Palestinian women and female terrorists are “an example for the women of the world”Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Mar 19, 2023 - For International Women’s Day, PA lauds Palestinian women for knowing “that liberating the homeland and the people is an act of struggle whose price is heavy, and that the sacrifices bring the redemption closer”
- Terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi and other terrorists still among PA’s female role models on Women’s Day
From the Palestinian Authority prime minister to the PA and Fatah, the Palestinian leadership praised Palestinian women on the occasion of International Women’s Day earlier this month. But why are Palestinian women praiseworthy? According to the PA, the reason is: - Because they are terrorists and murderers - Because they are mothers of terrorists who have the “ability to withstand tragic moments” and sacrifice for “redemption” Lauding Palestinian women, PA PM Shtayyeh specifically singled out female terrorists (“prisoners”) as well as mothers and wives of male terrorists (“Martyrs and prisoners”) for praise: “On the occasion of the [International Women’s Day] event, [PA] Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh conveyed his appreciation and blessings to the Palestinian women everywhere. He especially noted the mothers and wives of the Martyrs and prisoners, and the lauded female prisoners. Shtayyeh emphasized that activity is continuing in order to advance the women’s status, protect their rights, and strengthen their participation in the various fields.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 7, 2023]
The PA announced in a headline in its official daily that Palestinian women are “an example for the women of the world.” Why? Because they know how to “withstand tragic moments” and know “that liberating the homeland and the people is an act of struggle whose price is heavy.” They are also outstanding becausethey understand that “sacrifices” are needed in order to bring about “redemption.” In other words, Palestinian women are admired forthe fact that their sons and husbands, and sometimes even they themselves, are terrorists – in PA terminology “self-sacrificing fighters,” or “Martyrs” in the event they get killed while carrying out their terror attacks: Headline: “The Palestinian woman is lofty, and she is an example for the women of the world” “The most prominent thing about the Palestinian woman is her ability to withstand tragic moments, difficult moments of loss, as she knows that liberating the homeland and the people is an act of struggle whose price is heavy, and that the sacrifices bring the redemption closer and put an end to the general tragedy. It should be noted that more than 100 years of difficult conflict have created a deep consciousness that can be summarized thus: Palestine will return to the Palestinians only with the defeat of Zionism, and this defeat will not be achieved in a knockout, because Zionism is a transcontinental enemy that summarizes the orientalist colonialist ideology. Due to all this the battle is long and requires endurance, stamina, and sacrifice, generation after generation.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 8, 2023]
This statement echoes another by Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki, who has explained that Palestinian women are like no other because they “view their children as insignificant compared to the homeland”: 
One such mother has proved her admirable character by being the mother of 6 terrorists who were responsible for at least 10 murders: “Female fighter Um Nasser Abu Hmeid.” To show her admiration, Ramallah and El-Bireh Governor Laila Ghannam visited Abu Hmeid on Women’s Day. Ghannam praised her as “the living role model of the Palestinian woman and mother who is full of giving” and “the symbol of sacrifice”: 
Posted text: “I had the honor to visit female fighter Um Nasser Abu Hmeid (i.e., mother of terrorists responsible for at least 10 murders; see note below), this Khansa, the living role model of the Palestinian woman and mother who is full of giving. We wish her, and through her all the mothers of our Martyrs and our prisoners – to her and to them: Blessings and wishes for the future, on the occasion of March 8 [International Women’s Day]. We are proud of this Khansa, the symbol of sacrifice, who has sacrificed two Martyrs, and still four of her sons are serving punishments that exceed a life sentence.” [Ramallah and El-Bireh Governor Laila Ghannam, Facebook page, March 9, 2023]
Palestinian Media Watch has exposed that PA leaders continuously promote Um Nasser Abu Hmeid as a role model for Palestinian women and “a school for all mothers,” due to her being a mother of imprisoned and dead terrorists. Blessing specific deceased Palestinian female journalists, writers, and poets, a regular columnist for the official PA daily singled out female terrorists such Dalal Mughrabi, the female leader of the most lethal terror attack in Israel's history in which Palestinian terrorists murdered 37 civilians – including 12 children. He also mentioned “heroic fighter Fatima Barnawi” – a terrorist who planted a bomb in a movie theater, and Shadia Abu Ghazaleh – a terrorist bombmaker. [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 8, 2023] On TV and social media, PA Chairman Abbas’ Fatah Movement stressed that terrorists are the movement’s preferred role models for women: 
The image shows from left to right terrorists Theresa Halsa, who was involved in the killing of 1; Israa Ja’abis, who wounded 1; and Dalal Mughrabi, who led the murder of 37, 12 of them children. In the upper right is the logo of Fatah-run Awdah TV. Text on image: “International Women’s Day March 8, 2023 The Palestinian woman is a symbol of sacrifice and resolve” [Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Facebook page, March 7, 2023]
For Fatah, murderer Mughrabi is also still “the Bride of Jaffa” because of her “operation”:  
In the upper right corner of the video is the logo of Fatah-run Awdah TV. Fatah-run Awdah TV host: “‘My last will to you all, my rifle-bearing brothers, begins with freezing the secondary conflicts and escalating the main conflict against the Zionist enemy and aiming the rifles, all the rifles, at the Zionist enemy. What protects the independence of the Palestinian decision is the firm rifles of all the Palestinians. I say to all my brothers wherever they are to continue on the same path we went on.’ This is the last will of Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children), or ‘the Bride of Jaffa’ as the Palestinians call her, who was full of love for the homeland and dedicated her life to see it free and proud. Dalal carried out an operation (i.e., terror attack) against the occupation, through which she wanted to teach it a painful lesson by striking its [territorial] depth, and thus she wrote with her blood a new page in the history of the Palestinian resistance in 1978.” [Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Facebook page, March 11, 2023]
Palestinian Media Watch has exposed that Mughrabi is one of the PA and Fatah’s greatest role models for society. Earlier this year Fatah broadcast the video above on its TV station Awdah. The anniversary of Mughrabi’s death nearly coincides with International Women’s Day, and this was utilized by the official PA daily as yet another opportunity to glorify the murderer and her “achievements.” In two reports, the PA recounted Mughrabi’s “operation” in detail, noting the “courage” of Mughrabi and her terrorist accomplices, which it alleged was “underestimated” by the Israelis. The PA also falsified facts, exaggerating the number of Israeli victims to 100 – and not 37 – while claiming they were all soldiers, and not civilians including 12 children: “Today, Saturday [March 11, 2023], is the 45thanniversary of the death as a Martyr of female Palestinian fighter Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children)... On the morning of March 11, 1978, Mughrabi and her squad disembarked from two boats on the Palestinian (sic., Israeli) coast, and they succeeded in doing this without the Israelis succeeding in exposing them because they did not correctly estimate the Palestinians’ courage. Dalal and her squad succeeded in going towards Tel Aviv and taking control of a bus with all its soldier passengers (sic., civilian passengers), while the confrontation with other Israeli soldiers outside the bus continued (sic., there was no confrontation with soldiers during the hijacking of the civilian bus). This operation led to hundreds of killed and wounded on the Israeli side (sic., 37 civilians were murdered and over 70 were wounded). In light of the high losses, the Israeli government appointed a special squad from the army commanded by [then Israeli commander and later Israeli Prime Minister] Ehud Barak in order to stop the bus and kill and arrest those on it. They used planes and tanks to surround the self-sacrificing fighters, which caused Dalal Mughrabi to blow up the bus and its passengers leading to the deaths of the Israeli soldiers (sic.).” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 11, 2023]
“Yesterday, March 11, [2023,] was the 45th anniversary of the death as a Martyr of Palestinian fighter Dalal Mughrabi... She decided to join the ranks of the Palestinian revolution and to act in the ranks of the self-sacrificing fighters (Fedayeen) in the Fatah Movement while still a student. She took many military courses and received lessons in guerilla warfare, during which she trained with different weapons. While taking these courses, she became known for her daring, her courage, her well-developed national sentiment, and for her devotion to Palestine and Fatah... The Deir Yassin squad (i.e., Mughrabi’s terror cell) presented the plan to Martyr commander Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' (i.e., terrorist, responsible for the murder of 125 Israelis). The plan was based on a landing operation on the Palestinian coast, taking over a military bus, and setting out in the direction of Tel Aviv in order to attack the Israeli Parliament building (a building located in Jerusalem –Ed.). The self-sacrificing fighters competed among themselves to participate, and first among them Dalal Mughrabi, who was 20. She was selected to lead the squad that would carry out the operation, which was made up of 10 self-sacrificing fighters... Dalal and her squad succeeded in reaching Tel Aviv (sic., the terror squad reached Haifa but never reached Tel Aviv) and took over the bus with all of its soldier passengers (sic., only civilian passengers were on the bus), while outside the bus the battle continued with other Israeli soldiers. Hundreds on the Israeli side were killed and wounded (sic., 37 murdered and 70 wounded)..." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 12, 2023]
Fatah in Gaza also lauded Dalal as “the best example of giving”: Representative of the Fatah Women’s Commission Nufouz Al-Fara: “The Palestinian woman has set out on her path, and the best exampleof her giving is sister Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children). There is no one among us who does not know who Dalal Mughrabi is, the fighting Martyr revolutionary who sacrificed her life with her comrades for the goal that is always desired, which is liberation and establishing our Palestinian state whose capital is Jerusalem.” [Official PA TV News, March 12, 2023]
The following are longer excerpts of the statements cited above: Excerpt of a column by Bassem Barhoum, regular columnist for the official PA daily Headline: “The Palestinian woman is lofty, and she is an example for the women of the world” “The most prominent thing about the Palestinian woman is her ability to withstand tragic moments, difficult moments of loss, as she knows that liberating the homeland and the people is an act of struggle whose price is heavy, and that the sacrifices bring the redemption closer and put an end to the general tragedy. It should be noted that more than 100 years of difficult conflict have created a deep consciousness that can be summarized thus: Palestine will return to the Palestinians only with the defeat of Zionism, and this defeat will not be achieved in a knockout, because Zionism is a transcontinental enemy that summarizes the orientalist colonialist ideology. Due to all this the battle is long and requires endurance, stamina, and sacrifice, generation after generation.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 8, 2023]
In the upper right corner of the video is the logo of Fatah-run Awdah TV. Fatah-run Awdah TV host: “‘My last will to you all, my rifle-bearing brothers, begins with freezing the secondary conflicts and escalating the main conflict against the Zionist enemy and aiming the rifles, all the rifles, at the Zionist enemy. What protects the independence of the Palestinian decision is the firm rifles of all the Palestinians. I say to all my brothers wherever they are to continue on the same path we went on.’ This is the last will of Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children), or ‘the Bride of Jaffa’ as the Palestinians call her, who was full of love for the homeland and dedicated her life to see it free and proud. Dalal carried out an operation (i.e., terror attack) against the occupation, through which she wanted to teach it a painful lesson by striking its [territorial] depth, and thus she wrote with her blood a new page in the history of the Palestinian resistance in 1978. Dalal Mughrabi died as a Martyr after waving the Palestinian flag and saluting it. Her image still angers the occupation. [Israeli] occupation Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu ordered in March 2016 to submit a complaint against the PA because it celebrates the anniversary of her death as a Martyr. What is more, the occupation refused to hand over her body.” [Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Facebook page, March 11, 2023]
Dalal Mughrabi - female Palestinian terrorist who led the most lethal terror attack in Israel's history, known as the Coastal Road massacre, in 1978, when she and other Fatah terrorists hijacked a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway, murdering 37 civilians, 12 of them children, and wounding over 70. Headline: “45 years since the death as a Martyr of female fighter Dalal Mughrabi” “Today, Saturday [March 11, 2023], is the 45th anniversary of the death as a Martyr of female Palestinian fighter Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children)... On the morning of March 11, 1978, Mughrabi and her squad disembarked from two boats on the Palestinian (sic., Israeli) coast, and they succeeded in doing this without the Israelis succeeding in exposing them because they did not correctly estimate the Palestinians’ courage. Dalal and her squad succeeded in going towards Tel Aviv and taking control of a bus with all its soldier passengers (sic., civilian passengers), while the confrontation with other Israeli soldiers outside the bus continued (sic., there was no confrontation with soldiers during the hijacking of the civilian bus). This operation led to hundreds of killed and wounded on the Israeli side (sic., 37 civilians were murdered and over 70 were wounded). In light of the high losses, the Israeli government appointed a special squad from the army commanded by [then Israeli commander and later Israeli Prime Minister] Ehud Barak in order to stop the bus and kill and arrest those on it. They used planes and tanks to surround the self-sacrificing fighters, which caused Dalal Mughrabi to blow up the bus and its passengers leading to the deaths of the Israeli soldiers (sic.).” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 11, 2023]
Excerpt of a column by Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, regular columnist for official PA daily and former advisor to former PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad on national affairs Headline: “A thousand blessings to the women” “On International Women’s Day, we stand submissively before the women who have sacrificed their lives for the word of truth, like the icon of Palestine’s media and sanctity Martyr Shireen Abu Akleh (i.e., journalist killed in a gun battle initiated by Palestinian terrorists), heroic fighter Fatima Barnawi (i.e., terrorist, planted a bomb in a movie theater), fighting poet May Sayegh (i.e., former member of the Palestinian National Council, the legislative body of the PLO), and poet Sulafa Hijjawi, whom the people lost last year [2022]. It has also lost other pioneering female fighters who marched at the front, defended Palestine, and raised its name in the Arab, regional, and international forums, including Asma Tubi (i.e., a female author), Hilwa Jaqaman (i.e., founded a women’s organization in Bethlehem), Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children), Shadia Abu Ghazaleh (i.e., terrorist bombmaker), and [former PA Minister of Women's Affairs] Rabiha Dhiab.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 8, 2023]
Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul also is a former PLO Central Council member. Shireen Abu Akleh - 51-year-old Palestinian-American journalist for Al-Jazeera who was shot and killed while covering a gunbattle initiated by Palestinian terrorists who attacked Israeli forces during an operation in Jenin on May 11, 2022. The PA immediately accused Israel of shooting Abu Akleh without providing evidence. Israel rejected the accusation, noting Palestinian terrorists were filmed shooting indiscriminately and saying they had hit an Israeli soldier even though no soldiers were wounded, possibly indicating they had shot Abu Akleh. The PA rejected Israel's request to conduct a joint investigation of the incident, and its request to let it examine the bullet that killed Abu Akleh to determine whether it was fired by Israeli forces. The bullet is of a type used by both Israeli soldiers and Palestinian terrorists. In a press conference following Abu Akleh's autopsy on the day of her death, Head of An-Najah National University's Forensic Medicine Department Dr. Rayyan Al-Ali said it could not yet be determined which side shot her. Fatima Barnawi - Palestinian female terrorist who placed a bomb in a movie theater in Jerusalem in 1967. The bomb failed to explode. She was sentenced to life in prison but was released in 1977 after serving 10 years. Following the 1993 Oslo Accords, Barnawi was tasked with establishing the PA women's police force. In 2015, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas honored Barnawi with the Military Star of Honor. Barnawi died on Nov. 3, 2022. Shadia Abu Ghazaleh - Female Palestinian terrorist and member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror organization who prepared bombs for many attacks against Israel. While she was preparing a bomb for an attack in Tel Aviv in 1968, it accidentally detonated and killed her. Theresa Halsa - 17-year-old female Israeli Arab terrorist and a member of the Black September terror organization, a secret branch of Fatah, who participated in the hijacking of Sabena flight 571 from Vienna to Tel Aviv in May 1972. When the plane landed in Israel, the terrorists demanded the release of 315 Palestinian terrorists from Israeli prisons. Israel mounted a rescue operation led by Ehud Barak (who laterserved as Israeli Prime Minister), in which Benjamin Netanyahu (who also later served as Israeli Prime Minister) participated. During the rescue the two male hijackers, Ali Taha Abu Snina and Abed Al-Aziz Atrash, were killed, and one passenger, 22-year-old Miriam Anderson, was also killed accidentally. The two female hijackers, Rima Tannous and Theresa Halsa, were captured and sentenced to life imprisonment - Halsa for 220 years. They were released in November 1983 in a prisoner exchange. Halsa was expelled to Jordan where she lived until she died of cancer on March 28, 2020. Israa Ja’abis - 31-year-old female Palestinian terrorist, resident of East Jerusalem, who carried out a car bomb attack near Ma'ale Adumim, a few kilometers east of Jerusalem, on Oct. 11, 2015. A policeman who noticed a suspicious vehicle signaled for the driver to stop, after which she drove closer to a group of police officers and detonated a gas balloon. One policeman suffered light injuries and Ja'abis was seriously injured. “The [PA] government decided during its meeting yesterday, Monday [March 6, 2023], that tomorrow, Wednesday [March 8], will be an official holiday in Palestine for the occasion of International Women’s Day. On the occasion of the event, [PA] Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh conveyed his appreciation and blessings to the Palestinian women everywhere. He especially noted the mothers and wives of the Martyrs and prisoners, and the lauded female prisoners. Shtayyeh emphasized that activity is continuing in order to advance the women’s status, protect their rights, and strengthen their participation in the various fields.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 7, 2023]

The images show Ramallah and El-Bireh Governor Laila Ghannam visiting Um Nasser Abu Hmeid, the mother of terrorists responsible for at least 10 murders; see note below. Posted text: “I had the honor to visit female fighter Um Nasser Abu Hmeid (i.e., mother of terrorists responsible for at least 10 murders; see note below), this Khansa, the living role model of the Palestinian woman and mother who is full of giving. We wish her, and through her all the mothers of our Martyrs and our prisoners – to her and to them: Blessings and wishes for the future, on the occasion of March 8 [International Women’s Day]. We are proud of this Khansa, the symbol of sacrifice, who has sacrificed two Martyrs, and still four of her sons are serving punishments that exceed a life sentence.” [Ramallah and El-Bireh Governor Laila Ghannam, Facebook page, March 9, 2023]
Um Nasser Abu Hmeid (Um Yusuf Abu Hmeid/Latifa Abu Hmeid) - Palestinian woman famous and admired in the PA for being the mother of 4 terrorist prisoners serving life sentences (3 of them serving multiple life sentences), and another 2 whom the PA refers to as "Martyrs." Abu Hmeid is also called Khansa of Palestine, which refers to Al-Khansa from the earliest period of Islam who sent her four sons to battle and rejoiced when they all died as Martyrs. Abu Hmeid was honored by the PA in 2010 and 2015, and was chosen in 2011 to launch the PA's statehood campaign with the UN.Her terrorist sons: Islam Yusuf Abu Hmeid, murdered 1 on May 24, 2018, and is serving life in prison and an additional 8 months; Muhammad Abu Hmeid, serving 2 life sentences and 30 years for involvement in terror attacks; Nasser Abu Hmeid, was serving 7 life sentences and 50 years for murdering 7 Israeli civilians and 12 attempted murders, before dying of cancer on Dec. 20, 2022; Nasr Abu Hmeid, serving 5 life sentences for involvement in two terror attacks in which 4 were murdered, and arms dealing; Sharif Abu Hmeid, serving 4 life sentences for involvement in terror attacks in which 4 were murdered; Abd Al-Mun'im Muhammad Yusuf Naji Abu Hmeid, murdered 1 on Feb. 13, 1994, and was killed by Israel on May 31, 1994. Headline: “45 years since the death as a Martyr of fighter Dalal Mughrabi” “Yesterday, March 11, [2023,] was the 45th anniversary of the death as a Martyr of Palestinian fighter Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children). Fighter Mughrabi was born in 1958 in one of the Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut. She was the daughter of a family from Jaffa that escaped to Lebanon following the 1948 Nakba (i.e., “the catastrophe,” the Palestinian term for the establishment of the State of Israel)... She decided to join the ranks of the Palestinian revolution and to act in the ranks of the self-sacrificing fighters (Fedayeen) in the Fatah Movement while still a student. She took many military courses and received lessons in guerilla warfare, during which she trained with different weapons. While taking these courses, she became known for her daring, her courage, her well-developed national sentiment, and for her devotion to Palestine and Fatah. The assassination of the three Fatah leaders Kamal Adwan, Kamal Nasser, and Abu Yusuf Al-Najjar (i.e., terrorist organization leaders responsible for the deaths of many Israelis) by the Israeli occupation forces in 1973 had a negative impact on Dalal. In addition, the incessant and despicable aggression against the refugee camps caused her a feeling of bitterness and rage; and there is no need to note the wretchedness in which her family lived – like the rest of the residents of the refugee camps – as a result of their forced leaving, which would not have taken place if not for the occupation of her land – Palestine – by Israel. For this reason, Dalal – like the rest of her friends and partners in grief from among the residents of the refugee camps – began to be struck by negative and stormy feelings, which gave birth to a determination within her to carry out an act that would satisfy her desire [for revenge]. The Deir Yassin squad (i.e., Mughrabi’s terror cell) presented the plan to Martyr commander Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' (i.e., terrorist, responsible for the murder of 125 Israelis). The plan was based on a landing operation on the Palestinian coast, taking over a military bus, and setting out in the direction of Tel Aviv in order to attack the Israeli Parliament building (a building which is actually located in Jerusalem –Ed.). The self-sacrificing fighters competed among themselves to participate, and first among them Dalal Mughrabi, who was 20. She was selected to lead the squad that would carry out the operation, which was made up of 10 self-sacrificing fighters. The operation was known as the 'Kamal Adwan' operation, and the squad was known as 'Deir Yassin.’ On the morning of March 11, 1978, Mughrabi disembarked from a boat passing opposite the Palestinian coast together with her squad... Dalal and her squad succeeded in reaching Tel Aviv (sic., the terror squad never reached Tel Aviv) and took over the bus with all of its soldier passengers (sic., only civilian passengers were on the bus), while outside the bus the battle continued with other Israeli soldiers. Hundreds on the Israeli side were killed and wounded (sic., 37 murdered and 70 wounded), and in light of the heavy losses, the Israeli government assigned a special military unit – commanded by Ehud Barak (then military commander and later prime minister of Israel –Ed.) – to stop the bus and kill and arrest its passengers (sic., apparently meaning the terror squad). [The military unit] used planes and tanks to surround the self-sacrificing fighters, which caused Dalal Mughrabi to blow up the bus with its passengers. As a result, the Israeli soldiers were killed. The moment that [Dalal and her squad's] ammunition ran out, Barak ordered to reap all of the self-sacrificing fighters with machine guns, and all of them died as Martyrs (Shahids). It should be noted that the occupation authorities are still holding the body of Martyr Dalal Mughrabi in the 'numbered cemeteries’ (i.e., Israeli cemeteries for temporary burial of terrorists)." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 12, 2023]
Kamal Adwan and Kamal Nasser were both senior members of Black September, a secret branch of Fatah, who were killed by Israeli forces in April 1973. Kamal Nasser was also the spokesperson for the PLO and Fatah. Kamal Adwan was responsible for Fatah terrorist operations in Israel. Abu Yusuf Al-Najjar - was Arafat's deputy and among the founders of Fatah. He was the Commander of Al-Asifa, Fatah's military unit, and member of Fatah's Central Committee and PLO's Executive Committee. He also was the Commander of Operations of the terror organization Black September, a secret branch of Fatah, and involved in the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics (Sept. 5, 1972). He was killed by Israel in 1973. Deir Yassin - On April 9, 1948, Jewish fighters from the Irgun and Lehi military groups, part of the forces opening the blockaded road to Jerusalem, attacked the Arab village of Deir Yassin. When the battle was over, the village had fallen and in addition to the Arab fighters killed, 107 civilians were also killed. Narratives differ as to whether the civilians were killed in the crossfires or were intentionally murdered by the Irgun and Lehi fighters. Abu Jihad (Khalil Al-Wazir) - was a founder of Fatah and deputy to Yasser Arafat. He headed the PLO terror organization's military wing and also planned many deadly Fatah terror attacks in the 1960's - 1980's. These attacks, in which a total of 125 Israelis were murdered, included the most lethal in Israeli history - the hijacking of a bus and murder of 37 civilians, 12 of them children. The Cemeteries for Enemy Casualties (numbered cemeteries) are two burial sites maintained by the Israeli army for burying the bodies of enemy soldiers during wartime as well as terrorists. They are fenced and well-marked. Graves have markers instead of gravestones. Burial is temporary, as the bodies are eventually returned to their countries of origin. No ceremony is held. The bodies are buried in numbered caskets after their identities are documented.
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