With America already going through the 10 stages of genocide, doctors warn we’re about to see one of the biggest die-offs of all time

(Natural News) According to Genocide Watch, the 10 stages of genocide are the following.:
(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)
– 1 Classification
– 2 Symbolization
– 4 Dehumanization
– 5 Organization
– 6 Polarization
– 7 Preparation
– 8 Persecution
– 9 Extermination
– 10 Denial
As that website reports:
Genocide is a process that develops in ten stages that are predictable but not inexorable. At each stage, preventive measures can stop it (ANP: As we’ll see below, the 2nd Amendment and 10’s of millions of VERY WELL ARMED Americans IS a ‘preventive measure!’). The process is not linear. Stages occur simultaneously. Each stage is itself a process. Their logic is similar to a nested Russian matryoshka doll.
Classification is at the center. Without it the processes around it could not occur. As societies develop more and more genocidal processes, they get nearer to genocide. But all stages continue to operate throughout the process.
Also warning of the ‘classification process‘ that ALL cultures go through them, the ‘dividing‘ of people into the categories of ‘us‘ and ‘them,’ we see stage 1 of the ‘process‘ of genocide has long been going on here in America, with even Joe Biden himself taking part in the ‘demonization‘ of Conservatives and Independents and anyone who doesn’t go along with the left’s satanic agenda.
And as that Genocide Watch entry also warned, with the ‘classification’ of future ‘victims’ the KEY to ‘genocide,’ with all the other ‘processes‘ happening simultaneously, that would mean stages 7 through 10 are also already happening here in America under Joe Biden and the left: Preparation; Persecution; Extermination; and Denial. And with ‘denial‘ long heavily evident with ‘government‘ lying to the American people for decades and decades now, hence their mouthpieces, the MSM, having an absolutely horrid 34% trust record amongst the American people in 2022 according to Gallup.
And while most would say that America hasn’t quite yet gotten to the ‘out in the open and blatant stage’ of government sponsored and carried out mass murder like we’ve seen numerous times in the past, with a massive die-off like nothing we’ve seen in our lifetimes happening here and now due to the vax, and much more to come in the near future if medical experts are correct as heard in the videos at the bottom of this story, as we’ll see in the next section of this story below, according to Genocide Watch, “During active genocide, only rapid and overwhelming armed intervention can stop genocide.” From that website.
All cultures have categories to distinguish people into “us and them” by ethnicity, race, religion, or nationality: German and Jew, Hutu and Tutsi. Bipolar societies that lack mixed categories, such as Rwanda and Burundi, are the most likely to have genocide. One of most important classifications in the current nation-state system is citizenship in a nationality.
And while today’s Democrats love to portray themselves as ‘for the people,’ as former US Congresswoman and US military Veteran Tulsi Gabbard recently warned, Joe Biden and Adolf Hitler share the same mindset, and that, ‘for the people of America,’ is a disaster in the making.
Yet the mere fact that Tulsi Gabbard just removed herself from the ‘party of insane,’ and is a US Veteran, is a good thing for America in that it leads us to ask, how many more people in the US military are awake and aware and using that fine ‘tool of discernment‘ to cut through the BS they are being sold? For the sake of all future generations of Americans, we hope there are many of them who are able to see the ‘enemies of America within‘ we were warned about long ago.
And as we’ll see here in this next portion of the 10 Stages of Genocide we’re looking at, stage 9 or ‘active extermination,’ once it begins in earnest, the only thing that can put a stop to it is ‘rapid and overwhelming armed intervention.’ The words of Genocide Watch, not ours. We absolutely pray it never comes to that. And with part of stage 9 also being the destruction of a group’s religion, we’d argue the globalists war upon Christianity happening now is exactly that. Once again, from that Genocide Watch story.
Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com
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