Track how many people have been given the COVID-19 vaccine across Canada
The data included in this story are updated throughout the day to reflect the latest information
CBC News is tracking the data, so you can follow the progress as vaccines are rolled out across the country. CBC's vaccine data comes from provincial and territorial websites, news briefings and releases, and the Public Health Agency of Canada
On January 28, officials in Ontario announced an error in their previous reporting of completed vaccinations. This resulted in the number of people completely vaccinated in the province decreasing by about half.
Health Canada announced the approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on Dec. 9, 2020. On Dec. 23, it approved a second vaccine from Moderna.
The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines require two doses. In the table above, "fully vaccinated" refers to the number of people who have received both.
Updates on the number of doses distributed are not always provided as regularly as those for doses administered. If you see a discrepancy between "doses given" and "doses distributed" in the table below, it usually means either the province or territory or Public Health Canada has not yet publicly reported updated numbers.
On January 24, the province of Saskatchewan announced it had now used more than 100 per cent of the vaccines it received, due to "efficiencies" in drawing extra doses from vials.
The first shipment of vaccine doses arrived in Quebec on Dec. 13, and Canada's vaccination program formally began soon after with the first vaccinations in Ontario and Quebec.
While the federal government has sent doses of both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines to distribution sites across the country, each province and territory is responsible for its own vaccine rollout. Most are prioritizing front-line health-care workers and residents in long-term care for the first round of vaccines.
According to the federal government, Canada has secured contracts with Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna for a total of 80 million vaccine doses by the end of 2021.
The two vaccines are among several that have been pre-ordered by the government.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said that, with the current Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna agreements, "we are on track to have every Canadian who wants a vaccine receive one by September."
Note: Separate totals of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccine doses distributed to each province have been removed. This data is currently only available weekly, with many provinces and territories not providing breakdowns in their updates. This caused the numbers to not align with the combined totals distributed to the provinces and territories, which are updated more frequently.