Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
6 Liberal Jewish groups slam Bolton for “anti-Muslim bigotry,” “bellicose ideology”
Six Jewish organizations have condemned the “appointment of Trump’s new national security adviser, arguing he will ‘endanger the national security of the US, Israel and our allies.’”
These groups should be slamming Islamic supremacists and jihadists for bigotry, incitement to violence against Jews, and Charters that call for the obliteration of the State of Israel, as well as the Muslim persecution of Christian and other religious minorities. Jews in France are also facing the worst kind of Islamic anti-Semitism. Some recent reports:
- An elderly Jewish woman thrown off a balcony by Muslim neighbor;
- Acid was placed in the stroller of a rabbi’s baby, which caused severe burns; cops said anti-Semitism was a “possible” motive;
- A Jewish scholar was prosecuted for hate speech for criticizing Islamic anti-Semitism;
- The President of the Confederation of Jews in France has now declared that “in a few decades, there will be no Jews in France.”
This group of leftist Jews think that appeasement works with Islamic supremacists. It never did and it never will. Islamic supremacists are governed by Sharia law, and have an expansionary agenda which includes the obliteration of Israel. All the while, Palestinian propaganda, which began in the early 20th century in Ottoman South Syria (“Palestine”) has never relented. It was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, who led the Arab revolt and who worked with Hitler in the Holocaust. Yasir Arafat was the Grand Mufti’s nephew; he established the PLO for the purpose of “liquidating Israel.”
Even Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently called for an army of Islam to attack Israel from all sides.
It is perplexing that the six groups could “slam Bolton for ‘bellicose ideology, anti-Muslim bigotry” when there is no evidence to support their claims. One can disagree with the war in Iraq, one can disagree with a political approach, but unfortunately these groups have joined Islamic supremacists in their careless attributing of bigotry to Bolton, given the facts of the global jihad. Most importantly, they have failed to recognize that appeasement only enables jihadis. It buys them time, and helps them fulfill their goals of obliterating Israel and subjugating infidels through jihad terror and deception. These groups have been duped and used, as they often befriend Muslim Brotherhood connected groups and individuals, with proven links to Hamas.
“Liberal Jewish groups slam Bolton for ‘bellicose ideology, anti-Muslim bigotry’”, by Eric Cortellessa, Times of Israel, March 29, 2018:
WASHINGTON — Liberal Jewish groups condemned the appointment of US President Donald Trump’s incoming national security adviser on Wednesday, casting him as an Islamophobic warmonger who would pose a danger to the security of the United States and Israel.The six organizations charged that former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton is “an unrepentant defender of the Iraq war and his bellicose ideology could very well start us down the path to another unnecessary war of choice.”The hawkish ex-diplomat and Fox News personality is known for urging preemptive strikes on countries trying to develop nuclear programs, including North Korea and Iran. In March 2015, he penned an op-ed in The New York Times titled “To stop Iran’s bomb, bomb Iran.”Trump announced last Friday that Bolton would replace H.R. McMaster, who had been rumored to be leaving his post for months. But for left-leaning Jewish groups, Bolton’s ascension to the West Wing was disturbing.“His long record shows him to be a fierce advocate for belligerent policies that would endanger the national security of the US, Israel and our allies around the world,” said the Wednesday statement, which was jointly issued by J Street, Americans for Peace Now, Ameinu, T’ruah, the National Council of Jewish Women and the New Israel Fund.Chief among their complains was Bolton’s record of encouraging an armed confrontation with Iran to curtail its nuclear ambitions while proclaiming the death of the two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians….He has been accused of having deep and extensive ties to anti-Muslim hate groups, including the American Freedom Defense Initiative, which has been condemned by the Anti-Defamation League as “consistently vilifying the Islamic faith under the guise of fighting radical Islam.”He also has a long history with anti-Islam activists Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, as well as Frank Gaffney, a former Defense Department official in the Reagan administration who promulgates anti-Muslim conspiracy theories.“Bolton has allied himself closely with prominent Islamophobes, whose hateful views should have no place in our government or foreign policy,” the Jewish groups said. “This willingness to support anti-Muslim bigotry violates fundamental Jewish and democratic values of tolerance, equality and respect….