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Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:07 AM PST
Brexit will be official in just a few hours. The United Kingdom will formally leave the European Union, becoming the first nation to ever do so. As the only E.U. country with significant "opt-outs," the U.K.'s presence in the continental confederation continually stifled further integration among the Union's 28 member states. The obstacle is now gone, and there is widespread expectation that the new Franco-German axis will push hard for true federation—with all the prophetic consequences that entails. I want to bring your attention to a short article I wrote nearly three years ago, pointing out that the European Union is a strange earthly shadow of Revelation 12 (see here): And a great sign was seen in the sky: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars, and having [a child] in [her] womb she cries out, travailing and being in pain to bring forth. And there was seen another sign in the sky, and behold, a great fire-colored dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns on his heads, and his tail draws the third of the stars of the sky, and he cast them to the earth; and the dragon stood before the woman who is about to bring forth, that when she may bring forth, he may devour her child; and she brought forth a male son, who is about to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, and her child was snatched up to God and to His throne, and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place made ready from God, that there they may nourish her—one thousand, two hundred, sixty days.
- Revelation 12:1–6 (From The LSV Bible)
If you've seen Stranger Things you'll catch my drift: the E.U. is like the "upside down" of the prophecy—the marred and darkened image of the true reality. Revelation 12 follows the major prophetic template first set forth in Genesis 3:15–16 of a woman in labor, confronted by a serpent, giving birth to a male child. This theme is repeated throughout the Scriptures as the penultimate prophecy of the Seed. The prophecy culminates with the birth of Christ (the male child) to a woman (Mary) who escapes with Him from a murderous snake (Herod). And ultimately, the prophecy concludes with the mystical body of Christ, the Church (the male child), conceived in Israel (the woman), born into Heaven (our heavenly mother: see Gal. 4:26), escaping from a final attack from Satan (the serpent). The astronomical aspect of Revelation 12:1–2 was literally fulfilledon September 23rd and 24th of 2017. But with the E.U. we see a twisted version of the prophecy play out. A woman clothed with the sun: Europe is named after the mythological woman Europa. Her statue can be seen across the continent, including in front of various E.U. government buildings in Brussels. As for the "sun," Europe was the cradle of Christianity for nearly two millennia—the faith of the Son. And the moon under her feet: given that the countries immediately south of Europe are Muslim, several of them have crescent moons on their flags (Tunisia, Algeria, Libya; and to the southeast—Turkey). Note that the moon under the feet of Virgo in September 2017 was also a crescent moon (a new moon). And on her head a garland of twelve stars: the flag of the European Union is a garland or circle of twelve stars. Travailing and being in pain to bring forth: the E.U. has been beset with financial and geopolitical issues from the very beginning. This "labor" has ultimately brought about the exit of the U.K. from the Union after years of nationalist protests, which have even spread to other countries in the continent. And she brought forth a male son, who is about to rule all the nations with a rod of iron: the actual fulfillment of the prophecy regards Christ in union with His Church ruling the nations during the millennium, but this "upside down" and satanic twist of the prophecy points to the arrival of the Antichrist, a male, who will very briefly rule all nations with horrible brutality and an iron fist. In a sense, the U.K.'s exit is a bit like Europa giving birth. The "woman" has delivered. This is why I think Brexit is one of many contemporary events pointing us to the nearness of a much greater deliverance: Chexit, the exit of the Church from the earth. And the woman fled into the wilderness: according to the mythology of Europa, the woman was carried away to the wilderness of Crete on the back of Zeus.
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A Week of Profound Prophetic Significance
Brexit is capping off a hugely historic week at the very end of a shocking month, but there is still more to come. Consider all that has happened over the course of these last several days and what's coming around the corner: Tuesday: the Deal of the Century was finally revealed, and one hour later the largest earthquake since last May shook Mar-a-Lago. Wednesday: USMCA, the largest trade deal in American history that supplants NAFTA, was signed into law. Friday (today): Brexit, which has been in the wings for three and a half years. Saturday: an emergency Arab League summit will be held in Cairo to address the unveiled peace plan; also, President Trump may be acquitted in the ongoing impeachment trial. Sunday: the annexation vote was originally scheduled for Sunday, but has been postponed until Tuesday at the earliest; of secular significance—the Super Bowl! Monday: the Iowa caucuses will be held, which may determine the Democratic candidate for U.S. president. Tuesday: the earliest possible date for Israeli annexation; also, Trump will hold his State of the Union address. In the backdrop we see the rapid spread of the coronavirus around the world and one of the top five largest conflagrations in recorded world history. Coronavirus itself has strange prophetic undertones, a fatal viral "venom" that originated in China, the country of the dragon. China has been closely associated with the dragon for thousands of years, maybe even not long after Babel. It is featured on pre-republic and pre-communist flags, on badges worn by soldiers thousands of years ago, on tombstones, murals, thrones, etc. They even call dinosaurs "dragons" and dinosaur bones "dragon bones." The red dragon, specifically, is in thousands of books, movies, and shows in China and is considered a personification of the People's Republic. The association is so close, that traditional Chinese actually consider themselves descendants of the dragon and celebrate the dragon every 12 years (2024 will be the next "year of the dragon"). The World Health Organization, which just declared coronavirus a "Global Health Emergency," has a flag featuring a serpent on a pole. The symbolism is written all over this worldwide debacle. Satan is the venomous serpent whose bite brought about the Fall of Mankind, but the Son of God, who became sin for us, rescued us from Satan on the Cross, in a way reminiscent of how Moses lifted up a bronze serpent on a pole to rescue the Israelites: God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
- 2 Corinthians 5:21
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so it is necessary for the Son of Man to be lifted up, that everyone who is believing in Him may not perish, but may have continuous life...
- John 3:14–15
Corona is Latin for "crown." The seven-headed dragon of Revelation 12 is wearing seven crowns on his heads, all the while he is attempting to devour the male child of the woman who is also wearing a crown. As a matter of fact, the Latin word corona is used in Revelation 12:1 in the ancient Latin Vulgate. While many recoil at types, shadows, patterns, and numbers, they testify to an absolutely sovereign God who is constantly speaking through His creation. The heavens [are] recounting the glory of God, || And the expanse [is] declaring the work of His hands. Day to day utters speech, || And night to night shows knowledge. There is no speech, and there are no words. Their voice has not been heard. Their line has gone forth into all the earth, || And their sayings to the end of the world...
- Psalm 19:1–4 (LSV)
And certain of the Pharisees from the multitude said to Him, “Teacher, rebuke Your disciples”; and He answering said to them, “I say to you that if these will be silent, the stones will cry out!”
- Luke 19:39–40 (LSV)