UK: Outraged Muslims call for boycott over toilet paper “with Allah symbol”
Outraged Muslims are calling for a boycott of the UK department store Marks & Spencer over an “offensive” roll of toilet paper because they claim it features Allah’s name in Arabic. “Outraged Muslims” — how redundant.
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Another Muslim supremacist power play. The design is actually an aloe vera leaf. But this is all about control. As if if Marks & Spencer would ever do something like this by design. But this is how the Muslim world asserts its authority over non-Muslims. It doesn’t matter that Marks & Spencer has no clue what they are talking about or that this perceived “insult” is imaginary. Nike became embroiled in a similar controversy in the 1990s and is in another one now; back in 1997, Nike recalled thousands of pairs of Air Bakin’ sneakers with the word Air written on the heel. Now, again, outraged Muslims are demanding Nike recall a line of trainers because the design looks like Allah’s name in Arabic. And they’re demanding that M & S withdraw this toilet paper roll.
Marks & Spencer should tell these incessant whiners to bugger off.
“Calls for M&S boycott over toilet roll ‘with Allah symbol’ (VIDEO),” RT, January 24, 2019:
High street retailer Marks & Spencer has been forced to defend itself online after a viral video claimed the retailer was selling aloe vera toilet paper embossed with the Arabic script for ‘Allah.’“Recently I bought toilet tissue from Marks & Spencer and when I opened one of them, it has the name of Allah, as you can see,” the unidentified man says in the now viral video, which has been viewed tens of thousands of times on various social media platforms.Marks & Spencer has vehemently denied the claims, which were spread far and wide online in recent days. Outrage was so severe that an online petition has been set up calling on the retail giant to withdraw the offensive objects.At time of writing, the petition started by a user named Musa Ahmed has already garnered 2,888 of its 5,000-signature goal.“This is a very weasly [sic] and pathetic attempt to insult Islam. Nike did something similar in 1997 when they had ‘Allah’ written on their trainers but eventually they had to stop the production due to complaints,” Ahmed writes.In 1997, Nike was forced to withdraw a line of sneakers with script resembling the Arabic rendering of the word Allah.An M&S spokesperson has denied the toilet rolls feature the name of Allah, insisting that it’s “categorically of an aloe vera leaf.”But the viral clip has already sparked calls among the online Muslim community to boycott the high street retailer, under various iterations of the hashtag “#BoycottM&S.”The clip has divided opinion online, with some clearly outraged at the cultural and religious insensitivity, while others decry the perceived hypersensitivity of those complaining.Many were frustrated that M&S even entertained the complaints.Ok, so this whole hooha with the M&S toilet paper is bloody ridiculous! It’s a bloody Aloe leaf printed on the roll. Ffs grow up people, you’re a bloody embarrassment.— Amina Jane Ishaq (@jamiemumma) January 19, 2019…
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