Friday, December 30, 2022

Whitlock: Santos saga is a telling sign of the times, we’re in total freefall and only God can save us..‘You are killing us!’ San Fran ‘Karen’ rages uncontrollably at rescue squad for temporarily blocking bike lane


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‘Why on earth?’ Trump sparks firestorm with hint at a third party run

Democrat Rep with a notoriously nasty reputation messes with the WRONG staffer

‘Our government in a meme’: Biden proudly posts video of himself blowing through stack of 65 bills

Katie Pavlich: Democrats ‘are panicking’ because they’re losing control of the narrative

Spat with Greta Thunberg leads to arrest of ‘toxic’ influencer Andrew Tate; eerie prediction sparks speculation

Biden signs massive pork-stuffed bill after it’s sent to billionaire Dem donor’s home in vacation paradise

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‘Conservative fantasies’: MTG urges GOP holdouts in speaker race not to be ‘selfish or foolish’

Whitlock: Santos saga is a telling sign of the times, we’re in total freefall and only God can save us

‘You are killing us!’ San Fran ‘Karen’ rages uncontrollably at rescue squad for temporarily blocking bike lane

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Survival is sexist

‘Queer dance’ and ‘porn’: Just a few classes colleges are actually offering, and more…

97% of anti-Jewish hate crimes in New York were committed by other minorities: report

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‘Violence, disorder and disruption’: Akron teachers fear for their safety, prepare to strike over student behavior

MSNBC host ‘shocked and appalled’ her kids gave a hard pass to COVID boosters

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