Evening Edition: Top 10 Trending Stories
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common sense. There is no other story that the topic of Russian soldiers on
American soil that has brought so much consternation ad criticism to my
doorstep. Yet, the provability of the claims of Russian Spetsnaz training inside
of the United States is child’s play Yesterday, I reposted a video...
CURATOR: Lisa Haven. It’s only a matter of time
before the official Mark of the Beast comes to the forefront and likely during
the tribulation period. I do believe the elite are not only preparing the
technology for this devilish system but they are also doing trial runs with
participants across the...
william tell. CERN Watch: CERN Discovers Pentaquark Portals and Elemental
Spirits (Videos X4) Heads Up! Dark Spiritual Activity Comes | Paranormal CERN
Watch: CERN Discovers Pentaquark Portals and Elemental Spirits HEADS UP! The
stuff will be hitting the fan, folks. We are screwing around with stuff we NEVER
should have started! We...
Realitynews.International. URGENT! Mysterious Unidentified Object Just
Showed Up At CERN! Source: http://media.realitynews.international/urgent...
UPDATE @ 19.44 2nd May 2015 More indepth discussion on the CERN anomoly took
place during the Freaky Friday broadcast on TFR with myself and several other
hosts from the network, and the discussion is fascinating. There are
Peter John. Friends, we have reached the 74th **Hebrew** anniversary to the
start date on the Clock of the Four Night Watches. Here is the math: ((2015 -
1942) x 365.25)) / 360 = 74 (division by 360 converts to Hebrew years) Based on
Psalm 90:10, our final generation has almost...
MURDERED — New World Order Citizens are speaking out, taking a solid stand,
refusing to accept the mark of the beast - RFID chip or tattoo. Video Published
on April 12, 2013 Video Published on February 8, 2013...
It Makes Sense Blog. In a fit of rage, Obama snaps at U.S. military brass:
Don’t you dare try and paint all of Islam with the same brush.” Showing his
Muslim stripes, Obama threw a fit and stomped out of a Pentagon meeting about
the bombing campaign against ISIS over remarks allegedly tying the...
Michael Moore. “Armageddon” – 2015 – 2016 End of Days, Tribulations, 4 Blood
Moons, World War 3 The word Armageddon appears only once in the Greek New
Testament, namely in Revelation 16:16. The word may come from Hebrew har məgiddô
(הר מגידו), meaning “Mountain of Megiddo”. “Mount” Megiddo is a tell
CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence. Have Researchers Found Evidence of an "Inner
Sun" Heating Our Planet? 31 Aug 15 My scientific knowledge is very limited, but
as I considered what #nemesismaturity is proposing here, I couldn't help but
wonder if it is true, wouldn't our volcanoes and earthquakes be more
devastating? He...
silveristhenew. jsmineset.com / by Bill Holter / August 30th, 2015 Dear
CIGAs, “Something” happened three weeks ago. While we cannot be sure “what”
exactly happened, we can speculate. We have many dots and lots of data points to
help us but first it needs to be pointed out, even if wrong...
CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason
CONTRIBUTOR: WhoIsSincere.com
CONTRIBUTOR: FromDeath 2Life
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense
CONTRIBUTOR: Steven Christ
CONTRIBUTOR: Realitynews.International
CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason
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