Monday, March 27, 2023

State legislation could strip Catholic churches’ right to protect members ‘sealed confessions’..Activist physically blocks sergeant at arms from taking mic over new bill criminalizing drag shows for kids


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Best political cartoons: Take it!

CNN roasted for ridiculous story on ‘digital blackface’ and even Elon Musk piles on

Georgia homeowner shoots, kills intruder as neighbors cook up breakfast

Biden tries to blame Republicans for fentanyl, cutting border security, it boomerangs BIGLY

DeSantis giving Trump a run for his money in two key early primary states

Matt Gaetz calls on Ron DeSantis, Ted Cruz to endorse Trump in 2024: ‘Stand with us’

More bodies found after chocolate factory explosion kills seven

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Democrat claims Trump’s ‘rhetoric’ at Waco rally is worse than Jan 6, could get someone killed

Legal expert Alan Dershowitz says Bragg could be disbarred if dares to put star witness on the stand

Gwyneth Paltrow buried in avalanche of ridicule over ‘I lost half a day of skiing’ remark, fellow celebs join mockery

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Musk files lawsuit to find out who published Twitter’s source code online

Activist physically blocks sergeant at arms from taking mic over new bill criminalizing drag shows for kids

Cracker Barrel latest business to flee Dem-run Portland over crime, homelessness, shut-downs

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Mayor in Italy buys into talking points that Florida principal was forced out over ‘David’ statue

Anti-Trump hush money case has more holes than Doral golf course

Family of Marine killed during Afghanistan withdrawal stunned to learn snipers could have taken out suicide bomber

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We’ve entered an era when the US gov’t won’t even take its own money

State legislation could strip Catholic churches’ right to protect members ‘sealed confessions’

Yet another Biden pick withdraws nomination

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