School Board Refuses To Let Church Use Space Due To Christian Principles;Largely Unnoticed, WHO Moves Forward With Global Governance Plan;Christian University Under Fire For Taking A Stand Against Pronouns
The current World Health Assembly is poised to increase the WHO's mandate over the health care decisions of sovereign nations which has potentially massive ramifications - yet hardly anyone is reporting on what we are committing to.
A Maine church that outgrew its meeting space applied with the local school board to lease space at a high school for worship services, but the school board applied a progressive religious test to the church and negotiations fell through. Now, the church is suing.
For 140 years, Houghton University has been providing an academically challenging, Christ-centered education in the liberal arts and sciences to students. In recent days, this commitment has been put to a test, one that has drawn national attention.
A wave of criticism is greeting an LGBTQ+ "Youth Carnival" set to take place in Indianapolis in early June, largely because the event will bar parents from attending.