Wednesday, November 30, 2022

For First Time in Modern History, Christians a Minority in England Extraordinary. I'm glad the Queen, the defender of the faith, didn't live to see that. Godlessness. No good will come of it.



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Iran Threatens USA Players, Families Before World Cup Match – USA Beats Them Anyway

Iran's leaders threaten U.S World Cup players and their families with imprisonment and torture, while the Biden Administration begs Iran's leaders to agree to a revised version of the nuclear agreement JCPOA. Earlier this week Iran's leaders called ...

For First Time in Modern History, Christians a Minority in England

Extraordinary. I'm glad the Queen, the defender of the faith, didn't live to see that. Godlessness. No good will come of it.

For first time in modern history, Christians a minority in England

By: YNet News, November 22, 2022:

More than ...

Apple Aids Brutal and Oppressive China Censorship Crackdown

Anti-government protests flared in several Chinese cities and on college campuses over the weekend. But the country’s most widespread show of public dissent in decades will have to manage without a crucial communication tool, because Apple ...

Arizona Official: I Was Forced to Certify Katie Hobbs’ Election

Forced to certify or face jail, What's worse is McCarthy and McConnell are helping them. For all her bluster what did Harmeet Dillon do? They should be filing a law suit. But they haven't said a word. Their silence speaks volumes.

Republican ...

Giving Tuesday

You may not know the good you do but your support of Geller Report makes the work possible.

There is no greater threat to our freedom, our families and our country then the left's censorship and suppression of terrible truths.

We need you. ...

Corrupt: Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Votes to Certify Election Results



"I found out today that I have no choice but to vote "Aye" or I will be arrested and charged with a felony."

Ron Gould of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors was told he would be arrested if he did not certify the ...

Mini-Mengele: Fauci Couldn’t Name Any Studies Showing Masks Work Against COVID-19

Gitmo is too good for him. This madman oversaw the worst medical experiment in human history.

A political stooge for the permanent political class whose "recommendations" decimated our economy ruining millions of lives on the next episode of ...

Apple Threatening to Remove Twitter from App Store

This is the definition of fascism – a merger of state and corporate power.

Apple has mostly stopped advertising on Twitter. Do they hate free speech in America? ...

Oregon Retailer Permanently Closes Up Shop After 15th Break In: “Our city is in peril”

Under Democrat rule, this is America's bleak future.

Daily Wire: The owners of a Portland, Oregon, clothing store have closed the shop, blaming “unrelenting criminal behavior” in a note left on the door that also warned the far-left city is ...

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