About The Holy Spirit
I realize that I may have been freaking you out with the last couple of messages, talking about death, dying and Eternal Life . . . but I am learning something very wonderful about my life of faith, and about the Holy Spirit who was given to teach and guide me in the ways of my Father — to share with me the life all of us have been called to enjoy.
In fact, I would say that the Holy Spirit has a very unique characteristic. For instance, He does not like to talk about himself. He never makes himself to be the primary object of our faith.
I have tried very hard to study what has been written about the Holy Spirit. And yes, I confess I have never done particularly well in school. Instead, I am an autodidact, and use my intense love for the things of the Spirit to educate myself. I have dug into entire volumes about the Holy Spirit that have been written by some of the most respected scholars. Some of these books are very deep and hard to understand — books about His nature and personality. And I admit that all of them are very interesting — but not always edifying. The fact is, they can’t be edifying! Why? Because you can only understand what the Spirit Himself reveals and He won’t talk about himself, that’s why!
I have even dug into the meaning of the Holy Spirit’s names — Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor — looking for some insight as to who He is. But I finally realized that we don’t have to understand the person of the Holy Spirit — because he doesn’t want to tell us hidden things about himself. All we need to know is that he is one of the Godhead: eternal, the very Spirit of Yehoveh, sent down to this earth to live in those of us who believe. And his eyes are always on the Father!
The Holy Spirit doesn’t want us to know about Him, but rather His mission, and that mission is to bring us to Jesus and keep us in purity and holiness. He is always at work, making Christ known in our hearts, and His greatest delight in when we seek knowledge about why He has come.
Jesus said, “When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into the full truth. He won’t speak on his own. He will speak what he hears and will tell you about things to come. He will give me glory, because he will tell you what I say (John 16:13-14).
So there you have it. The whole reason we live today is to learn about our Savior . . . and we learn about Him, as we allow the Holy Spirit to do, what He was called to do!
In fact, I would say that the Holy Spirit has a very unique characteristic. For instance, He does not like to talk about himself. He never makes himself to be the primary object of our faith.
I have tried very hard to study what has been written about the Holy Spirit. And yes, I confess I have never done particularly well in school. Instead, I am an autodidact, and use my intense love for the things of the Spirit to educate myself. I have dug into entire volumes about the Holy Spirit that have been written by some of the most respected scholars. Some of these books are very deep and hard to understand — books about His nature and personality. And I admit that all of them are very interesting — but not always edifying. The fact is, they can’t be edifying! Why? Because you can only understand what the Spirit Himself reveals and He won’t talk about himself, that’s why!
I have even dug into the meaning of the Holy Spirit’s names — Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor — looking for some insight as to who He is. But I finally realized that we don’t have to understand the person of the Holy Spirit — because he doesn’t want to tell us hidden things about himself. All we need to know is that he is one of the Godhead: eternal, the very Spirit of Yehoveh, sent down to this earth to live in those of us who believe. And his eyes are always on the Father!
The Holy Spirit doesn’t want us to know about Him, but rather His mission, and that mission is to bring us to Jesus and keep us in purity and holiness. He is always at work, making Christ known in our hearts, and His greatest delight in when we seek knowledge about why He has come.
Jesus said, “When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into the full truth. He won’t speak on his own. He will speak what he hears and will tell you about things to come. He will give me glory, because he will tell you what I say (John 16:13-14).
So there you have it. The whole reason we live today is to learn about our Savior . . . and we learn about Him, as we allow the Holy Spirit to do, what He was called to do!
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