Sunday, August 2, 2015

"Rapture Days" will list upcoming days of prophetic interest. Possible "rapture days" and end times scenario. These days will be "Watch" days only.

Rapture Watch Days picture

Rapture Days

We are living in days when we can expect the rapture of the church age saints at any time now. We see the day approach ...
Discernment is required as you read this page ... It contains "theories" on rapture timing and not biblical fact from various sources.
"Rapture Days" will list upcoming days of prophetic interest. Possible "rapture days" and end times scenario. These days will be  "Watch" days only.
We are not setting dates........ nor are we claiming any divine revelation on articles posted on this page.
The page will change as days of interest pass and new days of interest come up.

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Rapture Watch picture

The Clarion Call - What Is the Last Trump?

Gary Stearman of Prophecy in the news

By Gary Stearman

Prophecy in the News

On the Arch of Titus, built in Rome at the end of the first century to celebrate the Roman destruction of Jerusalem, there are depictions of the loot brought from the Holy City, following the A.D. 70 sacking of Israel’s Holy Temple. This fifty-foot-high triumphal arch is the only arch of its type still standing as an ancient memorial. Pictured in sculpted reliefs on the arch are what the Romans must have considered to be the most valuable of all their prizes, the Temple Menorah, and Table of Showbread and two ceremonial trumpets. It is truly remarkable that on this arch, we see the only realistic renderings ever made of the actual instruments of Temple worship, presumably executed by a Roman sculptor who patterned them after the real articles.

The Romans rightly valued the booty from the sacked Temple of Herod as the greatest prize ever to fall into their hands. The leaders of the conquering Flavian Dynasty, Vespasian, and his two sons, Titus and Domitian, believed the existence of a Jewish state to be the chief barrier to peaceful control of the Middle East. They did everything they could to make sure that they stamped out Israel so completely that it would never rise again. Their victory cry, IUDEA CAPTA -- Judea Captured -- rang out across the world in triumph. It was repeatedly struck upon coins of the realm for all to see.

Forty years after Christ’s crucifixion, Vespasian and Titus overran Jerusalem, Israel and especially the Temple Mount, taking gold, silver and valuables, along with thousands of Jews to be sold in the slave markets of the world. From A.D. 66 through A.D. 73, the Romans systematically destroyed all Israel.

But as the Arch of Titus shows, it was the golden Menorah along with the Table of Showbread that the Romans regarded as the highest symbols of their victory. These two articles -- the light and bread of God’s people -- were displayed as a token that not just the Jewish people, but the God of Israel, Himself, had been vanquished. It was their way of saying, "God is dead."

Interestingly, two trumpets are also carved into the picture. An important question emerges. Why are the two trumpets pictured on the arch, being given as much symbolic significance as the Menorah and Showbread table from the Holy Place? Why did the Romans consider these instruments to be so important that they, too, would occupy so important a position on the triumphal arch?

As it turns out, the blowing of trumpets is one of the Bible’s major themes. The Romans could not have known this, but in fact, the carving on the Arch of Titus validates the Lord’s view of an important fact. The trumpet is an important symbol of God’s sovereign power, and a testament to His affirmation that He would never forget His promise to a redeemed people.

The Trumpet of Grace

Within the body of Christ, there is a group (the percentage is impossible to calculate) that actively holds to the doctrine of imminency. Faithfully following the Apostolic example, they await the clarion call of the trumpet, in the belief that no intervening event must come to pass before it is sounded.

It is the trumpet of grace, that signals the transition to a glorified body and their full realization of God’s Kingdom. There is even a special reward for those who actively live in this hope, stated by Paul in his second letter to Timothy:

"Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing" (II Tim. 4:8).

Some would take the position that Paul is here referring to Christ’s Second Coming during the great battle at the end of the Tribulation. And indeed, there will be Tribulation saints, those faithful who await His coming at the end of that horrific chain of events. But in the ordinary sense of the word, as it is perceived now, during the age of the church, he is talking about Christ’s glorious epiphany at the rapture.

Nevertheless, we are often faced with those whose theology has led them to a false conclusion: namely, that the trumpet that calls the church home is thought to be the same as the seventh trumpet of judgment in the book of Revelation.

In numerous books, pamphlets and letters to this ministry, we are more or less constantly challenged by those who want to warn us that we are wrong to teach that a rapture will come before the judgments of the "Day of the Lord." This being true, we must therefore prepare ourselves for the horrors of the Tribulation just ahead.

Listening for the Trumpet

But to the redeemed, the very thought of this event ranges from pleasant peace to thrilling anticipation. The trumpet is our signal to go home. It has nothing at all to do with judgment, wrath or divine retribution. And perhaps that is its major feature.

Of course, Paul goes to great lengths to describe this glorious event … its timing, characteristics and meaning. Most of all, he goes out of his way to emphasize the simple fact that those alive at the time of the rapture will be taken to heaven prior to a unique and cataclysmic period of judgment.

His first and second epistles to the Thessalonians are centered upon the idea of comforting a group of people who have many questions about their ultimate destiny in Christ. Several times, he uses the word "comfort" to ease any concerns they may have about the future. Of course, Christians remember these letters as the ones that outline and detail the nature and timing of the rapture.

After describing the catching-away of the church, he writes,
"Wherefore comfort one another with these words" (I Th. 4:18).

A little later, he adds,
"Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do" (I Th. 5:11).

In Second Thessalonians, after describing the Antichrist’s rise to power as a sign that the Day of the Lord is present, he writes,

"Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, "Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work" (II Th. 2:1617).

It must be remembered that when he wrote these words, the Temple was still in daily operation. Paul’s words about the man of sin standing there and declaring himself to be God could have come to pass at any moment. But his readers never thought that they would see this event. It was, in fact, quite the opposite.

Both then and now, Paul’s words are intended to bring solace to a people with many questions about the judgment of the sinful world system -- the Roman world of their day and the complex world of ours.

Thinking about life in first-century Thessalonica, the Roman capital of Macedonia, it was completely immersed in a pagan culture. The worship of Caesar and a panoply of gods and goddesses would dominate your daily existence. As a new Christian, taught by the Lord’s own Apostles that judgment was coming, you would readily believe it.

Would you be a little concerned that you might find yourself in the midst of that judgment? Of course you would. For this reason, and for the benefit of the entire Church Age, Paul was inspired to write these words of comfort. The evil world system would be judged, but before that, the Lord would appear to call the dead in Christ and the living church into the heavens. They ascend into the heavens before that Day of the Lord. They were told to await the shout and the sound of the trumpet. Paul addressed them as the generation that would experience this glorious event. No intervening experience would alert them to its proximity. They were simply to wait in faith, believing in His imminent return.

Generations of the faithful have since gone to their spiritual reward. Along the way, some have weakened, reverting to alternate forms of expectation, that the rapture and Second Coming are the same event, or that it comes in the midst of the Tribulation.

But Paul’s bold words proclaim that the catching-away into heaven come before the general judgment prophesied as the Old Testament "Day of the Lord" and the New Testament "great tribulation." Jesus, Himself, used this graphic term:

"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" (Mt. 24:21).

Yet the Apostle’s words of comfort to the believer are so consistently misinterpreted that today, the majority of the world’s Christian denominations profess alternate views. Some say that the rapture will come at some point during the Tribulation Period, whether earlier or later. Others deny it entirely, saying that it is a mere metaphor. Given the clarity of Paul’s words, how can such misunderstanding exist?

Were it not for a single point of language, this scenario would be readily accepted by most of the church. But the wording used to describe the clarion call from on high, has come to be used as a basis for rival interpretations, clashes of opinion, and a variety of post-Apostolic theologies. Historically and intellectually, there are many reasons for this. But one of the major differences has revolved around an incomplete understanding of the trumpets of Scripture, and their application to biblical prophecy.

The "Trump"

These false conclusions are often built around the novel interpretation … or outright misinterpretation … of a certain heavenly trumpet, mentioned twice in connection with the rapture. It is first mentioned in what is commonly regarded as the earliest of Paul’s extant epistles:

"For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

"For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

"Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

"Wherefore comfort one another with these words" (I Th. 4:14-18).

Here is the "trump of God," sounded as Jesus and a host of angels descend into the lower atmosphere. Who has not dreamed of being alive at the moment this finally happens? The whirlwind of activities associated with this moment defy the wildest imagination, as perhaps the greatest logistical feat in history is flawlessly executed.

Graves are opened as the dead in Christ rise to receive their glorified bodies. Then the living saints somehow fly upward. They, too, receive His glory, as it is translated into their own bodies. And the whole, global operation apparently springs into motion as God blows His trumpet.

What is this "trump?" Certainly, it is no earthly instrument, though in the Greek, the word salpinx, referring to a natural musical instrument, is used. There must be a trumpet in heaven … the real thing. But what kind of trumpet will it be? What could it be made of? We try to imagine what it might sound like, knowing at the outset that there is no way to conceive the sound that a heavenly trumpet might make.

In Paul’s discourse on resurrection, the same event is described, using the same, identical word. This time, however, it is modified by an adjective:

"Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

"For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

"So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

"O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? (I Cor. 15:51-55).

This time, the rapture is mentioned in the context of the general resurrection. This time, the Greek word for trumpet -- salpinx -- is used twice. But here, it is called the "last trump," raising the question about what precedes it. The context demands that it must be the last of a series.

Some suggest that since it is the last in a series of trumpets, it must be defined by the series, itself. One such series is found in Joshua, where on the seventh day, seven priests walked around Jericho’s walls, blowing their ram’s horn trumpets. Jericho was judged; the walls came down.

Following this pattern, another similar series in the Bible is found in Revelation, where seven trumpets are sounded, apparently in rapid succession. They progressively unleash an astounding series of judgments at the end of the Tribulation.

Let’s look again at the seven trumpets in Revelation. Taken in order, the first one releases hail, fire and blood; the second brings a fiery mountain which falls into the sea; the third brings down a toxic falling star, falling into a poisoned sea; the fourth, a diminished sun; the fifth opens the abyss; the sixth releases demonic powers; the seventh heralds the culmination of wrath, the spilling out of the seven vials, or bowls of wrath.

The Seventh Angel’s Trumpet

To those who believe in a mid or late-Tribulation rapture, this seventh trumpet is identical to "the last trump" ofI Cor. 15:52. But in Revelation the seventh trumpet is the ultimate expression of God’s wrath, in divine retribution. The last trumpet unleashes the judgments of the seven bowls of wrath. Nothing in the description of this trumpet connects it in any way with the resurrection of the faithful. What it does is clearly described:

"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

"And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God" (Rev. 11:15,16).

This seventh trumpet is definitely not the "trump of God." In the original New Testament Greek, this verse plainly says,

"And the seventh angel trumpeted …"

This is an angelic trumpet, not "the trump of God," which Scripture elsewhere asserts to be His voice that sounds like a trumpet.

Furthermore, it specifically announces an event recognized, hailed and affirmed by a great chorus of heavenly observers … observers already in heaven. They are not the church in the process of being raptured, as indicated by the fact that the twenty-four elders, who were there at the very beginning of the judgment process, are still present, now seated with God, as He enacts the long-awaited judgment.

But to truly understand "the last trump," we should go all the way back to the beginning, and the sounding of the "first trump," which is not only the first trumpet in the Bible, but God’s own voice … not a musical instrument.

The First Trumpet

Let’s begin at the beginning. It is at Mount Sinai that we find the first example of a heavenly trumpet:

"And be ready against the third day: for the third day the LORD will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai.

"And thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mount, or touch the border of it: whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death:

"There shall not an hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned, or shot through; whether it be beast or man, it shall not live: when the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up to the mount.

"And Moses went down from the mount unto the people, and sanctified the people; and they washed their clothes.

"And he said unto the people, Be ready against the third day: come not at your wives.

"And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled.

"And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the nether part of the mount.

"And mount Sinai was altogether in a smoke, because the LORD descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly.

"And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice.

"And the LORD came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: and the LORD called Moses up to the top of the mount; and Moses went up" (Ex. 19:11-20).

Three times in the passage above, the trumpet of God is described for the first time in all Scripture. Here, it is identified as the ram’s horn or shofar. But the context completely rules out its identification as an ordinary ram’s horn. To the people gathered below, its sound was deafening, and so frightening that their fear increased to the breaking point. In the chapter that follows, the Israelites are described as so stricken that they moved back to a great distance from Mount Horeb:

"And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off" (Ex. 20:18).

Flavius Josephus describes the event this way:

"Now, as to these matters, every one of my readers may think as he pleases; but I am under a necessity of relating this history as it is described in the sacred books. This sight, and the amazing sound that came to their ears, disturbed the Hebrews to a prodigious degree, for they were not such as they were accustomed to … [Moses] brought the people with their wives and children, so near the mountain, that they might hear God himself speaking to them about the precepts which they were to practice; that the energy of what should be spoken might not be hurt by its utterance by that tongue of man, which could but imperfectly deliver it to their understanding. And they all heard a voice that came to all of them from above, insomuch that no one of these words escaped them, which Moses wrote on two tables." [Antiquities, III, 5, 2; 4]

The book of Hebrews relates that they begged for the fearsome sounds to cease.

"For ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest,

"And the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more" (Heb. 12:18,19).

The point is clear and unmistakable. In the plainest possible language, we are informed that the first trumpet heard in Scripture was God’s own heavenly ram’s horn. Or at least, on a gigantic scale, it sounded something like a ram’s horn. It was not an earthly trumpet.

Anyone who has ever heard the tekiah, teruah, shevarim blasts of the trumpet on Rosh HaShanah knows that even an earthly trumpet will strike fear into the human heart.

A heavenly trumpet is something else, entirely. It sounded on Pentecost, and marked the giving of the Law. The "last trump" will mark the end of the church age, which also began on Pentecost. Could the final trumpet blast for the church also be sounded on a future Pentecost?

A trumpet need not be a condemnation. There are other trumpets in Scripture that sound the rallying call to move out to a new location, or to take some significant action.

Two Silver Trumpets

Typical of this are the two metal trumpets, hand-crafted from single sheets of silver by Israelite craftsmen. And here, for the first time, we get some hint as to the significance of those two trumpets on the Arch of Titus.

As can be seen in the tenth chapter of Numbers, their specific function was to call and coordinate movements of the twelve tribes:

"And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

"Make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole piece shalt thou make them: that thou mayest use them for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps.

"And when they shall blow with them, all the assembly shall assemble themselves to thee at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

"And if they blow but with one trumpet, then the princes, which are heads of the thousands of Israel, shall gather themselves unto thee.

"When ye blow an alarm, then the camps that lie on the east parts shall go forward.

"When ye blow an alarm the second time, then the camps that lie on the south side shall take their journey: they shall blow an alarm for their journeys.

"But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm.

"And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall blow with the trumpets; and they shall be to you for an ordinance for ever throughout your generations.

"And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies.

"Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the LORD your God" (Num. 10:1-10).

The trumpets are hatsotserah, made of beaten metal, with a smooth, continuously tapered bore. By skillful overblowing they, like all trumpets, can be made to sound several different clear notes, much in the same manner as the modern keyless cavalry trumpet, which can sound several complex calls when the trumpeter simply varies lip tension and air pressure.

To this day, all the armed camps of the world are trained to understand and obey trumpet calls. Perhaps this tradition dates back to the initial use of the two silver trumpets. Psalm 98, a psalm of Moses mentions both the metal trumpet and the ram’s horn shofar, here called a cornet:

"Sing unto the LORD with the harp; with the harp, and the voice of a psalm.

"With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the LORD, the King" (Ps. 98:5,6).

By the time of David, Solomon and the First Temple, trumpets were used by the priests to announce the months and to celebrate the arrival of the various feasts, as seen in Psalm 81:3, where we read,

"Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day."
Here, the shofar is mentioned as the herald trumpet of important events in the House of David. Whether or not the original silver trumpets survived to the age of the First Temple is unknown, but Jewish history tells us that trumpeting was an integral part of Temple worship.

First-Century Trumpets

When we come to the New Testament era, the two silver trumpets ordained in the days of Moses once again become used on a daily basis.

In Alfred Edersheim’s book, The Temple, we gain considerable insight into the use of the famous trumpets seen on the Arch of Titus. Edersheim goes to considerable length to detail their use:

"The blasts of the trumpets, blown by priests only, formed -- at least in the second Temple -- no part of the instrumental music of the service, but were intended for quite different purposes. Even the posture of the performers showed this, for while the Levites stood at their desks facing toward the sanctuary, or westwards, the priests, with their silver trumpets, stood exactly in the opposite direction, on the west side of the rise of the altar, by the "table of the fat," and looking eastwards or down the courts. On ordinary days the priests blew seven times, each time three blasts – a short sound, an alarm, and again a sharp, short sound (Thekiah, Theruah, and Thekiah), or, as the Rabbis express it, "An alarm in the midst and a plain note before and after it." According to tradition, they were intended symbolically to proclaim the kingdom of God, Divine Providence, and the final judgment. The first three blasts were blown when the great gates of the Temple -- especially that of Nicanor -- were opened. Then, when the drink-offering was poured out, the Levites sang the psalm of the day in three sections. After each section, there was a pause, when the priests blew three blasts, and the people worshiped. This was the practice at the evening, as at the morning sacrifice. On the eve of the Sabbath a threefold blast of the priest’s trumpets summoned the people, afar as the sound was carried over the city, to prepare for the holy day, while another threefold blast announced its actual commencement. On Sabbaths, when, besides the ordinary, an additional sacrifice was brought, and the "Song of Moses" sung -- not the whole every Sabbath, but divided in six parts, one for every Sabbath -- the priests sounded their trumpets additional three times in the pauses of the Sabbath psalm." [Temple, pp. 59,60]

Edersheim’s evocative description of Temple service in the days of Jesus and His disciples stirs the imagination, as it must have the Romans, who patrolled the city day and night. Jerusalem had declined to the point that it was a Roman military procurate. The Jews were uneasy, as groups among them campaigned for a general uprising … a civil revolt.

The Romans knew this, bringing them in the days of Titus to put Jerusalem under siege, ultimately destroying it completely. But in the years preceding this catastrophe, Romans had heard the priestly blasts of the two silver trumpets on a daily basis. Imagine the awe and suspicion that must have filled them as they witnessed mysterious rites and rituals. Priestly activities were accompanied by the flow of blood in streams of water and the smell of burning offerings.

And over it all, ringing throughout Jerusalem, were the mysterious blasts of the silver trumpets, assuring the twelve tribes that God was present, and that their nation was blessed. Roman soldiers and politicians, listening to the daily resonating call, must have inwardly shuddered at the thought that Jehovah was listening.

Then, under Titus and Vespasian, Jerusalem was laid waste. Right at the top of their pile of loot were those wretched and annoying trumpets that had plagued them on a daily basis. They were taken and paraded through Rome, glistening symbols that Rome had conquered the very God of Israel. His voice lay still.

A priesthood that had fallen to corruption was no longer privileged to minister the call of God’s righteousness. Their calls were only the faint echoes of His magnificent call at Mount Sinai.

The Real Last Trump

Almost fifteen hundred years elapsed between that first trump of God at Pentecost and the arrival of Pentecost in the house where the disciples gathered to await a moving of His Spirit. This time, in the voices of a faithful few men, another announcement came to the world. Through Christ, God had extended His grace to all men.

Then and now, the custom of the Jews is to remain awake all night, before the day of Pentecost … or Shavout, the Feast of Weeks. They read special Scriptural passages in an observance now known as tikkun leil Shavuot, readings for the night of Pentecost. Then the next day dawns:

"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

"And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

"And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2:1-4).

Again, just as divine fire descended upon Mount Sinai, tongues of fire encircled the heads of Israel’s faithful. But this time, the message was grace, not Law. And this time, there was no frightening trumpet blast, only the declaration of Good News, and the joy of those receiving it in their own languages.

What a contrast! The Gospel has never been delivered with a fearful threat laid before those who would flaunt the Law. Rather, it came through love and self-sacrifice. And in the centuries that followed, that fact has never changed.

It has been said that the church -- the body of Christ -- is finite in nature. It began on a specific day, the day of Pentecost, and it will also end on a specific day, the day of the rapture.

Since it was initiated in grace, why would it end in a holocaust of solar and meteorological chaos, complicated by disease and famine? Why would it end with the fearful blast of the seventh trumpet, which is intended to call forth destruction upon those who have lived in iniquity and will die in judgment?

This is not the trumpet that calls the faithful home.

Jesus, speaking in the Olivet Discourse about the "abomination of desolation" at the middle of the Tribulation, addresses those who live in Judea in those days. He says that immediately following this occurrence, which we know to be a mid-Tribulation event, there will come a period characterized by the ultimate evil, when Satan and his followers rage across the earth. He then described the years immediately following the unveiling of the Antichrist:

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

"And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

"And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other" (Mt. 24:29-31).

Here, the "elect" are the saints of the Tribulation who have persevered to the very end of the awesome "Day of the Lord." They have received the Gospel by faith in the midst of fiery trial.

And the trumpet mentioned above must be the seventh trumpet of Revelation, sounding as the Bowls of Wrath are poured upon the earth. It precedes the Harvest Judgment of Revelation 14, perfectly corresponding with the gathering of the elect described by Jesus as He spoke to the disciples on the Mount of Olives.

"And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.

"And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.

"And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped" (Rev. 14:14-16).

Early in His public ministry, Jesus had mentioned this event as He expounded upon the sower, the soils and the weeds that grow up among them. He said,

"The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels" (Mt. 13:39).

He times the harvest as coming at the same future moment as the collapse of the world system. This makes the final harvest an act of mercy and salvation to those alive at a time of great distress, not the calling-home of a church in its ordinary state of daily living.

The trumpet voice to the church will not be a call of wrath, but the gentle assertion of great power, as to John, when Christ called to him:

"I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet" (Rev. 1:10).

Nor is the trumpet a mere instrument. We await the very voice of God. Its characteristics are unknown to us at present, but we’ll know it when we hear it. And it will sound much like a trumpet. It has happened before, and it will happen again:

"After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter" (Rev. 4:10).

The first trump laid down the Law. The last trump will be a loving invitation, welcoming the redeemed to their new home, and making way for the trumpets of judgment on earth.

Titus, a corrupt despot and enemy of God, was inflated with pride as he ordered his triumphal arch emblazoned with a panel to display Israel’s destruction. But to those who know, its trumpets carry the subtle message that the Lord isn’t quite finished yet.

Jack Van Impe - How Long Is A Generation?

 If we are the generation to see the return of Christ, then exactly how long is a generation and when did the countdown start?

Why the Rapture is Pre - Tribulation

The Post Rapture Survival Guide-This Is Real. Do Not Receive The Mark!


by Kurt Seland

The purpose of this manual is twofold:
First of all, it is to warn those who receive this manual prior to the rapture of the events that will take place in the last days as foretold in the Bible. Based on what the Bible has to say about future events, nobody in their right mind would want live on earth after the rapture. Hopefully, many will read, believe, seek God, repent and be saved. Salvation is very simple, so simple to attain, in fact, that most people cannot accept its simplicity; thereby reject it completely. However, it is complex because it is life-changing and based on that which we cannot see; it is based on faith. Simple, because Jesus does all the work. If you want to be saved and have eternal life, simply pray in belief and humility to Lord Jesus:
"Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and ask you to forgive me of my sins and prepare for me a new heart. I surrender my life to you."

Secondly, to those left behind after the rapture, this is indeed a survival manual. You still have an opportunity to repent and have eternal life. The same prayer of salvation is applicable to you; the only difference is that you will spend a little time experiencing a taste of hell while you remain on earth.
Let me be really frank with you. If you are reading this manual and the rapture has already occurred, then you probably are not going to physically survive; you most likely will die sometime un the next few years. This manual is about the survival of your soul. You are going to go through terrible suffering. The only question that remains is whether you will go to Heaven or go to hell when you die.
Definition: Rapture--This is the event that will occur when Jesus calls His followers (both gentile and Jewish believers) with a trumpet blast, and in the "twinkling of an eye" they will be removed from the earth and transported to be with Jesus in the heavens.
Biblical Foundation for the Rapture
"Take notice, I am telling you a secret. We shall not all die but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet call. For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall all be changed" (I Corinthians 15:51-52).
"For with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God, the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven, and those who died in Christ will rise first. Afterward we, the living who remain, will be caught up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we shall forever be with the Lord" (I Thessalonians 4:16-17).
"...For I am going away to prepare a place for you. And when I have gone and have prepared a place for you, I will come again and take you to Myself so that where I am, you also will be" (John 14:2-3).
Events and Circumstances Prior to the Rapture
At the time that this manual was being written, and for the remainder of the time left in this age, the one word that describes the condition of the world is change. All of this change is being accomplished through the work of Satan, as he cannot tolerate anything that originated from God's creation. Originally, the Bible tells us that when God created the world He declared that it was "good." That means that it was perfect and no changes were necessary. Included in His creation were standards to live by that He gave to Adam and Eve. These standards covered everything from how to live in our private lives, to proper domestic relationships, to principles for governing a community. Satan seeks to change everything that God has created and established, thus he has used his power and influence in the world to make subtle deviations to God's original plan. Satan's goal is to establish a world order headed by his protege (the world dictator known in the Bible as the Beast and anti-christ) who will spend his time and effort changing everything to be in opposition to God's will as expressed in the Bible. This is predicted in the Bible in the book of Daniel: "and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law."
In today's political environment there is no effective leadership in the world. Every nation lacks strong and competent leaders able to deal with the problems at home and abroad. The United States, which has been the world leader for the last 50 years, has steadily lost its influence among other nations because of political leaders in the United States who have no moral center to direct their decision making process. However, this distrust and dislike of government and government leaders is not just an American phenomenon but is a common theme in Europe, South America, Asia and the entire world. Because of this leadership vacuum in the world, there is now an opportunity for a man to arise who is very charismatic, strong, and attractive to peoples of all nations. Based on the prophecies in the Bible such a man will arise, and he will be successful in uniting the various nations to rule as a dictator.
The move to unite the world under one government has been active since the early 1950's, and in recent years this has become more of a reality as many nations have given up their sovereignty to the United Nations during armed intervention of conflicts (eg. Kuwait, Somalia, Bosnia). In these conflicts, the nations of the world contributed manpower and machinery to be used under the flag of the United Nations. The United States of America surrendered its sovereignty in these situations to much weaker nations by allowing its military to be controlled by these nations. In addition to these military actions the nations of the world also agreed to control trade and labor practices with international treaties such as NAFTA and GATT.
There is no dominant nation to provide leadership to the world, thus the stage is set for a man to arise out of the masses to unite the world as dictator.
The foundational building block of society, that element which has always been responsible for social order and peace, is the family, and it has been virtually destroyed. The family is to be a man, his wife and their children. The man provides for the wife and children, the wife nurtures and educates the children, and the children obey their parents. In a community of families, adults hold the other adults and children accountable for their actions. The family is based on marriage.
Marriage is an institution of God and therefore hated by Satan. The devil has worked very hard, primarily through communications media such as TV, movies, news journalists, and entertainment in general to convince women that marriage is detrimental to their freedom and fulfillment in life. Satan has deceived women into believing that they have the same sexual desire as men and that all differences are the result of culture. Satan has worked hard to divide men and women and have them at war with one another, and because of this, the violence between men and women has dramatically increased.
Civil war has been a constant theme of this age and unrest will continue into the end times: man vs. women, black vs. white, Muslim vs. Jew, Catholic vs. Protestant, Muslim vs. Christian, one Muslim faction vs. another Muslim faction, one black African tribe vs. another black African tribe, nation vs. nation, people vs. people. Whatever divides people into different groups, Satan uses to inspire hate, strife and violence.
Homosexuality and all sorts of perverse behavior are accepted as normal. The world dictator (anti-christ) himself will not have the normal sexual attraction to women and may be asexual. Many theologians believe that he will probably be openly homosexual as indicated in the Bible in the book of Daniel 11:37: "and he will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women". And therefore, after the rapture, more than likely marriage will be discouraged or illegal, and homosexual and lesbian relationships highly encouraged.
On the economic scene, the trend is toward poverty for the masses with wealth concentrated into the hands of very few people. These controllers of the wealth will be the kings of commerce and banking and also be the power behind politics of the world. Small businesses are merged into larger companies and the larger companies merge with themselves to increase profits. The result is huge multi-national companies that have no allegiance to any community, state, nation or people, whose only allegiance is to increased profits for management and shareholders. The result is workers who are little more than peasants and presidents of companies who are more and more like kings. It will be these "kings" who usher in the world dictator to protect their wealth and power. Expect all commerce, buying and selling, to be controlled by a mark on the right hand or forehead of every person who wants to participate in the economy. Only those people with the mark will be able to buy and sell, but the consequences of taking the mark is eternal damnation (Rev 14:9-11).
Therefore don't take that mark. You will have a very difficult time surviving, and probably won't, but you will save your soul. Again, don't take the mark on your right hand or forehead.

In the gospel of Matthew, chapter 24, Jesus spoke to his disciples and indicated to them that one of the signs of the time of the end of the world would be, " it were in the days of Noah so will the coming of the son of man be." We read in Genesis that in the days of Noah "the earth was filled with violence.". This speaks not only of the violence that men inflict on one another--war, civil wars, rape, brutality, murder, abortion, and other indiscriminate, random acts of violence, but the earth itself is also filled with violence. We see increasing earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought, lightning storms and unusual atmospheric phenomena. While all of these have existed in the past, over the last 50 years, the number and intensity of these conditions and the property damage associated with these natural catastrophes has increased. As the level of violence that the human species has inflicted on one another has increased, so has the violent reaction of the earth increased.
Signs of the Times
When Jesus' disciples asked Him about the signs that would be a precursor to His coming and the end of the age His response, recorded in Matthew 24, was:
  • Wars and rumors of wars
  • Nation will rise against nation. It is very interesting to note that the Greek word that is translated as nation is "ethnos" which deals with ethnic background and race. Most of the wars and conflicts in the 1980's and 1990's are wars among ethnic groups and tribes.
  • Kingdom will rise against kingdom
  • Famines
  • Earthquakes are like the early pangs of childbirth. As the time grows nearer and nearer to His coming, the frequency and intensity of these five signs will increase.
  • The followers of Jesus will be handed over to be persecuted and killed. This is happening with more frequency in the Muslim controlled nations in the Middle East, and in Africa where Black Muslims are enslaving Black Christians.
  • Christians will be hated by all nations on account of His name. In many parts of the world, Christians are jailed and killed for their beliefs; in the United States those who are Christians are hated by the media and liberals, and are known by the code words "religious right."
  • Many will fall away...that is, many who claimed to be Christians will recant their faith, and betray and hate Christians.
  • Many false prophets will arise and deceive many.
  • Due to excessive lawlessness, the love of many will grow cold.
The Rapture
This is an event that will not be hidden. The concept of the rapture has already been made known to the masses. It will be treated with ridicule, contempt and mockery by the world's media, but God will see to it that it will be highly publicized before it occurs just so that those left behind might still come to their senses. It will occur in the open, and everybody left behind will know someone who was raptured.
It will happen suddenly, unexpectedly, and lightning fast--"in the twinkling of an eye," as the Bible puts it. And there will be evidence all over the world that this event occurred. Some national leaders will disappear, celebrities in entertainment and professional sports will disappear, entire families will disappear, disbelieving spouses will see their mates vanish, children will disappear. Bank accounts, homes, cars, businesses and relationships will be left behind. The problem for the world's leaders will be trying to convince people that it didn't happen. Because if the world's leaders admit that it did happen then, logically, everything Christians preached about Jesus Christ being the Son of God, the Savior, the Messiah, the Prince of Peace, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings and everything that Jesus preached and taught must be true. And if all of this is true, then the only logical response would be to fall on one's knees before God in confession and repentance and absolute submission to every word of God (as revealed in the Bible). But all of this is diametrically opposed to the way of the world, which preaches freedom from the constraints of God's word, perverse sex, materialism and the devaluation of human life. So, although the rapture will shock everybody and will be covered in the media and everybody left will be aware of someone who is gone, the leaders of the world will begin their great deception, trying to convince the population left behind that there was no rapture.
How is this going to be accomplished? Well, pretty easily because most of the people left behind are already in a state of deception. They have been deceived into believing that Jesus is not the Messiah; they have been deceived into believing that the word of God is not true; they have been deceived into living a lifestyle that only brings constant pain and suffering instead of the freedom and paradise that God offers. The world's leaders will declare that there was no rapture, that a mass hysteria took place, and the news media will follow the party line. Then to make things easier, shortly after the rapture, one-fourth of the world's population will be decimated due to wars, famine and plague. Those who were raptured will be counted among the dead.
After the Rapture
Shortly after the rapture, a seven-year period known in the Bible as the Great Tribulation will take place. It will begin with the signing of a peace agreement between Israel and her enemies and it will end with the physical return of Jesus Christ to set up His kingdom on earth. In between, will be seven years of terror for those on earth. The following events and trends will take place in that seven-year period:
  • A man will arise who will achieve victory after victory both in politics and in war(Rev 13:7). This man, who should be easily identified by his rapid rise and popularity, is your the anti-christ. Many people believe that this person must be Jewish. That is, in order for Jews to accept him as Messiah, only a Jew will suffice. This is not necessarily the case. The Bible does not specify that he is a Jew, and it does not specify nationality. Only God-fearing Jews will require a Jewish Messiah. The liberal, ungodly Jews who dominate Israel will be as lost when it comes to Biblical truth as the Gentiles of the world and will be deceived by his charisma, and more than likely, the desires of the world's media. Currently the new nickname for the United States is the Great Satan. This may have some significance.
  • Violence will increase in all parts of the world, both nation against nation (ethnic wars) and domestically. Men will indiscriminately slay one another as peace will be removed from the earth (Rev 6:3-4).
  • There will be extreme inflation, poverty, and lack of food as one day's wages will buy enough food for one day for one person (Rev 6:5-6).
  • In a very short period of time, one-quarter of the earth's population will be killed due to wars, famine, pestilence and wild beasts. These wild beasts could very well be viruses, bacteria and other microbes. In late 1995, Time magazine ran a cover story on the rise of new infections and called microbes "malevolent little beasts" (Rev 6:7-8).
  • Many people will experience a religious conversion and become followers of Jesus Christ and most of these people will be hunted down and killed (Dan 7:21).
  • There will be a great earthquake, the sun will be blackened, the moon will turn red and all mountains and islands (which are underwater mountains) will be moved (Joel 2:30-32).
  • There will be a brief period of calm on the earth following this great earthquake which will give those who survive a false sense of security.
  • One-third of the earth, one-third of all of trees and all the green grass will be burned up due to a comet or meteor that hits the earth (Rev 8:7).
  • A meteor will hit the earth causing the sea to become like blood, killing one-third of all sea creatures and destroying one-third of all shipping (Rev 8:8-9).
  • A "star" named Wormwood will fall from the sky and poison one-third of all fresh water killing many people (Rev 8:10-11).
  • The sun, moon and stars will be darkened by one-third. The day and night will be reduced by one-third. There is some speculation that this means the rotation of the earth will be changed so that a day lasts only 16 hours instead of 24 hours (Rev 8:12).
  • Fearsome locust-like beings will be released from underground who only attack people who are not followers of Jesus Christ. These attacks will be very painful but last only 5 months (Rev 9:1-11).
  • An army of 200 million horse-like creatures will kill one-third of mankind (Rev 9:13-19).
  • Two men (known as witnesses, see item 7 below) of Jewish origin will preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ for 3 1/2 years and be killed at the midpoint of the 7 year tribulation. These two will be responsible for a 3 1/2 year world-wide drought and will be killed by the anti-christ (also known as the beast in the Bible).
  • People will be required to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead in order to buy and sell. Those who receive this mark will develop a loathsome and malignant sore on their bodies within a short period of time (Rev 13:13-18).
  • The oceans will chemically change and become like the blood of a dead man (congealed?) and everything in the sea will die (Rev 16:3).
  • The fresh waters will become like blood (Rev 16:4-7).
  • The sun will scorch the people on earth with fierce heat (Rev 16:8-9).
  • The throne of the anti-christ and his kingdom will become darkened (Rev 16:10-11).
  • The Euphrates river will dry up allowing the kings of the east to march westward (Rev 16:12).
  • The kings of the world will gather their armies together to battle God at Armageddon. There will be an earthquake so great that all of the mountains and islands will disappear. There will be hailstones weighing close to 100 pounds that will crush the armies that have gathered (Rev 16:17-22).
  • Shortly after this great earthquake, Jesus Christ will return with His army to claim the earth as His possession (Zech 14:3-5).
The Two WitnessesThese two men are God's gift to the people of the earth who refused to submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ prior to the rapture, but who will recognize the error in their life and seek God knowing the terrible mistake they have made. These two men will proclaim the gospel and provide hope for those left behind. Their message is for the salvation of the soul. They will have no message as to how you can avoid the hell that life on earth has become, because there is no hope to avoid that tribulation. If you are left on earth, then your destiny is to suffer and more than likely die. But you still have the hope of salvation. Listen to what these two men are preaching and turn to God.
The Bible does not say who these two men are. Many speculate that they are Elijah and Enoch, two ancient prophets of God who never died. Regardless, they will be responsible for many of the natural catastrophes that will wreak havoc on the property and economy of the earth. They will have the power to prevent rain, and there will be a 3 1/2 year drought on earth until they die. They will turn water into blood and cause all kinds of plagues on earth and, in general, make life miserable for those who are living on earth. Also, they will be invincible, as many will try to kill them only to be killed by their own hands. Those who attempt to blow them up will themselves be blown up; those who attempt to shoot them will have their guns explode in their hands; those who attempt to poison them will be poisoned by their own efforts. Only the world dictator will be able to kill them and only when God allows it.
The purpose of all the misery that these two witnesses inflict on the earth dwellers is to turn people back to God in repentance. The misery will be so great that when the world dictator does finally kill these two, the world will rejoice in a Christmas-like celebration, giving gifts to one another. Three and one-half days after their death they will be resurrected and, in full view of the entire population of the world, ascend to heaven at the command of God when He calls them to "Come up here." Shortly after he kills the two witnesses, the world dictator will declare himself to be God. He is the anti-christ.
The 144,000 Jewish WitnessesShortly after the rapture, God will call His army of 144,000 Jewish believers into service to provide a voice of hope for Jews throughout the world. The best friends and most staunch supporters of Jews have always been true, believing Christians. It was this element of the world's population that provided help and support for Israel and Jewish people. The rapture removed the Christian people from the earth and awakened the 144,000 to their purpose. These 144,000 preach to Jews worldwide that Jesus is the Messiah. These 144,000 will be spread out worldwide and more than likely go about in pairs, two by two, as Jesus instructed His disciples to do. It will be these 144,000 who will oppose Israel signing a peace treaty for protection; it will be the 144,000 who will identify the anti-christ for who he is; it will be the 144,000 who will warn Israel of the treachery of the anti-christ, and it will be the 144,000 who will lead the Jews worldwide to the hiding place prepared for them by God in the Judean desert. These 144,000 Jews are going to be strange people by normal standards: they will be celibate, very bold, fearless, spiritually strong and probably very much like John the Baptist. You can read more about the 144,000 witnesses in Revelation 14.
MoneyHard currency will become obsolete. This is no surprise, as banks and governments have been working to eliminate currency, coin money and paper transactions for decades. Currency and coin is expensive to produce, lends itself readily for drug trafficking and, with high tech equipment, is too easily counterfeited. Banks desire to eliminate the teller position as an expense item, and with the elimination of paper checks and currency, all financial transactions can be handled with a computer. The debit card will become the tool for all personal financial transactions. However, at some point after the rapture, probably right after the two witnesses are killed, everyone will be required to get a mark on their right hand or forehead in order to buy and sell. Do not, do not, do not under any circumstances participate by receiving this mark. All those who receive this mark known as "the mark of the beast" are doomed for eternity. By taking this mark you are swearing allegiance to the anti-christ. You may as well attempt to enjoy life as best you can because eternity for you will be hell. It is at this point that God will have separated His followers from Satan's followers. Those who have taken the mark will persecute those without the mark. God will render judgment on those with the mark by inflicting them with a disgusting looking and very painful ulcer covering their bodies.
So how can a person without the mark survive and still buy and sell? Again, this will almost be impossible, but there will be people who are part of the anti-christ's regime who don't believe in the anti-christ; they are just "survivors" who pick the "winner" and seek to profit from that relationship. Therefore, save up for yourself gold; gold has always had value as money and always will, even in a cashless society. Identify one of these profiteers and seek to purchase food and living supplies from him. However, don't ever disclose to him how much gold you have and where it is. You want to be more valuable to him as a dealer than as a bounty. By the way, you will have a price on your head for not taking the mark. Obviously you won't be living an open life, as you will be in hiding somewhere at a remote location or in the forest on the outskirts of a large city. Your only goal will be to eat to live and hope to escape the militia hunting for you and those like you. Should you get caught, your fate will be either death or slavery.
If you receive this manual before the rapture and plan to be around after the rapture, then start storing up food and living supplies and put them into hiding in some remote and difficult to access area. You should include weaponry to defend yourself and medical supplies as part of your living supplies.
Safety ConcernsThis era will be the most violent of times in the history of the world. Death, brutality and destruction will be part of everyday life. One of the defining characteristics of the last days following the rapture will be a lack of peace. There will be civil wars throughout the world: people will kill one another indiscriminately. Random acts of violence will fill people with fear. Car-jackings, home invasions, drive by shootings, and bombings will all increase with an intensity that will leave people with absolutely no sense of security.
In order to survive this time, you will need to remove yourself from society and live in a remote area that is difficult to access. Getting together with a group of like-minded people would provide additional support and safety.
As mentioned earlier, stock up on food, medicines, living supplies, weaponry and gold. You will need enough for 7 years. Don't plan on being able to supplement your food with hunting and fishing because the stocks of wild animals and fish will have been depleted and destroyed by the 3 1/2 year worldwide drought and three successive meteor-like or comet-like objects that strike the earth sometime after the rapture. The 3 1/2 year drought is brought on by the two witnesses. The first object from outer space to strike the earth will destroy 1/3 of all trees and all the green grass on earth. The second object, more like a meteor, strikes the sea and destroys 1/3 of all sea creatures and 1/3 of all shipping. The third object turns 1/3 of all fresh water poisonous and kills many people. Needless to say, all of this will also seriously deplete the food supplies for the world's population, causing food prices to skyrocket. Those people in the world who never before missed a meal or worried about food will become very familiar with hunger pangs and the feeling of going without food for long periods of time. This will be one of the causes of the increased violence as people become more self centered, short-tempered, and competitive for the food sources in short supply. As Jesus spoke to His disciples about these days, He said, "people will betray one another and hate one another...the love of many will grow cold."
Health ConcernsPrior to the rapture, the world experienced an increase in health-related catastrophes, an increase in new infectious diseases and an increase in the return of diseases thought to have been eradicated or brought under control. The past two decades have brought on AIDS, EBOLA virus, flesh-eating bacteria, the return of tuberculosis, incurable gonorrhea, herpes and many other virtually incurable sexually transmitted diseases. After the rapture, things do not get better, as one quarter of the world's population will die as the result of wars, famine and plague. Sometime after the two witnesses are murdered and after people are required to take the mark on the right hand or forehead, there will be a terrible plague causing a loathsome and malignant ulcer on the bodies of those who have taken the mark. This will be a very ugly and very painful sore that will make life miserable for those who have it.
In addition to all this, because of the poor economic situation worldwide and the 3 1/2 year drought that depletes the world's supply of water, sanitation practices will deteriorate even in what were advanced nations in Europe and North America. With the short supply of water, there won't be sufficient water for flushing toilets, taking baths, washing clothes and transporting wastewater to treatment facilities. This will result in the increase of typhus, cholera, salmonella and E.coli infections.
Therefore, since you have decided to reject Christ's offer to join in the rapture, your concern is how to maintain good health in the post rapture era. You must build a supply of multiple vitamins with particular emphasis on anti-oxidants such as C and E and minerals. It will also be necessary to have a supply of disinfectants, particularly one that can be added to water to make it potable.
Above all, do not accept the mark of the beast on your right hand or forehead. If you do take the mark then nothing can be done for you. You will suffer the malignant ulcer making the rest of your life almost unbearable. Did you ever have a canker sore in your mouth? If so, then you know how painful that one little canker sore was. Now think of having canker sores all over your body, on your genitalia, in your mouth. Think how painful and unbearable your life will be. Then follow that misery with eternity in hell. Don't take that mark.

Open Letter to the Archbishop of Westminster

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In this edition:

Duma: A Misshapen-Media Narrative

By Rob Harris
Inaccuracy is of course the issue when instances of bias are perceived in the media, but these problems often manifest as omissions of fact, rather than outright lies.

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Open Letter to the Archbishop of Westminster

By Dr. Denis MacEoin
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Legal Tyranny of the Left

By David Rubin
Is the State of Israel being unjustly ruled by a left-wing self-perpetuating Supreme Court?

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UK: David Cameron Declares War on Islamic Extremism

By Soeren Kern
But you don't have to support violence to subscribe to certain intolerant ideas which create a climate in which extremists can flourish.

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Turkey Turns on Its Jihadists Next Door

By Burak Bekdil
Turkey is fighting what the entire civilized world views as a brutal jihadist organization.

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