30 CATHOLIC DEMOCRATS PLEDGE TO PROMOTE ABORTION On the one-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision, pro-abortion Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-CT, penned a “renewed statement of principles” defending the so-called “right” to abortion. About 30 self-professed Catholic Democrats signed the statement, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA. READ |
CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES PUSHING ABORTION? Senate staffers have told CatholicVote that Catholic Relief Services (CRS) recently attempted to mislead senators by falsely telling them African bishops were not opposed to the Biden administration’s push to use an AIDS relief program to promote abortions. Later, CRS claimed the bishops had signed the letter, but didn’t know what they were signing. “Heritage reached out to the bishops, who said they knew exactly what they were signing,” said CatholicVote President Brian Burch. READ |
GARLAND IMPEACHMENT OVER HUNTER? A senior member of the House Judiciary Committee insists that impeachment is “not an empty threat” for Attorney General Merrick Garland, after two whistleblowers alleged that Garland and other Justice Department officials interfered with an IRS investigation of President Joe Biden’s son. “If it comes true what the IRS whistleblower is saying, we are going to start impeachment inquiries on the attorney general,” said House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-CA. READ |
CONSERVATIVE ELECTION VICTORY AT COURT Justices ruled 6-3 Tuesday to reject the “independent state legislature theory,” the idea that legislatures can administer federal elections without review from state courts. The case stems from the North Carolina Supreme Court’s decision in February 2022 to toss a congressional map drawn by the Republican-led legislature after the 2020 census as “an egregious and intentional partisan gerrymander.” READ |
NATION’S REPORT CARD: CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WIN New data show what many people have known all along: in-person learning proves more effective and better for students than e-learning. “On average, public-school students lost historic ground in math (10 points) and reading (6 points)” since before 2020, Fox News reports. Catholic schools, on the other hand, had no decline in scores on either subject. Read to find out why. READ |
MICHIGAN CONSIDERS RADICAL ‘GREEN’ BILL The state of Michigan, home to a large portion of America’s coal-dependent manufacturing industry, is considering a bill that calls for a 100% “carbon-free energy portfolio” by the year 2035. Energy policy expert Jack Spencer warned that the bill “would devastate the Michigan economy and provide no environmental benefits” if enacted. READ |
ARCHDIOCESE SHUTS DOWN PRO-‘TRANS’ TEACHERS Archbishop Alexander Sample has temporarily closed the Department of Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, after school officials revolted against his guidelines on gender ideology. The document recommended that Catholic schools not use false “gender” pronouns for students and keep male students out of girls’ bathrooms. It also called on schools to request that students wear standard boys’ and girls’ uniforms that align with their true sexes. READ | | | | |
EDIFY We are called to evangelize everywhere, including in public life. WATCH |
BABY NAMES Calling all LOOPers! Got a young Bosco or Raffella in your life? How about Avila or Fulton? We're looking for the most unique Catholic baby names trending right now to feature in the LOOP. Whether you're a Gen Z parent or grandparent, we would love to hear how the Communion of Saints is incorporated in your home! Contact us here. EMAIL |
BISHOP STIKA RESIGNS Bishop Richard Stika of the Diocese of Knoxville, Tennessee, has resigned from his 14-year episcopacy following years of controversy and criticism of his handling of clergy sex abuse scandals. In his official letter of resignation, Stika cited health problems as his reason for retirement. The Vatican did not give a reason for Stika’s removal. He is ten years younger than the required retirement age for bishops. READ |
FINDING GOD IN OUR BROKENNESS It can seem hard to find God in the midst of our distracted, chaotic world. However, this feeling is sometimes symptomatic of the brokenness we feel in our own hearts. This personal account shows how we can invite the Lord into our hearts and encounter His healing comfort. READ |
CATHOLIC 101 Should you always receive Holy Communion when you go to Mass? When should you not receive? Fr. Gregory Pine and Fr. Jacob-Bertrand Janczyk have the answers on the Godsplaining Catholic podcast! WATCH |
SAINT OF THE DAY St. Irenaeus is known as the father of systematic theology. He lived during the second century in present-day France, where he worked to teach the truth of Christ’s incarnation in order to combat the gnostic heresy. He wrote the book “Against Heresies,” which continues to have profound theological influence in the Catholic Church. READ |
DAILY PSALM “The Lord remembers his covenant for ever.” (Psalm 105:8) READ |
DAILY READINGS Today's Mass readings. READ |
POP CULTURE Yikes. None of the contestants on Jeopardy! was able to identify this word in the Our Father. SHARE |
Credit: Wikimedia / Aleteia |

The LOOP is a publication of the CatholicVote Education Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization. The LOOP is organized, funded, and published by faithful Catholic laity. We do not claim to speak for any individual bishop or the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
CATHOLICVOTE | PO Box 3310 | Carmel, IN 46082 | (317) 669-6127 |