Friday, July 11, 2014

About The Holy Spirit

About The Holy Spirit

I realize that I may have been freaking you out with the last couple of messages, talking about death, dying and Eternal Life . . . but I am learning something very wonderful about my life of faith, and about the Holy Spirit who was given to teach and guide me in the ways of my Father — to share with me the life all of us have been called to enjoy.
In fact, I would say that the Holy Spirit has a very unique characteristic. For instance, He does not like to talk about himself. He never makes himself to be the primary object of our faith.
I have tried very hard to study what has been written about the Holy Spirit. And yes, I confess I have never done particularly well in school. Instead, I am an autodidact, and use my intense love for the things of the Spirit to educate myself. I have dug into entire volumes about the Holy Spirit that have been written by some of the most respected scholars. Some of these books are very deep and hard to understand — books about His nature and personality. And I admit that all of them are very interesting — but not always edifying. The fact is, they can’t be edifying! Why? Because you can only understand what the Spirit Himself reveals and He won’t talk about himself, that’s why!
I have even dug into the meaning of the Holy Spirit’s names — Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor — looking for some insight as to who He is. But I finally realized that we don’t have to understand the person of the Holy Spirit — because he doesn’t want to tell us hidden things about himself. All we need to know is that he is one of the Godhead: eternal, the very Spirit of Yehoveh, sent down to this earth to live in those of us who believe. And his eyes are always on the Father!
The Holy Spirit doesn’t want us to know about Him, but rather His mission, and that mission is to bring us to Jesus and keep us in purity and holiness. He is always at work, making Christ known in our hearts, and His greatest delight in when we seek knowledge about why He has come.
Jesus said, “When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into the full truth. He won’t speak on his own. He will speak what he hears and will tell you about things to come. He will give me glory, because he will tell you what I say (John 16:13-14).
So there you have it. The whole reason we live today is to learn about our Savior . . . and we learn about Him, as we allow the Holy Spirit to do, what He was called to do!
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    BREAKING: Lebanon Rockets Attack Israel "Psalms 83" ?

    Published on Jul 11, 2014

    It appears Hezbollah May be entering into the war with Israel as 2 rockets strike Israel from Lebanon also

    "Sudden Destruction"

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    Earthquakes and volcanic activity are on the rise and will soon affect the security and stability of the whole world—including you! Understand why God uses earthquakes and volcanoes.     28:30  
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    Jesus foretold that, just before His Return, powerful prophecies would slam into an unsuspecting and unprepared world. You can understand what lies ahead!      28:30  
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    Thursday, July 10, 2014

    Whaaaaaat? ISIS Seizes Chemical Weapons "Sarin- Filled Rockets"

    Whaaaaaat? ISIS Seizes Chemical Weapons "Sarin- Filled Rockets"  

    Psalm 83 predicts a climactic, concluding Arab-Israeli war

    An ancient prophecy written over 3000 years ago reveals that the Arab states and terrorist populations, which presently share common borders with Israel, will soon confederate in order to wipe Israel off of the map. These enemies of Israel are depicted on the red arrows upon the book cover image, and their mandate is clear:
      They have said, "Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more." (Psalm 83:4).    Psalm 83 predicts a climactic, concluding Arab-Israeli war that has eluded the discernment of today's top Bible scholars, and yet, the Middle East stage appears to be set for the fulfillment of this prophecy. While many of today's top Bible experts are predicting that Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, and several other countries are going to invade Israel according a prophecy in Ezekiel 38, this timely book explains how Psalm 83 occurs prior. Discover how Israel defeats their ancient Arab enemies, and why Americans need to stand beside Israel in this coming war!

    7-10-14 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News

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    Wednesday, July 9, 2014

    7-9-14 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News

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    Do not receive the Mark

    Things on the international scene are happening so darn fast in Israel that it is so Biblical in nature that it is down right scary. There are innocent life's on both sides being lost. The fight for peace will come but it will be a false peace at a very terrible and costly price. That price being the loss of perhaps billions of human souls.

    The scary thing is that no one will realize this until it is to late. not until the very end will there eyes finally see what there souls had been dead too. For once they had received the mark of there  great and powerful savior, that  great beast of destruction and  deceitful  god. Only then will they see what they have done. For at that moment they had sealed there fate.

    Will it be to late for you? Do not receive the Mark 
                                             Do not receive the Mark 
                                             Do not receive the Mark 
                                             Do not receive the Mark 

    Please, Do not receive the Mark . Love Carl
     The Mark will be either on the right hand or the forehead as demonstrated in these photos pictured. We are not sure however what the actual mark of the beast will look like.

    Thinking of Death

    Thinking of Death

    I bet that title threw you a little, didn’t it? For some reason I have been thinking of death . . . okay, the fact that I have been thinking of my dad, who died back in 2010, might have something to do with it, but I have always had a rather sober view of death. You see, I have often referred to our bodies, the “physical beings,” as our “Earth Suits.” Just like in space, astronauts need “space suits” to survive and in order for us to live in this three-dimensional world of ours, we need to wear these “Earth Suits.”
    These mortal bodies of ours are nothing more than shells that house our “real” self, our spirit — once the spirit leaves, the physical body is no longer needed. Remember I said many times before that we are tri-une beings, just like out Father. Just like him, we are a spirit, but the difference is that we live in physical bodies and possess a soul. This “Earth Suit” is not for us to keep, it is simply a temporary container that enshrouds an ever-growing, ever-maturing life. The body is a shell that acts as a transient guardian of the life inside. The shell is synthetic when you compare it to the eternal life it clothes.
    Every true believer has been infused with eternal life — the Life and Nature of our Father. The Greek word is Zoe, which is the very life and nature of God Himself. His Holy Spirit has been given to fill and move with our individual spirit. It was planted as a seed in our mortal bodies and is constantly maturing. It is within us as an ever-growing, ever-expanding process of development — and it must eventually break out of the shell to become a new form of life. This glorious life of God in us exerts pressure on the shell, and at the very moment resurrection life is mature, the shell breaks. The artificial bounds are broken and, like a newborn baby chick, the soul is freed from its prison. Praise the Lord!
    Oh, I admit that I may be simplifying this, and the whole process is much more complicated. But I truly believe that death is nothing more than the breaking of the fragile shell. At the precise moment our Lord decides our shell has fulfilled its function, God’s people must be wiling to abandon their old, corrupt bodies back to the dust from which it came.
    Maybe you feel I am getting too morbid or something. But that is not the case. As I explained, I began thinking of this when I was remembering my dad suffering from the effects of cancer, but then finally being released from the pain and discomfort, to a new life. This morning, as I prepared a fried egg, I saw the shell being cracked and these thoughts came to me, and yes, normal every-day things will often trigger a spiritual insight — they are supposed to do that.
    After I cracked that egg shell, I never once thought of picking up the fragmented pieces and forcing a newborn chick back into its original state. So if you have lost someone recently, despite the pain of your loss, would you think of asking your departed loved one to give up their new, glorified body — made in Christ’s own image — and return to the decaying shell they broke free of?
    Paul said that “To die is gain!” (Philippians 1:21). I realize that kind of talk is absolutely foreign to our modern, spiritual vocabularies. We seem to worship life and have very little desire or even longing to depart to be with the Lord.
    Paul said, “I find it hard to choose between the two. I would like to leave this life and be with Christ. That’s by far the better choice . . .” (Philippians 1:23). Yet, for the sake of edifying the converts, he thought it would be best to “stay in the shell.” Or, as he put it, “remain in the body.”
    Was Paul being morbid? Did he have an unhealthy fixation on death? Did Paul show a lack of respect for the life God had blessed him with? Absolutely not! Paul lived life to the fullest. To him, life was a gift, and he had used it well to fight a good fight. He had overcome the fear of the “sting of death” and could now say, “It’s better to die and be with the Lord than to stay in the flesh.”
    (I send out messages like this each morning in emails, and if you are interested in receiving them, send me your email address and I will add you to the list)
    I thank you for all of your generous tithes and gifts.
    Just remember that it is through your faithful and continued support
    that make these messages and other aspects of ministry possible.

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      President Obama To Meet Governor Rick Perry In Texas

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      but what do you think? give me your feedback, carl

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