Thursday, July 2, 2015

▸ What Is Happening under the Dome of the Rock? ▸ What is the impact on the business scene by Messianics?* Daily Newsletter&utm_content=1936
Thursday, July 02, 2015
Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
How do Israelis view BDS activities?
Muslim pilgrims flock to Jerusalem
ISIS: "Let bygones be bygones!"
What Is Happening under the Dome of the Rock?
What is the impact on the business scene by Messianics?
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Demonstration of True Reconciliation Between Jews, Arabs, Turks
The Middle East peace process has taken a new turn with the hosting in Manchester, England, of a conference aimed at building bridges between Arabs and Jews who have become followers of Jesus.
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United Church of Christ urges boycott of Israeli companies
The UCC not only wants to boycott West Bank Israeli companies, but has also decided to divest from US companies that do business in Judea, Samaria as well as East Jerusalem.
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Blog: Almost half of Jewish teens in prison are of Ethiopian descent
Data recently released by the Israel Prison Service show that of the jailed teenagers at the Ofek detention center half are of Ethiopian descent.
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Israel Sees Boycotts as Existential Threat
A handful of victories for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement have Israelis concerned that this growing phenomenon could become, and perhaps already is, an existential threat to the Jewish state.
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I will bring them to My holy mount, and I will cause them to rejoice in My house of prayer, their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon My altar, for My house shall be called a house of p

Discrimination against Jewish prayer
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I will bring them to My holy mount, and I will cause them to rejoice in My house of prayer, their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon My altar, for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.

ISAIAH (56:7)

וַהֲבִיאוֹתִים אֶל הַר קָדְשִׁי וְשִׂמַּחְתִּים בְּבֵית תְּפִלָּתִי עוֹלֹתֵיהֶם וְזִבְחֵיהֶם לְרָצוֹן עַל מִזְבְּחִי כִּי בֵיתִי בֵּית תְּפִלָּה יִקָּרֵא לְכָל הָעַמִּים

ישעיהו נו:ז

va-ha-vee-o-tee m el har kad-shee v'-si-makh-teem b'-vayt t'-fi-la-ti o-lo-tay-khem v'-ziv-khay-hem l'-ra-tzon al miz-b'-khee kee vay-tee bayt t'-fi-la yi-ka-ray l'-khol ha-a-meem

Today's Israel Inspiration

Upon his dedication of the Temple, King Solomon declares in front of the entire People of Israel, that the Temple must fill a universal role and be a "house of prayer for all people."  Today, with Jews and Christians flatly denied the right to pray on the Temple Mount, one could be forgiven for assuming that we are far from realizing Solomon and Isaiah's vision. But brave individuals like Yehuda Glick of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation are standing up in support of freedom of worship for all. Join the movement to open the Temple Mount to prayer for all faiths.

Clash of Civilizations

A trip to the Temple Mount becomes a harrowing experience as Hamas-supported women taunt the Jewish visitors.

Non-Muslims Allowed If They Don't Pray

Israel and Jordan are reported to be in talks to allow non-Muslims on the Temple Mount. But Jordan seeks to continue to ban religious Jews who, it fears, may try and pray on the Temple Mount.

Israeli and American Flag Pin

Get ready for America's Independence Day with a fabulous lapel pin featuring the flags of two great allies. Made of sturdy metal with a quality plastic coated enamel design, it is just the thing to show where your heart lies.

Today's Israel Photo

Noam Chen's glorious photo of the Temple Mount, or Mount Moriah, the site of the Holy of Holies from where God gathered the dust to create Adam and where both Temples were built.

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Thank you for Israel365. God bless you as you have been such a blessing to me. I pray for peace for Jerusalem because I love her very much. I have visited Israel once and i am believing for more trips to come. God's special love upon her and HE protects her as a mother hen protects her chicks. Amen- Colleen Selvi

I love your message everyday. Was in Israel 2 years ago. Love your country. Would like to revisit the country.- Robert Krause
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Pennsylvania Public School Teachers Attend Mosque To Better Serve Muslim Students

Beginning And End

Posted: 02 Jul 2015 02:03 AM PDT
The Lebanon High School faculty taxpayer-funded trip to a local mosque.
A group of teachers, faculty and administrators from a public school district in Pennsylvania took a full day trip to a mosque to learn about the religion of Islam, watch a worship service and ways they can better serve and accommodate the Muslim students in their schools. This type of trip is yet another example of the growing push to make all manner of exceptions for Islamic students while at the same time pushing the Bible and Christian expression out of schools.
An All-Day Public School Trip For Islam
The school district of Lebanon Valley, Pennsylvania sponsored a trip for its teachers and administration to a local mosque to learn about the religion of Islam. The group, which included the superintendent of the district, wanted training to better serve the Muslim students attending their public schools.
According to sources:
To bridge that cultural divide, about 50 district staff members attended an in-service workshop on Monday that included a trip to the Lebanon Valley Mosque. While there they learned about the practice of Islam, watched an afternoon Muslim prayer service and where treated to a lunch of Moroccan cuisine.
It was the second year that the workshop was offered to the staff, according to Fred Shattls, director of the district’s English as a Second Language department. The workshop was led by Mohamed Omar, a former teacher’s aide and Arabic translator for the district who also served a year as president of the mosque…The workshop began at the high school where Omar spoke about the histories and cultures of several Arab countries and the differences in their educational systems to that in the U.S.
At noon, the teachers took a bus to the mosque, located not far away at 13th and Florence streets. Following Islamic practice, each took off their shoes before entering the prayer room where they took a seat on a maroon-colored carpet with intricate designs. (source).
At the mosque teachers and staff were able to ask about the religious practices of Muslim students and how to fit them into the school day.  All of this was done to incorporate Muslim worship and show respect for the religious beliefs of the Muslim students at the public schools in the area.
A Blatant Double Standard
William Swimmer was suspended for wearing a shirt  that mentioned  Jesus Christ.
The faculty Islamic field trip was just one of numerous examples of public schools catering to Muslim students while shunning Christianity and restricting the free speech of Christian students. Below are just a few examples where students who believe in The Lord Jesus Christ found their right of free expression restricted:
  • A Canadian High school student was suspended for five days for wearing a t-shirt that read “Life Is Wasted Without Jesus.” (source).
  • A 16-year old California student was suspended after refusing his public school’s orders to stop talking about his new-found Christian faith and bringing his Bible to school. (source).
  • A 10-year old student assigned to write an essay about anyone she admired was told that her essay about looking up to God would not be accepted and was ordered to remove the essay from school grounds. (source).
  • At various high schools across the United States, High School valedictorians have been told by schools they were not permitted to discuss their Christian faith or even mention Jesus Christ in their graduation speeches. (source).

In all these incidents the public schools justified their actions against Christian students on the basis of “separation of church” and state – the notion that a public school should never accommodate or promote a religious belief. At the same time public schools  have gone out of their way to cater to the Muslim religion. One public high school provided an all-girls prom for Muslims in accordance with Islamic teachings on female etiquette. A San Diego elementary school created an extra recess period to give Muslim children more time to pray. A Michigan High School football team moved its practices to midnight in order for students fasting for the Islamic holiday of Ramadan to be able to eat and drink water at night (when the religion permits it). High school students were kept at practice until 3AM (then having to return to school for class the next morning between 7:30-8:00AM) all in the name of religious observance. Many public universities offer prayer rooms, foot baths and Muslim ritually approved food. Why are there no complaints about “separation” of church and state when it comes to the special treatment for Muslim students at public institutions?
A photo from the Geography class at a Lumberton Public School in Texas.
Even teachings of Islam are promoted in public schools. At a Texas public school a teacher dressed girls up in Islamic burqas and taught a lesson that stated Allah is “the Almighty God” and referred to Islamic terrorists as “freedom fighters”. (source).
Pray for the public school system and its agenda which is clearly hostile to Biblical Christianity while catering to Islam. If school leaders are going to visit mosques during work hours, pray that taxpayer money start paying for visits to churches as well. As society moves farther away from the Bible and grows more hostile towards Jesus Christ and the Gospel, Christians and Bible-believing churches need to be that much more outspoken in sharing their faith whether the public school system supports it or not.

Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.Jude 1:3.

Exodus 2:23-25

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  Exodus 2:23-25

(23) Now it happened in the process of time that the king of Egypt died. Then the children of Israel groaned because of the bondage, and they cried out; and their cry came up to God because of the bondage. (24) So God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. (25) And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God acknowledged them.
New King James Version   Change your email Bible version
A cursory reading of these verses might give a person the impression that God was just sitting on His throne, twiddling His fingers, and waiting for Israel to do something. But God had already begun to act. He had ensured that Moses would live through the slaughter of the Israelite children. He had directed the little ark into the hands of the Pharaoh's daughter. He had ensured that Moses would receive the benefit of a tremendous education, the best kind of secular education that one could receive at that time. He had put thoughts in Moses' mind that he could be Israel's deliverer. He had spared Moses' life when the Pharaoh tried to take it. He had prompted Moses to flee the land and led him into the wilderness to the family of Jethro. He had given Moses the time and the opportunity to continue his preparation for leading His people out of Egypt.
Who initiated all this? Certainly not the children of Israel! God did! We find all the way back in the book of Genesis that God had already prophesied that in about 400 years, He would move to bring the children of Abraham out of a captivity, which He also arranged.
Could God - who does not change, who sets patterns in His Word so that we will understand - ensure, long before we were born, that there would be a church for His people at the end time and that someone would be prepared by Him to get the doctrines they would need to understand at the end time? We know very well He could - and did.
How did Israel get out of Egypt? Not through any rebellion, revolution, intelligence, or negotiations on their part. They got out because God wanted them out. It was part of His purpose.

— John W. Ritenbaugh
To learn more, see:
Unleavened Bread and Pentecost

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God's Maintenance
God's Manipulation of Events
God's Purpose
Patterns of God
Patterns, God's
Purpose of God
Red Horse
Commentary copyright © 1992-2015 Church of the Great God
New King James Version copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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