Jihadi Jew-hater Ilhan Omar: Jewish State should not exist, Pelosi appoints her to House Foreign Affairs Committee (Dear God, I am Afraid Some Day Soon Democrats Will Turn America Against Israel. In The End Times Prophecy this Tells us All Nations in The End Shall Turn Against Israel. Democrats Shall Full fill This One)
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been hit with a backlash over her decision to assigned avowed antisemite and incestuous bigamist Rep. Ilhan Omar to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, despite the Minnesota Democrat’s record of antisemitism. The House Republican leadership blasted the decision. “It is disgraceful that Speaker Pelosi and her Democrat majority gave a coveted seat on the House Foreign Relations Committee to a member who has a documented history of making anti-Semitic and anti-Israel remarks,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise said in a Thursday statement.
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Karin McQuillan explained, “Rather than standing up against the disturbing rise of anti-Semitic rhetoric on the left, House Democrats have now just endorsed that ideology,” he said. There is more to #TheResistance than the political panic inspired by the likes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). They are riding a monster not of their own making. In order to survive, they are providing cover and normalization of something not at all normal.”

By Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire, January 30, 2019Anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) suggested in an interview this week that Israel should not be allowed to exist as a Jewish state, Israel is not a democracy, and compared Israel to Iran — which is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.Omar made the shocking remarks during a Tuesday interview on Yahoo News’ “Through Her Eyes” with Zainab Salbi.“I want to talk about Israel because it has been a point of contention,” Salbi said. “How can America work productively towards a just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians in your opinion?”“Most of the things that have always been aggravating to me is that we have had a policy that makes one superior to the other and we mask it with a conversation that’s about justice and a two-state solution when you have policies that clearly prioritize one over the other,” Omar responded.When pressed for examples, Omar responded: “Our relationship, really with the Israeli government and the Israeli state.
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