by the nation to meet international laws for human rights that the nation has ratified…..