Jesus Gave US a Serious Warning ...
Which Most Christians Ignore to their pearl
Christ tells us NOT to be deceived – yet nearly 100% already are!
This is a direct warning from Christ to us today, in these end-times! On the mount of Olives, His disciples came to him and asked, “what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the world”. Jesus’ first words were “Take heed that no man deceive you” (Matt 24:4). To deceive is to tell a half-truth. This doesn’t mean that much of what they are saying isn’t indeed true because that is how deception works. The little Lie is wrapped in a large amount of truth and those that understand the truth part will mostly accept the lie part because they can’t separate the two since they don’t have the knowledge to do so.
How Many “true” Christians are Left?
As we previously talked about in prior emails, the great apostasy has already been taking place and is nearly complete. Most “Christians”, or those that call themselves Christians do not follow Christ. Oh yes, they will claim they do, and they go to church, give tithes, have morning worship and the like but the scriptures make it clear that they will not go to heaven because they do not follow Him and live the way they desire and disobey his commandments. We have shown that there are less than 120 million true Christians left on earth in prior emails based on direct polls of "Christians" and that number is dropping each month. Why? It’s because they are being deceived and accepting half-truths just as Christ commanded us not to.
First of all, most people believe that being deceived is being fooled into believing something that is not true and most Christians don’t think that is possible because they read the Bible and go to Church. The fact of the matter is that MOST Christians who read the Bible and go to Church are already deceived. In fact, by their own admission DO NOT follow Christ. In Matt 7:21-23 Jesus paints a picture of the judgment day where a VAST MANY people who call themselves Christians and say that Christ is the “Lord” (the one they serve) will NOT be permitted into heaven.
Jesus’ Resurrection doesn’t mean we automatically go to heaven!
Those that say that they are Christians and do not follow Christ, by definition, are deceived and have accepted the half-truth that their “Christian behavior” will get them to heaven even if they don’t follow Christ because, after all “Christ paid the price”. It is true that Christ did pay the price for us to make the choice to follow Him but that is exactly what we must do – we must follow Him! Even the demons believe and do not go to heaven because they don’t follow Christ.
Jesus describes the church today as having no redeeming qualities compared to the prior six church ages. We are living in the Laodicea church age where the Lord says that he will “spew us out of His mouth”. However, despite the horribly corrupt nature of the Church, Jesus adds hope: "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." (Rev 3:19-20).
Following Jesus REQUIRES Something from You:
Today we live in the last Church Age. Of the seven church ages over the last 1,900 years (Revelation 2 and 3), we are in the last and our Lord has nothing good to say about this Church. He characterizes it in such a bad state that He even says that demons feel so comfortable within the “Christian” church that they make their home within its branches (denominations). Many Christian churches today teach doctrines of demons from the pulpit and convince the congregations that they are from the Scriptures. Many Christians are deceived into believing their pastors without verifying for themselves what the Scriptures say.
What does following God and being a citizen of the culture or Kingdom of Light require? It requires that you leave the culture or Kingdom of Darkness and no longer follow your desires but follow the indwelling Holy Spirit inside you. But wait! Isn’t one of those “doctrines” taught from the pulpit that once “saved” we can never be unsaved? That type of thinking is exactly what leads people away from God to serve after their own desires. The problem with that thinking is that man has changed the meaning of “saved”. We are NOT “saved” when our eyes are opened and realize we have a choice to follow God. We ARE “saved” AFTER we have followed our Lord our entire life and when we physically die – ONLY THEN are we saved! “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Matt 24:13).
Throughout the entire scriptures (from Genesis through Revelation), there is an extremely important word that is said repeatedly which most pastors intentionally skip, and that word is “IF”. The scriptures make it clear constantly that we have a choice. IF we continuously follow and obey Him until our death, we will be saved (Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.; Mark 13:13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.)
- IF we hear His voice AND follow Him, He will give us eternal life (John 10:27)
- IF you want to be Jesus’ friend, you will do whatever He commands you (John 15:14)
- IF you want to abide in Jesus’ Love, you will keep His commandments (John 15:10)
- IF you do the will of the Father, the same is Jesus’ brother, sister, and mother (Matt 12:50)
Jesus Tells us That Not Many Will Enter Heaven - WHY!?
There are hundreds of millions of people today that call themselves Christians that have nothing to do with God. Yes, they may go to church each Sunday and they might even give tithes, etc. but their hearts are far away from God and God has no part in their daily life. We are told, "Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it" (Matt 7:14). Jesus Himself tells us that in the end there will be people who call themselves Christians but will not be permitted into heaven. In fact, Jesus tells us that some of them even prophesy, cast out devils, and do many wonderful words in the name of Jesus - yet they will not be permitted into heaven. Why? They are not permitted into Heaven because they do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, and they do not obey his commandments.
"Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you (they don't have a personal relationship with Jesus): depart from me, ye that work iniquity (they don't keep Jesus' commandments)." (Matt 7:21-23)
Only those that Continuously Follow Jesus will Enter Heaven!
We are told consistently throughout the scriptures that only those who follow Jesus till they die will be saved and go to heaven. Salvation is not for those that call themselves Christians nor simply go to church but to those that “follow” Jesus and make Him Lord of their life daily and are led by the Holy Spirit in their hearts! Paul makes this abundantly clear when he tells us that even if we have the gift of prophecy, understand all mysteries, can even perform miracles, give away all our goods to the poor and even give our lives we will still go to hell if we don’t have Jesus’ Love in our lives. (1 Cor 13:1-3).
Many people want to believe that because at some point in their life their eyes were opened and the Love of Christ was revealed to Him, that it automatically makes them “saved” and that couldn’t be further from the truth. Christ himself gives us a parable – and then defines exactly what it means so there would be no misunderstanding. It’s about people who have the “Word” (Jesus) planted in their hearts and start to walk with God and then “fall away” from walking with God (they later reject Jesus).
The parable of the Sower explains the necessity to “continuously follow Christ”. There are many different groups of people in this parable who heard and accepted the Word of God and it started to grow in their hearts, yet most ended up not following God in the end for various reasons. Only those that held onto the Word and grew in Him produced fruit for God (Matt 13:3-23). And ONLY those that produce fruit for God will enter heaven (Matt 3:8-12). The Scriptures affirm that the Holy Spirit can be resisted by both the believer and the unbeliever Acts 7:51
How did the deception start?
False Doctrines are introduced within the Church and spread like “leaven” (Luke 13:21). Jesus Himself warns us that the deception will arise from within the Church (Matt 16:6). Our own pastors will introduce teachings contrary to our Lord. The apostasy is not from the outside pagan world, but rather the corruption of “Christianity” itself is from within the church. Most Christians go to church, hear what the pastor says, and accept it without questioning it. No wonder false doctrines spread so quickly and easily.
How effective will the deception be?
Jesus gives us a parable to let us know the extent of this problem in Matt 13: “The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.” The unintended “church” will grow out of control so that it even the “birds of the air” lodge in it. Christ has previously defined that the “birds of the air” are “Satan and his demons” (Mark 4:15); Therefore, the “Church” will be changed to such an extent that demons themselves will feel comfortable enough with it that they will live within the Church and make it their home. Keep in mind that Christ Himself provided the interpretation to us and even adds that "If it were possible, the very elect would be deceived" (Matt 24:24).
The Apostle Paul also makes it crystal clear and does not mix words as he states that the source of the false doctrines will come from “seducing spirits or demons” (1 Tim 4:1). Therefore, the doctrines originate with evil spirits and are spread through the church through the pastors. The false teachings are then readily accepted by the congregation because they no longer study God’s word themselves but accept whatever the pastor says.
The Only way to build a relationship with Jesus is to study His Word:
God tells us “My people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). We MUST … I can’t emphasize that enough … We MUST study God’s word for ourselves. We cannot listen to pastors and blindly follow that they say. If we do not study, it for ourselves then we lack knowledge and will be deceived to turn away from God.
The principle we are to follow is for us to "Prove all things by the Word of God” (1 Thess 5:21). That includes all ministers, teaching, preaching, doctrines, sermons, writings, opinions, and practices. Examine all by the light of the Bible. Any teaching that is not 100% supported by the Scriptures you are to reject wholly.
The real problem in trying to read and understand God’s Word is that mankind has created more than 450 different English translations which have thousands of differences between themselves. So which version should you be studying if they are all saying different things?
How much easier would it be to study God’s Word if an English New Testament translation existed which took each of the original Koine Greek words and applied the original meaning along with the original parsing assigned to each of those words? This is something that even the King James scholars did not do because of the constraints placed on them by King James, their lack of knowledge of Greek, and their time constraints. The Pure Word is a New Testament reference that does just that! It is the perfect resource that every Christian should have to dive into God’s Word to "Prove all things by the Word of God” (1 Thess 5:21) as a Berean (Acts 17:11).
The Pure Word is a Resource All Christians Must Have!
The Pure Word is a word-by-word translation from the Textus Receptus Koine Greek (the exact same text that the 1611 KJV scribes used) to English and it also incorporated the original Greek Parsings which the King James scholars completely ignored because they didn’t understand them. Don’t get me wrong - The King James Version is an amazing translation, but the scribes didn’t go far enough because they simply couldn’t because of lack of knowledge. At the time of the 1600’s no one understood the majority of the Koine Greek root words used in the New Testament nor did they understand nor use the Greek parsings. It took another 260 YEARS before the Greek words were separated into their root components which was published by Strong in 1890. Without identifying the root words, the meanings they assigned to words in different verses constantly varied and had little to do with the true meaning of the text.
Not only that, but the scribes had no clear idea of what the Greek parsings were that were assigned to over 115,000 of the words (of the 140,745 total words). The purpose of the parsings is to provide text that could not be misinterpreted which then resulted in a crystal-clear message. Since they didn’t use the parsings, the context and meaning of the English words they assigned constantly varied between verses and that gave rise to hundreds of denominations and disagreements which fragmented Christianity we see today. Their own letter to King James clearly states their frustration and their limitations in not knowing the words and their inconsistency in the final English text and they chalk it up to their “creative freedom or liberty”. It wasn’t until 260 years after the King James Version was compiled that the parsings of each of the 115,000 words were clarified and released in 1894 by Dr. Scrivener using upwards of 100 scholars spending decades of work on the task.
The Pure Word has taken each of the 5,624 Koine Greek root words and took the single primary meaning at the time of Christ of each word and directly substituted it into each use of the same root word. In addition, the precise parsings of each of the 115,000 words that were mostly ignored by the KJV scribes and nearly all scholars since, was applied to each word. This process removed all known discrepancies and provided a clarity of meaning that was never before possible.
Every Christian who desires to follow the Lord, should obtain a copy of The Pure Word and use it as an invaluable reference alongside your favorite Bible version to see the original meanings and open your eyes like never before. May our Lord Bless you and lead you into a deeper understanding and relationship with Him.
Revealing the Original Depth of Meaning as
Written by the Apostles Over 1,900 Years Ago!