Dear , Each year around this time I like to give a brief recap of what ACT For America is and what it's accomplished this year.
But before I do this, I want to make one very important point.
As I predicted last year, Biden and his Leftists operators (the real people who are running our country) were more aggressive this year in their mission to "fundamentally transform" this country.
Please don't become complacent, because Biden’s last two years in office will be the most disastrous. Remember, he has just two years to complete his radical transformation of America - we must remain vigilant and ready to fight back.
It is a grim situation--the grimmest, in my mind, our country has faced since the chilliest days of the Cold War. But I'm not counseling despair. Far from it. When times seem dark, as they do now, it is necessary for nations, like individuals, to grab their fate by the shoulders and shake it!
That's where my ACT For America comes in. As one of our loyal supporters, you're well aware that ACT For America has been the conservative movement's most-committed and best-mobilized grassroots opponent of the Left’s radical machine.
There are plenty of think tanks and political action organizations. ACT For America is different from all of them. It is actually a Political Warfare machine that mobilizes Americans and teaches them how to identify and understand the leftwing enemy; and how to attack and neutralize him.
Here are the ways we've accomplished this mission with your help: |
- ACT For America has engaged the largest grassroots activist network in the nation!
- We have mobilized millions of patriots to act over 51 million times this year!
- We have waged campaigns that helped pass 70 state election integrity bills and set the stage for much more in the year to come!
ACT For America teaches conservatives how to put an army into the field to engage in the battle they never asked for, but now, for the sake of our country, must fight to victory.
, ACT For America is reloading and getting ready to continue the fight in 2023.
Only with your help, will we continue to confront the leftists and their radical agenda, in public sector unions and in government and show them that they will no longer have their way with our country. Most of all, we will continue to reveal the hidden agendas and scorched-earth policies of the Biden administration and show what this president, who doesn't love America, is doing to transform our country into something we won't recognize as home.
Because you have stood with us in the past, I ask you to help us keep fighting the good fight in the year ahead. Please support our efforts with a generous, tax-deductible, year-end gift to ACT For America.
I promise you that we'll put it to good use in the fight we're waging for America's future and that the Left will succeed only over our dead body.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Sincerely, |
ACT for America Education, a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible. 869 Lynnhaven Pkwy, 113 #411 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 USA Contribute | Charity Navigator