Thursday, January 31, 2019

Muslim Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib Belongs to Holocaust Denier Group that Calls Jews ‘Satanic’ Rashida Tlaib is the face of the new Democrat party, the new Nazi party.


 Today's Headlines


WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez’s Democratic Socialists Chant for Genocide of the Jewish People at Party Conference

The Democrat Party is now the British Labor Party under Jeremy Corbyn. Like the Labor Party, the Democrats are not discreet about their contempt for Israel and for Jews.

Probe ends into Didsbury Mosque who called for ‘MILITARY JIHAD’ and support for Islamic State warmongers #ManchesterBombing

Move on. Nothing to see here, folks. But don't go too far, you'll want to wear buy teddy bears, wear bracelets about how "strong" you are and switch out your twitter avatars when the streets are awash in blood.

Out here in Realville……..

We better get real about our opponents. They are not well-meaning liberals. They are dangerous. The target is not Trump. They are out to get all of us.

US aid to “Palestinian” terror services to end Friday #TrumpGOAT

Pay for Slay is a major incentive program for the force of jihad evil and Jew-hatred. It's even worse than you thought.

Leftwing DC Antifa Leader Charged With ‘Ethnic Intimidation’ in Racist Attack On Marines

Another Democrat racist all-star group shouting “spic” and “wetback” in a violent beating. No enemedia coverage @CNN @NYTIMES

Freeing Venezuela: Interim President Juan Guaido Thanks Netanyahu for Recognizing Presidency

Of course, vile jihadi Jew-hater Ilhan Omar, new face of the new Nazi party, the Democrats, supports the world’s worst economic-cum-humanitarian disaster and opposes helping the people of Venezuela.

#NoHijabDay Campaign Fights Real Oppression, Subjugation of Women

While left-wing feminist goons work to impose the misogyny of the sharia, these women are leading a global movement for women's freedom. Pray for them.

Muslim migrants arrested in terror bomb-plot in Germany

Thank you, President Trump, for your national security travel ban.

Ohio Muslim plotted deadly attack on synagogue to kill as many Jews as possible in the cause of Islam, “Go big or go home”

This will be ignored by the left-wing media and the new Nazi Party, the Democrats who have made the new antisemitism the face of the party.

Pakistan: Nearly 200 Christians are being held on blasphemy charges

Expect the West to do nothing, say nothing, to save these Christians and religious minorities, so cowed are they.

Muslim Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib Belongs to Holocaust Denier Group that Calls Jews ‘Satanic’

Rashida Tlaib is the face of the new Democrat party, the new Nazi party.

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