Sunday, January 31, 2021 reported for months before the election that the first thing Joe Biden would do if elected president is forcing Americans to fund Planned Parenthood's global abortion agenda. And, sure enough, during his first full week in office, Biden signed an executive order that will ultimately give Planned Parenthood hundreds of millions of YOUR tax dollars.

 LifeNews Pro-Life News Report

Sunday, January 30
, 2021

Dear LifeNews Readers,

Joe Biden didn't waste any time promoting abortion. reported for months before the election that the first thing Joe Biden would do if elected president is forcing Americans to fund Planned Parenthood's global abortion agenda. And, sure enough, during his first full week in office, Biden signed an executive order that will ultimately give Planned Parenthood hundreds of millions of YOUR tax dollars.

With your money, Planned Parenthood will kill babies in abortions in nations around the world.

And Planned Parenthood will use your funds to promote abortion and lobby pro-life nations that protect unborn children to change their laws and legalize abortions.

And Biden didn't stop there!

He signed an executive order to start dismantling President Donald trump's pro-life protections that cut Planned Parenthood funding here in America. In the coming weeks or months LifeNews will have to report how this rule has been scrapped entirely and YOUR tax dollars will be used to fund more of Planned Parenthood's domestic abortion agenda as well.

And that's not all Biden did.

His executive order also pulled the United States out of the Geneva Coalition, a group of 35 pro-life nations President Trump put together to make it clear to the UN that there is no right to kill babies in abortions.

It will NOT end there.

Biden and his radical pro-abortion allies in Congress have their sights set on the Hyde Amendment, which has protected you from directly funding abortions here in the United States for decades. The Hyde Amendment literally has saved over TWO MILLION babies from abortion. If we lose the Hyde Amendment, more babies will be killed in abortions. Period.

And that's not all either! Biden and his pro-abortion friends are working to codify Roe and overturn every pro-life law nationwide, that want to pass the ERA and make abortion a right up to birth nationwide, and they want to pack the Supreme Court with radical pro-abortion judges who will keep abortions legal for decades to come.

We MUST stop Joe Biden's radical abortion agenda and we DESPERATELY need your financial support today to do everything LifeNews possibly can to fight that agenda and keep millions of pro-life Americans informed and activated.

Please make the biggest donation you can today because EVERY day will be a monumental struggle against this radical abortion agenda.

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Steven Ertelt, Editor

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