Friday, June 30, 2023

Biden finally cops to what ‘we all suspected’ about Obama;Maryland professor fired after making female students stand in their bras to examine their breasts;Berkeley Law professor explains how to ‘secretly enact racial discrimination’, says he’ll deny it if caught: video


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How Starboard CEO Ryan Coyne Became One His Generation's Most Impressive Entrepreneurs

Geraldo’s parting political message on final Fox show ‘explains so much’

Maryland professor fired after making female students stand in their bras to examine their breasts

Biden finally cops to what ‘we all suspected’ about Obama

‘Thoughts, Nan?’ SCOTUS cites Pelosi in halting Biden’s student loan handout

Supreme Court delivers another ‘landmark victory’ in favor of Evangelical Christian mail carrier

Anheuser Busch responds after Dylan Mulvaney plays victim, throws them under the bus

Wash. councilman with ‘laundry list of illegal, unethical activities’ FINALLY faces recall, but still has supporters

France burns amid massive riots following country’s ‘George Floyd’ moment, crickets from MSM

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Wisc. senator drops ‘new Democrat slogan’ during debate on sprawling crime: ‘F—k the suburbs’

Relatives of Tom Hanks, Whoopi Goldberg have epic onscreen meltdowns in ‘Claim to Fame’ reality show

Berkeley Law professor explains how to ‘secretly enact racial discrimination’, says he’ll deny it if caught: video

Thank you, President Trump! ‘Supremely bad day for Dems’ as SCOTUS goes on a conservative roll

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Jan. 6 fugitive arrested after ‘running toward’ Barack Obama’s DC home

Here’s 3 million reasons why powerful CEOs are complying with destructive ESG initiatives

Manhattan restaurants terrorized by repeat smash-and-grab burglaries, owners call for more cops

Sotomayor’s dissent against affirmative action ruling so bizarre, even Gorsuch couldn’t let it go

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Ending Affirmative Action will make the economy more efficient

Man tries to rob armed pregnant woman and her husband, who is also armed. Guess who wins?

Think the obsession with lip fillers is strange? Wait until you see what men are lining up to get engorged

Here’s how much the Supreme Court just shaved off the deficit in a single ruling

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