Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Call to Pray for Israel’s Corona-Fighting Health Workers

This is how you can pray for Israel’s exhausted healthcare workers, including many believers in Yeshua
How you can pray for Israel and her healthcare workers amid the corona crisis.
Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
A faith-based fellowship of Israeli healthcare workers (the Healthcare Believers Fellowship, or HBF) is asking for our prayers. The organization is made up of Arab and Jewish doctors and nurses serving in all areas of the healthcare system around the country. The Corona crisis is stretching their ability to care for all the patients, and they are crying out for help. Here are their prayer requests:
  • 4 members of the HBF are still in quarantine. Pray for them and hundreds of their colleagues who are also kept from working;
  • Supplies:
    • Pray for a stop to the theft of masks, gloves and alcogel from healthcare institutions;
    • For the supplies mentioned above to be provided for the working staff. We have gotten requests from frontline workers asking to pray that they will get the essential protection in order to work safely.
  • For a change in the attitude of the workers, especially managers. That a spirit of support and genuine concern for each other and “coming together” will come in the healthcare fields:
    • A very strong spirit of competition lies over the healthcare fields and is very evident at this time. In a time of war, soldiers who are going to the war front come together, care for each other. This is not always characteristic of the healthcare fields at war!
  • For strength: Doctors, nurses, orderlies and cleaners are exhausted. They are running often without food, drinks, or even having the time to use the restrooms or sit down during a shift. The cleaning teams are under a heavy workload at this time;
  • For wisdom: Head nurses have to cope with special requests from the staff because of children at home. Planning work schedules is a nightmare right now, especially when some doctors or nurses are infected and have to be in quarantine for 14 days!
  • For safety: Nurses and doctors on the frontline of clinics, emergency rooms and intensive care units are working under the fear of getting infected by their patients or their colleagues, some of whom were or still are in isolation (one of them had to be hospitalized);
  • Students who have studied in Israel will be able to take their National Registration exam on April 6th. BUT our brothers and sisters who have studied outside of Israel will not be allowed to take the test at this time. They will be called in at a later date, which means that they will enter the health fields at a date that is still unknown.

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