Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Young Earth—It’s Not the Issue!

A Young Earth—It’s Not the Issue!

by Ken Ham

Time and time again I have found that in both Christian and secular worlds, those of us who are involved in the creation movement are characterized as “young Earthers.” The supposed battle-line is thus drawn between the “old Earthers” (this group consists of anti-God evolutionists as well as many “conservative” Christians) who appeal to what they call “science,” versus the “young Earthers,” who are said to be ignoring the overwhelming supposed “scientific” evidence for an old Earth.
I want to make it VERY clear that we don’t want to be known primarily as “young-Earth creationists.” AiG’s main thrust is NOT “young Earth” as such; our emphasis is on Biblical authority. Believing in a relatively “young Earth” (i.e., only a few thousands of years old, which we accept) is a consequence of accepting the authority of the Word of God as an infallible revelation from our omniscient Creator.
Recently, one of our associates sat down with a highly respected world-class Hebrew scholar and asked him this question: “If you started with the Bible alone, without considering any outside influences whatsoever, could you ever come up with millions or billions of years of history for the Earth and universe?” The answer from this scholar? “Absolutely not!”
Let’s be honest. Take out your Bible and look through it. You can’t find any hint at all for millions or billions of years.
For those of you who have kept up with our lectures and our articles in Answers magazine, you will have heard or read quotes from many well-known and respected Christian leaders admitting that if you take Genesis in a straight-forward way, it clearly teaches six ordinary days of Creation. However, the reason they don’t believe God created in six literal days is because they are convinced from so-called “science” that the world is billions of years old. In other words, they are admitting that they start outside the Bible to (re)interpret the Words of Scripture.
When someone says to me, “Oh, so you’re one of those fundamentalist, young-Earth creationists,” I reply, “Actually, I’m a revelationist, no-death-before-Adam redemptionist!” (which means I’m a young-Earth creationist!).
Here’s what I mean by this: I understand that the Bible is a revelation from our infinite Creator, and it is self-authenticating and self-attesting. I must interpret Scripture with Scripture, not impose ideas from the outside! When I take the plain words of the Bible, it is obvious there was no death, bloodshed, disease or suffering of humans or animals before sin. God instituted death and bloodshed because of sin—this is foundational to the Gospel. Therefore, one cannot allow a fossil record of millions of years of death, bloodshed, disease and suffering before sin (which is why the fossil record makes much more sense as the graveyard of the flood of Noah’s day).
Also, the word for “day” in the context of Genesis can only mean an ordinary day for each of the six days of Creation [see Get Answers: Genesis for more information].
Thus, as a “revelationist,” I let God’s Word speak to me, with the words having meaning according to the context of the language they were written in. Once I accept the plain words of Scripture in context, the fact of ordinary days, no death before sin, the Bible’s genealogies, etc., all make it clear that I cannot accept millions or billions of years of history. Therefore, I would conclude there must be something wrong with man’s ideas about the age of the universe.
And the fact is, every single dating method (outside of Scripture) is based on fallible assumptions. There are literally hundreds of dating tools. However, whatever dating method one uses, assumptions must be made about the past. Not one dating method man devises is absolute! Even though 90% of all dating methods give dates far younger than evolutionists require, none of these can be used in an absolute sense either. [See Get Answers: Radiometric Dating and Get Answers: Young Age Evidence for more information.]
Question: Why would any Christian want to take man’s fallible dating methods and use them to impose an idea on the infallible Word of God? Christians who accept billions of years are in essence saying that man’s word is infallible, but God’s Word is fallible!
This is the crux of the issue. When Christians have agreed with the world that they can accept man’s fallible dating methods to interpret God’s Word, they have agreed with the world that the Bible can’t be trusted. They have essentially sent out the message that man, by himself, independent of revelation, can determine truth and impose this on God’s Word. Once this “door” has been opened regarding Genesis, ultimately it can happen with the rest of the Bible.
You see, if Christian leaders have told the next generation that one can accept the world’s teachings in geology, biology, astronomy, etc., and use these to (re)interpret God’s Word, then the door has been opened for this to happen in every area, including morality.
Yes, one can be a conservative Christian and preach authoritatively from God’s Word from Genesis 12 onwards. But once you have told people to accept man’s dating methods, and thus should not take the first chapters of Genesis as they are written, you have effectively undermined the Bible’s authority! This attitude is destroying the church in America.
So, the issue is not “young Earth” versus “old Earth,” but this: Can fallible, sinful man be in authority over the Word of God?
A “young-Earth” view admittedly receives the scoffing from a majority of the scientists. But Paul warned us in 1 Corinthians 8:2 (KJV), “And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.” Compared to what God knows, we know “next door to nothing!” This is why we should be so careful to let God speak to us through His Word, and not try to impose our ideas on God’s Word.
It’s also interesting to note that this verse is found in the same passage where Paul warns that “knowledge puffeth up.” Academic pride is found throughout our culture. Therefore, many Christian leaders would rather believe the world’s fallible academics, than the simple clear words of the Bible.
At Answers in Genesis, we believe this message needs to be proclaimed to the Church as a challenge to return to Biblical authority, and thus stand tall in the world for the accuracy of God’s Word. Ultimately, this is the only way we are going to reach the world with the truth of the Gospel message.
Let’s start the year by putting more and more pressure on our Christian leaders to take a long, hard look at how they are approaching the question of the authority of the Bible! Please help us fulfill our mission statement: to bring about reformation in the Church!
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How Do We Know There Is a God?


How Do We Know There Is a God?

The Bible describes God as eternal (Psalm 90:2; 1 Timothy 1:17), all-powerful (Jeremiah 32:17; Colossians 1:17), infinite in understanding (Psalm 147:5; Isaiah 40:28), perfectly holy like no other (Exodus 15:11; 1 Samuel 2:2), the only God (Psalm 86:8–10), incapable of lying (Titus 1:2), Creator of the whole universe (Genesis 1:1; John 1:3), and Savior (Titus 2:13)—just to name a few attributes. How do we know such a God exists?

“Prove to Me There Is a God”

The skeptic’s condemning cry often comes as, “Prove to me there is a God.” Usually the agnostic or atheist expects physical or scientific evidence for the existence of God, but when the Bible believer cannot point to a living being and say, “There is God,” the skeptic thinks he has won.
What people often do not realize is that even if God appeared on the earth (which He has, in the person of Jesus Christ), we did not exist in eternity past and do not know the future, so we cannot prove by any human standard that He is eternal. Our understanding is limited, so we cannot prove that God knows all. And our limited perspective renders us incapable of proving God’s standard of morality as absolute and true. Not only that, but by our own fallible standards, our “telescopes are short-sighted,” and we cannot determine if He is the only God that exists inside (or outside) the universe. So, even if we could observe and scientifically test God by our own standards of operational science, we would be unable to prove all of His divine, eternal attributes because of our own limited mortality.
So any answer to the question, “How do we know there is a God?” that does not start with God’s own statements regarding Himself is self-refuting, inconsistent, and limited by human frailty because a finite, limited man can never ultimately prove the existence of an eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing God. Only an eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing being could prove the existence of the God described in the Bible.

Confirming Evidences of Faith

A critic will readily cry foul and declare, “But you are saying that only God can prove God!” It is true that only God can tell us He has always existed in the past and that He knows everything. Even if we could physically see God (Exodus 24:11), at some point we have to believe He is exactly who He claims to be in His Word, including His unlimited power and infinite knowledge. But this does not mean our faith is blind and cannot be confirmed in some way. It also does not mean that faith in the Bible contradicts operational science. God has given us confirming evidences so that our faith is not a blind faith but rational faith. When we start from the Bible, we can see evidences that powerfully confirm what God has already said. We don’t believe God exists and is true only because He says so.
Unfortunately, skeptics seldom take time to confirm the detailed fulfilled prophecies of the Bible. Given our inability to prove the eternal God by our own human standard, ignoring these is a serious error indeed. For example, God Himself identifies accurate foretelling of the future to be what separates Him from all false ideas of God (Isaiah 41:21–23, 44:6–8, 45:1–6, and 46:8–11).
Also, Acts 1:3 says the post-Resurrection appearances of Jesus—to as many as 500 people at a time—are “many infallible proofs” that Jesus was exactly who He claimed to be: the Son of God. Matthew, Mark, John, Paul, and Peter all wrote that they saw Jesus risen from the dead. Many people believe the written testimony concerning the events surrounding the American Revolutionary War without a single photo or video, yet they fail to believe the written testimony of the 40 authors whose works we collectively call “the Bible.”
Scripture makes it clear that God’s eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen in the creation of the world around us (Romans 1:20; Psalm 19:1; 97:6; Job 12:7–10). God is saying that the design and complexity of nature makes it obvious that He exists. But hard hearts often refuse to accept any evidence that the Bible is true, for it makes them accountable to a Creator God.
While we may not be able to scientifically prove the eternal, almighty God exists, we can see how the Bible is consistent with operational science. With the account of the Flood, we would expect to find billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth, which is exactly what we do find! We also see the universe is logical and orderly, and our Creator, as described in the Bible, is the God of order and logic. Ultimately, love, reason, knowledge, logic, and morality are all impossible to explain in a purely materialistic universe that exists by chance.
Over and over again the statements in the Bible can be confirmed as true (especially prophecies that only God could have known) and consistent with science, showing it can be trusted on all accounts, including the existence of God. Biblical faith in God is rational, not blind.

Without Excuse

Therefore none of us have any excuses for rejecting the knowledge of God. But if that is not enough, we know from Scripture that everyone, including atheists, ultimately knows there is a God (Romans 1:19; 2:14–15), so we are literally “without excuse” (Romans 1:20). But the statement, “Prove to me there is a God,” continues to be the rallying cry no matter what argument or confirming evidences of God’s Word are given. However, God did show up on the earth at one time in the person of Jesus Christ, but the skeptics crucified Him (1 Corinthians 2:8). He rose from the dead, but they tried to cover it up (Matthew 28:12–15). He performed amazing miracles, but unbelievers tried to destroy the evidence (John 12:10–11). The same continues today (Ecclesiastes 1:9–11).
In the end, as the atheist or agnostic rejects the truth in unrighteousness as though he has deaf ears, he will deny the clear evidence for God and eventually invent “rescuing devices” (Romans 1:18–21)—like the idea that aliens planted our DNA on earth. No matter what argument or proof for God is given, this is how the atheist will continue to deny the truth. Unless he repents of his unbelief and sin, the atheist will refuse (2 Peter 3:5) to accept the eternal God’s eyewitness testimony concerning Himself and His creative work in the Word of God.


Are you still waiting for someone to prove to you there is a God? We encourage you to go back and read the verses in this article, in which God has already revealed Himself to you in writing before you were born, and also consider the many confirming evidences. Through the truth of God’s Word, only Jesus Christ can save the blinded and unrepentant skeptic who refuses to accept the Bible, which holds him accountable to God as a sinner in need of salvation. We praise and thank God for His free gift of salvation through His Son and urge unbelievers to submit to their Creator and Savior.

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Will Lunar Eclipses Cause Four Blood Moons in 2014 and 2015?

        Will Lunar Eclipses Cause Four Blood Moons in 2014 and 2015?

by Dr. Danny R. Faulkner

Mark Biltz is the founder of El Shaddai Ministries, a Hebrew roots resource and teaching ministry located near Tacoma, Washington. Recently Biltz has attracted attention in presentations and YouTube videos about end-time prophecy and the Lord’s return. He discusses the significance of four total lunar eclipses that will fall on the dates of Passover and Sukkot in 2014 and 2015. The Crucifixion of Jesus was at the time of Passover, and Biltz believes that the Second Coming of Christ must happen at Sukkot, so he argues that this relatively unusual event of four lunar eclipses on these four dates has great significance. He also mentions two solar eclipses in 2015 having prophetic implications. Because total lunar eclipses often appear red, people sometimes call a totally eclipsed moon a “blood moon.” Therefore, Biltz suggests that these eclipses are a fulfillment of the prophecy in Joel 2:31 of the sun being darkened and the moon turning to blood and suggests that they may presage the Lord’s return. Others, such as John Hagee, have begun speaking about this as well. Let us examine some of these claims.

Why do total lunar eclipses often appear red?

A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth’s shadow (the umbra) falls on the moon. If the earth’s shadow completely covers the moon, it is a total eclipse. But a partial lunar eclipse happens if the earth’s umbra only partially covers the moon. Because the earth has an atmosphere that bends light around its edge, the earth’s umbra is not completely dark. So, the totally eclipsed moon will reflect the color of the light contained in the earth’s shadow. The earth’s atmosphere scatters out shorter-wavelength light (green through violet) leaving mostly longer-wavelength light (red, orange, and yellow) in the earth’s umbra. This is why sunsets and sunrises generally are red, and why most lunar eclipses are red.

However, a wide range of color and brightness can be found in lunar eclipses. This is based on atmospheric conditions at the time including dust and humidity levels. While the color of some total lunar eclipses could be compared to blood, others are more orange, similar to a pumpkin. Still other eclipses look yellow, and some are very dark—virtually black. One of the most unusual total lunar eclipses was the very long one on July 6, 1982. Half of the earth’s umbra was as dark as coal, but the other half was rather bright and had a peach-like color. No one alive could remember such an unusual-looking lunar eclipse, nor were there any similar reports of past eclipses. In short, most lunar eclipses don’t appear blood-like, so it is a bit presumptuous to assume that any particular future eclipse—or, in this case, four eclipses—must of necessity be “blood moons.”

How unusual are total lunar eclipses?

Total lunar eclipses aren’t that unusual; there will be 85 total lunar eclipses in the twenty-first century. The greatest length of time between two consecutive total lunar eclipses is only three years. In between these “droughts” will be occurrences of three or even four total lunar eclipses, each separated by about six months. A little more than half the earth’s surface can witness at least a portion of a particular eclipse. So, from any given location, total lunar eclipses aren’t quite as common as these statistics might suggest.

But what about the coincidence of the four eclipses of 2014–2015 with Passover and Sukkot?

This, too, is not quite as remarkable as has been claimed. Since a lunar eclipse occurs when the shadow of the earth is cast upon the moon, a lunar eclipse can happen only when the earth is between the sun and the moon. This happens once each month when the moon’s phase is full (fully illuminated as viewed from the earth). But there is not a lunar eclipse at full moon each month, so there must be more to it.
The moon’s orbit around the earth is tilted a little more than five degrees with respect to the plane of the earth’s orbit around the sun (known as the ecliptic). So normally a full moon is above or below the earth’s umbra, and no eclipse occurs. Each month the moon’s orbit crosses the plane of the earth’s orbit around the sun in two places, points that we call the lunar nodes. If a full moon occurs when the moon is near a node, then there is a lunar eclipse. (Conversely, a new moon at this time results in a solar eclipse.)

There are two times per year when the nodes are roughly aligned with a full moon. These eclipse seasons are little more than a month long, and they are separated by a little less than six months. The moon’s orbit precesses in an 18.6-year period, so the eclipse seasons shift about 20 days earlier each year. The result is that the possibility of lunar eclipses happening around the times of Passover and Sukkot (which are six months apart) repeats roughly half of this 18.6-year period. For instance, in 1995–1996, there were four lunar eclipses (not all were total)—two that fell on Passover and the other two within a day of Sukkot.1 I set up a telescope for public viewing during the total lunar eclipse in September 1996 and mentioned to the people who showed up Joel’s prophecy and the timing of the eclipse with Sukkot.

But isn’t it unusual to have a lunar eclipse on the same day as Passover or Sukkot?

No, it’s really not that unusual. Remember, a lunar eclipse happens only at full moon. We don’t follow a strictly lunar calendar today, but most ancient people, including the Hebrews, did. Their months began with the first appearance of the crescent of the new moon, which is a day or so after our modern definition of a new moon (when the moon and sun are in longitudinal conjunction). Reckoning from this point, fourteen days later, or the fifteenth of the month, always coincides with full moon.2
The civil year began near the autumnal equinox on the first day of the first month, and Jews today still celebrate Rosh Hashanah (New Year) then. However, at Sinai God established that the ceremonial year would begin in the spring, six months earlier. The festivals that the Hebrews were to observe on this ceremonial calendar are recorded in Leviticus 23. Passover is the fifteenth day of the first month and Sukkot begins on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, six months after Passover. Thus, Passover and Sukkot are always at full moon and always six months apart.
There are roughly 29.5 days in a lunar month and thus 354 days in 12 lunar months. This contrasts with about 365 days in a solar year, so some adjustments must be made to keep solar and lunar calendars synchronized. The easiest adjustments are to alternate between 29 and 30 days per month and to add an additional, intercalary month about every three years. Eventually the Hebrews adopted the Metonic cycle, a method of adding intercalary months appropriately in a 19-year cycle, but it is doubtful that they adopted this immediately.3 The first of each month initially may have been observationally determined, but eventually, as today, a formula determined when the first of each month occurred, and that algorithm nearly always matches what one would normally observe as the beginning of the month.
A lunar eclipse must happen exactly at full moon. On a lunar calendar the fifteenth of the month falls on or within a day of exact full moon, so any lunar eclipse must be on or within a day of the fifteenth of the month. Hence, any lunar eclipse that happens near the equinoxes must fall on or within a day of Passover (spring) or Sukkot (autumn). Therefore the coincidence of these festivals with lunar eclipses is not as rare as Biltz implies.

Illustrating the Recent Coincidences of Lunar Eclipses with Passover and Sukkot

Fires in the SkyWe are excited to announce a new program in our Stargazers Planetarium at the Creation Museum. Fires in the Sky: The Sun Grazing Comets comes just a few months before the sun grazing Comet ISON makes it's pass around the sun later this year.
To illustrate the frequency of the coincidence of lunar eclipses with Passover and Sukkot, consider the 230 lunar eclipses of all types (total, partial, and penumbral) during the twentieth century (1901–2000). Table I lists the 37 lunar eclipses in the twentieth century that coincided with Passover or Sukkot (Passover always is in March or April, and Sukkot always is in September or October). Many of the dates of lunar eclipses exactly match the dates of the Passover or Sukkot. Others are off by one day, and a few are off by two days.
There are at least five reasons why these eclipses don’t exactly match the dates of the holidays. First, the algorithm for determining the beginning of the Hebrew months results in the first of each month falling one or two days after astronomical new moon. This difference of a day or two causes the fifteenth day of each month to vary by a day or so from astronomical full moon, which is when a lunar eclipse must occur. Second, the moon doesn’t move in its orbit at a uniform rate, so the time between new and full phases varies slightly. Third, the date of each eclipse is listed for the Universal Time (UT, which for our purposes can be treated as the same as Greenwich Mean Time [GMT]) of mid-eclipse. This means that many of the eclipses span two days in UT.
Fourth, since lunar eclipses are seen at night and we change our calendar day at midnight, lunar eclipses must span two days as reckoned locally anyway. Fifth, there is a little ambiguity as to the date of Passover and Sukkot. In our modern convention we begin our days at midnight, but in Hebrew reckoning the day begins at sunset. On most calendars the dates of Passover and Sukkot are listed as the conventional date on which the sunset would commence the respective observances. For instance, in 2013 we said the Passover began on the evening of March 25, but in Israel it began on March 26, for there it already was March 26 at sunset. The dates in Table I were listed according to the modern convention, not the dates in the Hebrew reckoning.
With these caveats, we can say that all 37 of these lunar eclipses coincided with Passover or Sukkot. This is about one-sixth (37/230) of the twentieth-century lunar eclipses, which is what we would expect because Passover and Sukkot happen in two of the 12 months. The relatively high frequency is a result of definition of the fifteenth day of the month on a lunar calendar. Therefore, again, the coincidence of lunar eclipses with these two observances is more common than Biltz realizes.

From what vantage point must one view these eclipses?

There also is a question of from what portion of the earth one ought to view these eclipses for them to constitute a sign. One might think that Jerusalem would be a key site, but the first three total lunar eclipses in 2014–2015 won’t be visible from there, and only the beginning of the final eclipse will be. One must ask whether a sign that few people notice is much of a sign.

What about the two solar eclipses in 2015?

Biltz claims that the two solar eclipses in 2015 may be a fulfillment of the prophecy of the darkening of the sun. In one of the videos Biltz states that the first eclipse (March 20, 2015) is on the first day of the ceremonial year, attaching great significance to this fact. While this is technically incorrect since the eclipse is on the last day of the previous month and year, this discrepancy can be explained similarly as discussed above for lunar eclipses.
As with the coincidence of lunar eclipses with Passover and Sukkot, the coincidence of solar eclipses with the beginning of the Hebrew ceremonial year is more common than Biltz realizes since both must happen at new moon. The ceremonial year begins close to the vernal equinox, so when a solar eclipse occurs near the vernal equinox, the solar eclipse must fall on or within a day of the first day of the ceremonial year. Table II lists the 19 of the 228 solar eclipses in the twentieth century that match the beginning of the Hebrew ceremonial year. Some of the caveats on the dates previously discussed apply here as well. The ratio of 19 to 228 is exactly one-twelfth, which is what we would expect since by definition any solar eclipse near the vernal equinox must coincide with the Hebrew ceremonial New Year.

Who will witness the two solar eclipses in 2015?

The first eclipse (March 20, 2015) is total. Having personally experienced one total solar eclipse, I can testify that a total solar eclipse is stunning and awe-inspiring. Therefore a total solar eclipse could be interpreted as a great sign to those who witness it. But how many people will witness this particular eclipse? The eclipse path is in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. The only landfalls that the eclipse path will make are the Faroe Islands and Svalbard. The population of the former is 50,000 and the latter less than 3,000. The eclipse is of short duration, and the weather can be overcast much of the time at that latitude. There is a good chance that few people, if any, will actually see this eclipse.
The second solar eclipse (September 13, 2015) is partial and falls on Rosh Hashanah. Though many people have experienced a partial solar eclipse, most of them had no idea that anything was going on. This is because unless a partial eclipse is very close to being total, the sun is not appreciably dimmed. Not actually witnessing these events but instead just knowing that somewhere some sort of solar eclipses are happening seems to fall far short of being specific and spectacular signs of end times.


Mark Biltz has an engaging style, and judging by the response of those in attendance in the videos, he makes a very persuasive case for his audiences. However, most of those in attendance probably know little, if anything, about the circumstances and appearance of lunar and solar eclipses, so they are easily impressed. Biltz makes two key observations. First, he notes the coincidence of these eclipses with major Jewish festivals. Second, he points out that these four eclipses are in a row (a tetrad). Admittedly, bringing together such factors is rare, though not unique, but there is no suggestion that these eclipses will be otherwise exceptional. The biblical passages that refer to the dimming of the sun (Matthew 24:29; Joel 2:31) and the moon turning to blood (Joel 2:31) speak in very apocalyptic terms, emphasizing frightening things that men experience. The timing of the eclipses that Biltz draws attention to, while interesting, falls far short of the sort of signs that will cause the heavens to shake (Matthew 24:29).

Date of Lunar Eclipse
Type of Lunar EclipseDate of Jewish Holiday
April 22, 1902TotalApril 21
October 17, 1902TotalOctober 15
April 12, 1903PartialApril 11
October 6, 1903PartialOctober 5
March 31, 1904PenumbralMarch 30
September 24, 1904PenumbralSeptember 23
April 1, 1912PartialApril 1
September 26, 1912PartialSeptember 25
April 22, 1921TotalApril 22
October 16, 1921PartialOctober 16
April 11, 1922PenumbralApril 12
October 6, 1922PenumbralOctober 6
April 13, 1930PartialApril 12
October 7, 1930PartialOctober 6
April 2, 1931TotalApril 1
September 26, 1931TotalSeptember 25
April 22, 1940PenumbralApril 22
October 16, 1940PenumbralOctober 16
April 13, 1949TotalApril 13
October 7, 1949TotalOctober 7
April 2, 1950TotalApril 1
September 26, 1950TotalSeptember 25
April 4, 1958PenumbralApril 4
April 13, 1968TotalApril 12
October 6, 1968TotalOctober 6
April 2, 1969PenumbralApril 2
September 25, 1969PenumbralSeptember 26
April 4, 1977PartialApril 2
September 27, 1977PenumbralSeptember 26
April 24, 1986TotalApril 23
October 17, 1986TotalOctober 17
April 14, 1987PenumbralApril 13
October 7, 1987PenumbralOctober 7
April 15, 1995PartialApril 14
October 8, 1995PenumbralOctober 8
April 4, 1996TotalApril 3
September 27, 1996TotalSeptember 27

Date of Solar Eclipse
Type of Solar EclipseFirst Day of Ceremonial Year
April 8, 1902PartialApril 7
March 29, 1903AnnularMarch 28
March 16, 1904AnnularMarch 16
April 6, 1913PartialApril 7
April 8, 1921AnnularApril 8
March 28, 1922AnnularMarch 29
March 17, 1923AnnularMarch 17
April 7, 1940AnnularApril 8
March 27, 1941AnnularMarch 28
March 16, 1942PartialMarch 18
March 18, 1950AnnularMarch 18
April 8, 1959TotalApril 8
March 27, 1960PartialMarch 28
March 28, 1968PartialMarch 29
March 18, 1969AnnularMarch 19
April 7, 1978PartialApril 7
April 9, 1986PartialApril 9
March 29, 1987Annular/TotalMarch 30
March 18, 1988TotalMarch 18
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  1. I.e., April 15, 1995; October 8, 1995; April 4, 1996; and September 27, 1996. Back
  2. While we can precisely define the instant of full moon today, observationally the moon appears full for two to three days. Back
  3. There is some suggestion that the Metonic cycle was adopted during the Babylonian captivity at the earliest. Back

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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Discoveries Buried in the Siberian Permafrost

The Expansion Of Islam In Europe

The Expansion Of Islam In Europe
March 07, 2014 | Tom Olago
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There is growing concern about the increasing recruitment and participation of Europeans in the war in Syria, with counter-terrorism officials intensifying their warnings about the negative security implications surrounding “the return of hundreds—possibly thousands—of battle-hardened jihadists to towns and cities across the (European) continent.” Also of concern is the apparent increase in the recruitment of increasing numbers of Europeans by Muslim extremists in Jihadist groups worldwide.
A report compiled by Soeren Kern of the Gatestone Institute for examines related incident and how they have impacted many European nations.  Those reviewed in Soeren’s report are France, England, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Spain and Switzerland. 
These countries have all reported that many of their own citizens have enlisted to fight in Syria. Just from known statistics, over 1,100 Europeans from these countries have gone to fight in the Syria war, and some have been killed in the process.
This trend has reportedly increased steadily since May 2013. Based on statistics in January 2014 alone, a sharp, alarming rise has been noted all over Europe.  European citizens suspected of seeking to become jihadists in Syria have been arrested and are facing due legal process, based on the specifics of each case and their country laws. 
Authorities seem to be focusing on whether these jihadist recruits are acting on their own or had help from an organized network or specific individuals. A perpetual concern is that the extremists could also provoke a backlash of increased intolerance and suspicion towards moderate and law abiding Muslims throughout Europe as well.
These developments appear to be clearly facilitated by the large immigrant populations from Arabic countries and Islamic nations, some of whom allow dual citizenship and hence retain closer cultural and religious ties with their original countries of citizenship.  
Hence the overall demographic is an ideal and, highly favorable fishing ground for jihadist recruiters especially in sections of Europe which are highly populated and less affluent. The youth from such areas are easily radicalized. Soeren points to an example from France, where car burnings are increasingly commonplace in all French cities and are often attributed to shiftless young Muslims who reside in suburban slums, known as banlieues.
And the push for a wider acceptance of predominantly Muslim immigrants from Arabic nations to Europe can be illustrated from a current Spanish example. Soeren Kern recently reported for the
“Muslim groups are demanding Spanish citizenship for potentially millions of descendants of Muslims who were expelled from Spain during the Middle Ages. The growing clamor for "historical justice" comes after the recent approval of a law that would grant Spanish citizenship to descendants of Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain in 1492. 
Muslim supporters say they are entitled to the same rights and privileges as Jews because both groups were expelled from Spain under similar historical circumstances. But historians point out that the Jewish presence in Spain predates the arrival of Christianity in the country and that their expulsion was a matter of bigotry. By contrast, the Muslims in Spain were colonial occupiers who called the territory Al-Andalus and imposed Arabic as the official language. Historians say their expulsion was a matter of decolonization…”
Soeren concludes: “Spain is unlikely to concede to these demands anytime soon. While few deny there are potentially millions of descendants of Moriscos living in North Africa today, the challenge lies in reconstructing reliable genealogies to determine legitimate heirs… But even if such genealogies could be compiled, calls to naturalize the descendants of expelled Muslims are sure to be opposed for another reason: the fact that the expulsion of the Muslims was part of a war to end the occupation of Spain by North African invaders.”
Separately in Europe, Italy and Malta experienced Muslim immigration surges in 2013 with most of the migrants coming from Syria (11,300), Eritrea (9,800) and Somalia (3,200). Most were accepted on grounds of political asylum and refugee status.  In Italy, the Moroccan community forms a major immigration bloc: they are the largest non-European immigrant community in the country, second only to the one from Romania.  
A new study examining them reveals that of the 513,000 Moroccans residing in Italy, 300,000 are employable but only 151,000 are actively employed, which is about 50%. These statistics raise the question of how loyal and trustworthy the 50% not seeking to be productive to their adopted country actually are. Being idle and available, temptations to convert into religious radicalism or to engage in crime in general, are likely to be high.
Which is exactly what appears to have resulted lately in Norway: increasing deportations of immigrants not felt to “fit the mold”. The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) on January 26 said a record number of immigrants were deported from Norway in 2013, when the country's police began stepping up the use of deportation as a way to fight spiraling crime. 
Some 5,198 foreign citizens were expelled from the country in 2013, an increase of 31% over 2012, when 3,958 people were deported. Afghans topped the list of those expelled (516), followed by Romanians (499), Nigerians (373), Iraqis (310), Albanians (187), Iranians (160), Somalis (159), Pakistanis (144), Moroccans (120), Algerians (81) and Turks (67). The majority of the countries that deportees originated from happen to be predominantly Islamic.
Besides immigration, another factor that seems to facilitate rapid Islamic growth and influence throughout Europe is intermarriage between Muslims and non- Muslims. reported that the largest-selling daily newspaper, Irish Independent, published a feature story about Muslim women in the country, where Islam is the fastest-growing religion. 
Although much of this growth is due to immigration, at least 500 Irish people convert to Islam every year. Most conversions reportedly take place so that Irish women can marry Muslim men. This outcome also enhances business opportunities within the Irish-Muslim demographic.
Also of concern is that many of the cases reported and reviewed in Soeren’s report point to controversy and tensions arising from areas of conflict between Islamic laws and country laws. Recent examples include the controversial burqa (full-face Islamic veil) ban in France, and claims of “Islamophobia” by aggrieved Muslims.  
In Britain, the recurring friction points seem to revolve around the resistance by local non-Muslims to the prevalence and locations of mosques, especially when close to residential areas. In other countries, such as Norway, disputes around diet have also been noted, where Muslim sensitivities to ‘halal’ (Sharia approved) diets were seemingly overlooked in a shared public catering facility.  
Failure to satisfactorily resolve these diverse incident types could over time could escalate into local and national jostling for political domination based on religious differences, or even localized religious civil wars in extreme cases.
Another worrying trend all over Europe seems to be the tender ages of some of the recruits for jihadism: for example a growing number of teenagers and minors, both boys and girls, are continually being enticed to join jihadists fighting in Syria and other places. 
One reason for this would seem to be their strict Muslim upbringing which in itself would not be an issue, however the danger is that such children are then consequently more easily predisposed towards indoctrination by the more radical and jihadist Islamic activists, as opposed to the more moderate and conservative Muslims. 
The effectiveness of upbringing in molding children’s education and social integrations is exemplified well from a Spanish example. An extract from Soeren Kern’s report states: “…An exposé that aired by Catalan Television 3 on January 21 reported that hundreds of Muslim children born in Spain are being sent by their parents to attend madrasas (Koran schools) in Africa to learn Arabic and to study the Koran. 
Children between the ages of 7 and 17 are often sent away for periods of up to five years. TV3 visited six madrasas in the Gambian cities of Banjul and Serrekunda where more than 120 Spanish boys and girls were found to be studying the Koran by rote for more than 10 hours a day. 
Experts interviewed by TV3 say the phenomenon has increased in recent years. They said they believe Spanish children should be attending school in Spain, and that lengthy stays in Africa represent a detrimental break in learning. They also say such children have difficult time integrating into Spanish society upon their return to Spain.”
The biggest fear though appears to be that radicalized European citizens are likely to try to mount attacks when they return back to their respective European ‘home’ countries.  And this is irrespective of how they are recruited: whether through recruitment to fight in Syria, or by indoctrination by jihadists and terror groups. European citizens who have been motivated, indoctrinated and trained on how best to engage in terrorist attacks and general warfare are the ideal ‘home-grown’ terrorists. 
Building upon their  western education and being technologically savvy, they could also easily conspire to form terror cells and networks both locally and across Europe and beyond, since their primary interests are in attacking Western ‘infidels’  and their allies/interests.  Both history and current trends and history show that Christians, no matter their location globally have always been a prime and favorite target.
European law enforcement authorities seem to be sensitive to the ever-growing risks from their radicalized citizens and preparing for any eventualities. An example is the quote made by the spokesman for the Swiss intelligence service NDB, Felix Endrich: “Those who return are very dangerous, as well as those who recruit in Switzerland," he said. "We are monitoring the situation."
And well they should. A recent example from the Westgate Mall attack illustrates this well: Samantha Lewthwaite, suspected mastermind of the horrific Westgate attack in Nairobi, Kenya in September of 2013, left in her wake a trail of death and destruction, with about 70 confirmed dead and the Westgate Mall effectively destroyed. The primary suspect was the ideal European terrorist: A radicalized white woman that on the surface did not fit the expected profile of the average terrorist. Highlighting this, the Huffington Post in a recent report stated:
“She is called the most wanted woman in the world, a suspected terrorist charged with plotting to blow up resort hotels in Kenya packed with Christmas tourists, a Westerner who wrote an ode praising Osama bin Laden, a jihadist who has eluded the law even as she has traveled through Africa with four young children in tow…Samantha Lewthwaite’s   saga is one of betrayal and revenge in a murky world where, somehow, a white woman born to a British soldier becomes a Muslim convert and then an international fugitive accused of conspiracy… 
Her notebooks, seized in 2011, are filled with lavish praise for extremists who slaughter civilians and hopes that her children will do the same. And yet, since she disappeared some months after the London bombing, no one can say how the "white widow" became radicalized, moving from mainstream Islam to a "holy war" against the West — or why she would embrace a movement that denies a woman's right to education and other basic liberties…”
Such is the risk that Europe is now increasingly being exposed to from her growing number of radical jihadists. And there is no shortage of ideal and ‘soft’ terror targets throughout Europe.



Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Messiah Prodject

The Messiah Project
For those that may be left behind. The truth is, the reality is, are there plans left for those that do not go through the Rapture? As Christians, Children of Father God, Saved Through the Blood of Christ Jesus, Indwelled by the Healing and Loving and Living Power of The Holy Spirit. Is it not our duty to leave a comfort behind for our Brothers & Sisters whom for what ever reason were not ready when the Trumpet sounded. For it will Surly Sound.
Yet, how can such a thing be accomplished? Would it not have to be secretly done? Would it have to be done on a one on one individual church to church level...Our only real Que is from the Movie trilogy of the left behind Series. Even though "a movie" if you look more closely is there a secret, a right in your face message being told to us. Yes, be prepared, the time is coming. if not already here?
Tell me, what can we as Children of God do to leave those left behind, for when we are gone and the forces of the "anti christ" are released to unleash there evil among the remainder of mankind. When Bibles will be burnt in the streets and churches turned into dance halls if not burnt down by the thousands. what will be left then, for those that will be left behind. is that a part of the Great Commission, Also? You tell me, I want and need to know? 

Should this cross be torn down?

National Council for Freedom and Enterprise
Barack Obama
Should this cross be torn down?
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The Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial in San Diego honors veterans from every American war from the Revolutionary War to Iraq and Afghanistan.

In 1989, the American Civil Liberties Union sued to remove the Cross that stood at the memorial since 1913.

On December 12, 2013, the Southern District Court in California held that the cross endorsed Christianity and must be torn down within 90 days.

The National Council for Freedom and Enterprise wants to know if you agree with the court that this cross should be torn down from the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial.
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