NBC News tries to defend ‘we’re coming for your children’ Pride chant and it’s SO much worse
During New York City’s annual Drag March last Friday, chants of “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children!” could be heard in a viral video, engendering outrage from conservatives and causing NBC News unbelievably to run to the defense of the LGBTQ activists.
The leftist media outlet, in an apparent effort to diffuse the explosive situation, attempted to mollify parents on Tuesday by telling them this is nothing new and that the chant had been used for years at Pride events. Instead of assuaging fears blooming out there that LGBTQ radicals are doing exactly what they claim to be doing, that statement solidified concerns from parents.
Los Angeles-based NBC News journalist Tyler Kingkade, who tellingly used to be an editor at HuffPost, wrote a piece justifying the obscene display, noting, “To conservative pundits, activists, and lawmakers, the video confirmed the allegations they’ve levied in recent years that the LGBTQ community is ‘grooming’ children.”
Kingkade referred to Brian Griffin, who was the original organizer of the NYC Drag March, stating, “If that’s the worst they heard, it’s only because he wasn’t there this year.”
“Griffin said he chanted obscene things in the past, like ‘Kill, kill, kill, we’re coming to kill the mayor,’ and joked about pubic hair and sex toys during marches. People at the Drag March regularly sing ‘God is a lesbian,'” the NBC News journalist reported, evidently insinuating it was a joke.
Ironically, Kingkade claims he is best known for his “coverage of abusive treatment of young people.” He made a point of stressing that the “‘coming for your children’ chant has been used for years at Pride events, according to longtime march attendees and gay rights activists who said it’s one of many provocative expressions used to regain control of slurs against LGBTQ people.”
Not only did he intimate it was all in fun, but he also tried to lessen the shock of the chant by claiming that it wasn’t the only threatening one during the event.
According to the Gothamist, at last year’s march, transvestites chanted, “Ten percent is not enough: Groom! Groom! Groom!”
Attempting to turn the tables, Kingkade charged that conservatives have stigmatized the “queer community” for a long time by associating those who defend drag performances in front of children and “classroom discussions of gender identity with pedophiles.”
He asserted that by claiming that those who defend sexual displays and sexual conversations with children are “groomers,” conservatives are trying to “paint the community as a threat to the country’s youths.”
Kingkade’s argument and justifications fell flat and did not have the desired effect.
The president of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, tweeted, “DEMONIC: @NBCNews defends targeting of children by extremists.”
The DeSantis campaign made an astute observation: “According to the media, the chant isn’t the problem. You are the problem, because you noticed it and objected.”
“‘We’re coming for your children’ is a threat, and you do not get to pretend otherwise when people treat it as such,” Mark Hemingway of RealClearInvestigations tweeted.
The Heritage Foundation pointed out, “It just confirms conservatives have been spot on about how perverse the #Pride movement is for a very long time.”
Conservative commentator Ian Miles Cheong was very blunt, “Oh, so it’s okay then? They chant about how they’re ‘coming for your children’ and promote the sexualization of kids and have been doing so for years so that apparently (according to NBC News) makes it normal and acceptable because America as a society has become tolerant and apathetic to degeneracy. Welcome to the last days of empire.”
Brittany Hughes, who is the managing editor of Media Research Center TV, snarked, “We’ve always been coming for your children, why are you surprised?'”
Nationally syndicated radio host and co-founder of Blaze Media, Glenn Beck, also contended that regardless of the activists’ intentions, it’s bad optics. He used the analogy of conservatives taking to the streets and chanting, “Hey, we’re here, and we really are Nazis,” as a means of regaining control of slurs used against them. It’s just as ludicrous.
(Video Credit: Glenn Beck)
Except “nobody would do that as a joke; nobody would do that to taunt the media because that’s horrible — we are not Nazis,” Beck remarked. “So why would they say ‘we’re coming for your children’ when half the country thinks you are coming for our children? That’s the worst strategy of all time.”
According to Not The Bee, “The phrase was first made popular by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir, which our fearless leader Adam Ford had a hand in exposing.”
(Video Credit: Not the Bee)
NBC got a lot of exposure for the defense of the threat… and not the good kind:
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