Thursday, December 29, 2022

New Minister Threatens 73-Year-Old Chaplain for Refusing to Take Off 'Offensive' Cross...New Study Reveals What Religion Can Do for Youth Mental Health - Couldn't Come at a Better Time


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New Minister Threatens 73-Year-Old Chaplain for Refusing to Take Off 'Offensive' Cross
U.K. Chaplain Derek Timms found purpose and meaning in being a part of the staff of the Marie Curie Hospice in Solihull, England. Truly he would have been well equipped to minister to those in the hospice care center, given the fact he knew one of the most painful losses... Read more…

IRS Issues Warning About 2022 Tax Returns
Chances are you won't be too happy about the IRS's latest warning. A number of new changes to the tax code this year are having a downward effect on the size of the average American's tax return. In other words, your tax return will probably be smaller this year. The... Read more…
New Study Reveals What Religion Can Do for Youth Mental Health - Couldn't Come at a Better Time
The number of people struggling with mental health issues has been a topic of increasingly keen interest since COVID has come on the scene. It's a sad fact that about half of the people who struggle with mental illness either delay getting the help they need, or don't seek it... Read more…
2022 in Cyber: Espionage, Data Breaches, Infrastructure Attacks, and Billions in Profits for Hackers
These online methods of espionage, offensive digital warfare, and for-profit criminality, are a great danger because they can be used to disrupt or damage IT systems, compromise critical infrastructure networks, and commandeer sensitive data.  Read more…
Southwest Chaos Turns Dangerous as Baggage Goes Missing
"They may or may not ever go to your destination... there's nothing we can do". Read more…
China's COVID Flip-Flop Has Global Health Experts Rattled
There is little doubt that China's previous mishandling of the coronavirus crisis is having an effect on the global community's uneasiness. Read more…
BORDER WARZONE: TX Nat'l Guard Installs 2 Miles of Razor Wire
If you want it done right, you've got to do it yourself. Read more…


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