Saturday, March 31, 2018

The 03/30/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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Hamas calls for 100,000 Muslims from Gaza to demonstrate along Israeli border
By Robert Spencer on Mar 29, 2018 06:00 pm

Hamas calls for 100,000 Muslims from Gaza to demonstrate along Israeli border
Hamas wants war with Israel. If it isn’t now, it will come later. “Hamas to Swarm Israel’s Border, Sparking Fear of New ‘Passover War,’” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, March 29, 2018: The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas is planning a mass demonstration along Israel’s border on Friday, prompting fears of a new war with […]

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6 Liberal Jewish groups slam Bolton for “anti-Muslim bigotry,” “bellicose ideology”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 29, 2018 05:30 pm

6 Liberal Jewish groups slam Bolton for “anti-Muslim bigotry,” “bellicose ideology”
Six Jewish organizations have condemned the “appointment of Trump’s new national security adviser, arguing he will ‘endanger the national security of the US, Israel and our allies.’” These groups should be slamming Islamic supremacists and jihadists for bigotry, incitement to violence against Jews, and Charters that call for the obliteration of the State of Israel, […]

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Pakistan: Doctors, security forces murder Christian seeking help for his pregnant sister
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 29, 2018 04:30 pm

Pakistan: Doctors, security forces murder Christian seeking help for his pregnant sister
A Pakistani court recently freed 20 Muslims suspected of burning a Christian couple alive in an industrial kiln for so-called “blasphemy.” Pakistan’s infamous blasphemy laws allows Muslims to target Christians and other minorities even in personal matters through accusations of blasphemy. They ensure the supremacy of Muslims over Christians. Now comes news that: Doctors and […]

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Swedish government commissions, then withdraws under pressure, leaflet approving of child marriage
By Robert Spencer on Mar 29, 2018 02:50 pm

Swedish government commissions, then withdraws under pressure, leaflet approving of child marriage
Why would the Swedish government issue this leaflet in the first place? Because child marriage is approved in Islam, and the Swedish government knows who the new masters of Sweden are. “Islam has no age barrier in marriage and Muslims have no apology for those who refuse to accept this” — Ishaq Akintola, professor of […]

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Swedish MP announces plans to migrate to Hungary to escape Muslim migrant chaos
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 29, 2018 01:00 pm

Swedish MP announces plans to migrate to Hungary to escape Muslim migrant chaos
A Swedish Member of Parliament has had enough of his country’s lax immigration policy that has seen Sweden decline into lawlessness since the massive influx of Muslim migrants. MP Kent Ekeroth of the Sweden Democrats has announced that he is about to emigrate to Hungary when his term expires. Ekeroth stated that Hungary values “their […]

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Sweden to Hungary: Stop using us as “an example of failed migration”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 29, 2018 12:17 pm

Sweden to Hungary: Stop using us as “an example of failed migration”
Swedish Education Minister Gustav Fridolin told the “Hungarian government and ruling Fidesz party to stop using Sweden as an example of failed mass migration policies.” One wonders what gives Fridolin the right to order another sovereign country what to say and not to say, particularly when Swedish leaders have so desperately failed their people. Sweden […]

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France: Muslim tries to run over soldiers while screaming in Arabic, “reason remains unclear”
By Robert Spencer on Mar 29, 2018 08:17 am

France: Muslim tries to run over soldiers while screaming in Arabic, “reason remains unclear”
“The reason for the man’s verbal attack and attempt to ram them remains unclear.” The media elites want to keep you ignorant and complacent regarding the jihad threat. Here’s your reason: Last June, the Islamic State published a poster depicting an SUV driving over a heap of skulls and bearing the legend “Run Over Them […]

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UK: Falmouth University withdraws job offer because candidate opposes jihad terror and mass Muslim migration
By Robert Spencer on Mar 29, 2018 07:38 am

UK: Falmouth University withdraws job offer because candidate opposes jihad terror and mass Muslim migration
“If the academic elites find my views and those of others like me so deplorable, and are so confident of their own moral and intellectual correctness, then why are they so damn terrified of engaging with us?” That question applies to U.S. academic elites as well as to those in Britain. Whale said: “It is, […]

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French President announces determination to fight “underground Islamism”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 29, 2018 07:37 am

French President announces determination to fight “underground Islamism”
The “rightwing Figaro daily” states rightly about France’s jihad problem: With all due respect for the apostles of ‘living in harmony’, this virus is incompatible with our freedom to live, move and think. French President Macron is in a bind between the leftists who elected him and what appears to be his new resolve to […]

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Al-Qaeda top dog: “Jihad” is the “effective way” to defeat US, goal is to restore caliphate
By Robert Spencer on Mar 29, 2018 07:23 am

Al-Qaeda top dog: “Jihad” is the “effective way” to defeat US, goal is to restore caliphate
Doubtless Hamas-linked CAIR’s Nihad Awad and Ibrahim Hooper are on their way now to visit Zawahiri and explain to him that jihad just means dropping off the kids at school and getting to the gym regularly. “He goes on to identify the primary goal of al-Qaeda’s jihad as restoring the ‘rightly guided Caliphate’ and all […]

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Robert Spencer in PJ Media: Why It’s Good News That McMaster Is Out and Bolton Is In
By Robert Spencer on Mar 29, 2018 07:12 am

Robert Spencer in PJ Media: Why It’s Good News That McMaster Is Out and Bolton Is In
A victory for realistic analysis over fantasy-based policymaking. My latest in PJ Media: The Left is in hysterics over John Bolton replacing H.R. McMaster as President Trump’s national security adviser: He will start a war with Iran! He once wrote a foreword for a book written by Pamela Geller and me! He is a right-wing […]

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Irish Members of European Parliament: Ireland “soft target” for terror and cyberattacks
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 29, 2018 07:04 am

Irish Members of European Parliament: Ireland “soft target” for terror and cyberattacks
Ireland is a “soft target” for terror and cyber-attacks, a group of Irish MEPs have warned in a stark new security report. Ireland is indeed vulnerable to jihad terror, which is unidentified as such in the article, as always, since most media outlets have been bullied into never naming the jihad threat. Yet the main […]

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