Fatah official brags: Fatah and PA Security Forces “led 1,500” terror attacks while Hamas led noneNan Jacques Zilberdik | Mar 27, 2023 - Canada just gave PA Security Forces a grant of $450,000
- PMW has exposed the PA’s pride in the double role played by members of the PA Security Forces as “cops by day” and terrorists “by night”
- One terrorist member of PA Security Forces’ message to Israelis: “[My actions] will send you to a place where your blood will drip”
Secretary of Fatah’s Nablus branch, Muhammad Hamdan, stated last week that during the recent confrontations members of Fatah and the PA’s Security Forces have “led” “more than 1,500 military operations” against Israel, using the PA’s terminology for terror attacks:    
Fatah Nablus Secretary Muhammad Hamdan: “Hamas is accusing the West Bank of security coordination [with Israel]. I think that the entire Palestinian people and the whole world has [recently] seen that more than 1,500 military operations (i.e., terror attacks) against the Israeli occupation were led by the Fatah Movement members and the [PA] Security Forces members, while in the Gaza Strip - ‘the oasis of the resistance’ - the number is zero operations.” [Official PA TV, Topic of the Day, March 19, 2023]
Palestinian Media Watch has exposed the PA Security Forces’ double role as cops by day and terrorists by night. In one instance, Fatah praised a murderer for being “a security member by day” and “one of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades members by night.” Senior PA official Jibril Rajoub has openly taken pride in the fact that at least “12%” of terrorist prisoners are members of the PA Security Forces. One such PA Security Forces’ terrorist left a “message for the Zionist enemy.” In it he threatened Israelis that he would “plant disasters in your homes” and “fear will prevail among you and [my] actions will torment you and send you to a place where your blood will drip.” Despite these disclosures by PMW of the blatant pride by the PA and Fatah in the terror role taken on by the PA Security Forces, the Canadian government just gave them a grant of $450,000. According to Head of the PA Security Forces’ Scientific Committee Bilal Abu Hamed, the grant is to “provide help and aid and to renovate buildings of those who need us and who meet the conditions for renovation, such as needy and poor families that have no one who will support them.” [Official PA TV, Aspiration of Free People, March 16, 2023]
While the PA may want to make this sound like humanitarian aid, the money that Canada provides the PA Security Forces strengthens them at the very time that they are bragging about their role as terrorists attacking Israelis.
PMW has documented that Fatah and Hamas are “competing” over who’s most active carrying out terror attacks against Israel. The following is a longer excerpt of the report on Canada’s grant to the PA Security Forces: 
Head of the PA Security Forces’ Scientific Committee Bilal Abu Hamed: “[Regarding] this wonderful grant, the grant that we are grateful for in advance, we and the Palestinian [PA] leadership thank our brothers and friends in the Canadian government, which is represented by the Canadian delegation that is with us. We have received funding for tools that will aid us in our work, so that we will be able to establish workshops, and which will ensure the existence of the workshops for at least 20 years... We have received this very valuable grant for which we are thankful, whose value is approximately $450,000... in order to provide help and aid and to renovate buildings of those who need us and who meet the conditions for renovation, such as needy and poor families that have no one who will support them.” [Official PA TV, Aspiration of Free People, March 16, 2023]
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