Thursday, July 2, 2015

Who will ascend upon the Lord's mount and who will stand in His Holy plac

Was the right to ascend a Biblical controversy?
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Who will ascend upon the Lord's mount and who will stand in His Holy place?

PSALMS (24:3)

מִי יַעֲלֶה בְהַר יְ-הוָה וּמִי יָקוּם בִּמְקוֹם קָדְשׁוֹ

תהילים כד:ג

mee ya-a-le v'-har a-do-nai u-mee ya-kum bim-kom kad-sho

Jerusalem Inspiration

Thousands of years ago, King David questioned, 'who has the right to ascend to the holy Temple?' His was not a political question, but rather one of spiritual longing and striving towards worthiness.  Fast forward to modern Israel, and the question of the right to ascend the Temple Mount has taken on global proportions. While God envisioned His Temple as a place of universal gathering, where every nation would join together in worship, currently both Christians and Jews alike are forbidden to pray at this most holy site.  Join together with brave individuals like Yehuda Glick of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation who are standing up in support of freedom of worship for all. Stand with the movement to open the Temple Mount to prayer for all faiths.

Without a Prayer

The injustice inflicted on Jews attempting to visit the Temple Mount, on camera, plain and simple.

Non-Muslims Allowed If They Don't Pray

Israel and Jordan are reported to be in talks to allow non-Muslims on the Temple Mount. But Jordan seeks to continue to ban religious Jews who, it fears, may try and pray on the Temple Mount.

The Messianic Temple – Understanding Ezekiel’s Prophecy

This book has been 2600 years in the making. It was that long ago that the prophet Ezekiel had a vision of a future Temple that would bring peace and harmony to the world. This is the first user-friendly guide to understanding the design and the role of the future Temple, the eternal Temple that will be built in Jerusalem and mark the beginning of lasting world peace.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

The Temple Mount plaza by Noam Chen. God envisioned the Temple as a universal place of worship. Would YOU be allowed to pray here?

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“Messages Fom the Holy Scripture

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  Hello, I greatly enjoy the photos and messages from the Holy Scriptures.  Thank you so very much.  Israel is an incredible country. I would love to visit there, I recently requested information on volunteering in Israel; hopefully I will be able to do this great work for Israel, God's chosen people.  Blessings and peace to Israel!!!- Dee von Staufer Collins-Wood
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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07-02-15 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News

Published on Jul 2, 2015

See all Citations inside video or find the links at

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The Confusion of Egypt - Isaiah 19 and the Dams -
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Gog-Magog and the Invasion of Israel - -- Isaiah 17 & Psalms 83 Countdown - The Remnant Bride - Truth behind the Black Stone, Muhammad & Kaaba -- First Built by Asa'd Abu Karb - Strait is the Gate and Narrow is the Way - Sanctification is a Process - The Three Raptures or Harvests of Souls - The Bema Judgment Seat of Christ - Difference between the Laodicean and Philadelphian Church pt1 - Baptism of fire -- Mark of the Beast, Anti-Soul Vaccinations, and Your Salvation -- Annunaki, Satan's Seedline, and the Alien Deception -- For Those Whom are Left Behind pt1 -- The Blood of Christ, 24 Chromosomes, and Jachin and Boaz pt1 -- The Reason's I Believe in the Rapture pt1 - The Manchild pt 1

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PROPHECY: Egypt May Asked Israel To Fight ISIS

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Dish Network (217) TV Broadcast "Ready To Go"

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DF Bolsters Presence in Sinai as ISIS "Knocking" on Israel's Borders

Terrorism Heats Up Across Israel During Summer
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IDF Bolsters Presence in Sinai as ISIS "Knocking" on Israel's Borders

ISIS to Israel, Hamas, PA: You’re Next

“For, lo, Thine enemies are in an uproar; and they that hate Thee have lifted up the head.” (Psalms 83:3)

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USA Hebrew Map T Shirt

Celebrate the friendship and alliance between these great countries by wearing this T shirt with the words "United States" in Hebrew. 100% Combed-Cotton (High-Quality Cotton) T-Shirt, unique and hard to find.

Get this Amazing Deal »

EXCLUSIVE: Despite Threats to His Life, Expert Avi Lipkin Warns of Radical Islamist Threat

“Save me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am afraid he will come and attack me, and also the mothers with their children.” (Genesis 32:11)

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2,000-Year-Old Jewish Ritual Bath Discovered Under Jerusalem Home’s Floor

“Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!” (Psalm 51:2)

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Terrorism in Israel Heating Up Over Summer Months

“For if a man finds his enemy, will he let him go away safely?” (Samuel 24:19)

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From Captivity in Ukraine to New Homeland in Israel

After being taken captive in Ukraine, one couple has finally made it home.


This verse describes the Holy Ark which travelled with the Jewish people throughout their journey to the Promised Land. The Ark was a constant reminder of God’s presence within the camp...

Daily Picture: Reside Tranquilly, O God

We are thrilled to introduce you to our newest and youngest photographer, Zvi Moss from Beit Shemesh, Israel. You'll never believe it but Zvi just turned 13 and is about to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah! We wish Zvi a hearty Mazal Tov and look forward to seeing more of his beautiful photos of the Land of Israel.
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