Wednesday, September 2, 2015

India: "Dead Goats Over 100 Mysterious Disease"

Published on Sep 2, 2015

The "Hosea Prophecy" continues to affect the world as over 100 goats die in India also

Germany: Muslim Asylum Seekers Riot 18 Injured Over Koran

Published on Sep 2, 2015

Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Muslim Asylum seekers riot and injured 18 including 6 police officers over a Koran in the Toilet also

Special Broadcast "Return of the Nephilim" Giants

Published on Sep 2, 2015

Pastor Paul Begley on his "LIVE" broadcast today from 12-3PM EDT will Bible Teacher Paul Franklin to discuss "Return of the Nephilims" at

Snatched away from the Lie: Flat Earth, Wernher Von Braun, and The Manchild

Published on Sep 2, 2015

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Kentucky Clerk "Stands Firm" Gay Marriage Defies Supreme Court

Kentucky Clerk "Stands Firm" Gay Marriage Defies Supreme Court

Published on Sep 2, 2015

Rowen County Clerk Kim Davis "Stands Firm" against the Supreme Court on Gay Marriage License also also

And let all who take refuge in You rejoice; may they forever shout for joy, and You shall shelter them, and let all who love Your name exult in You. PSALMS (5:12)

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And let all who take refuge in You rejoice; may they forever shout for joy, and You shall shelter them, and let all who love Your name exult in You.

PSALMS (5:12)

וְיִשְׂמְחוּ כָל חוֹסֵי בָךְ לְעוֹלָם יְרַנֵּנוּ- וְתָסֵךְ עָלֵימוֹ
וְיַעְלְצוּ בְךָ אֹהֲבֵי שְׁמֶךָ

תהילים ה:יב

v'-yis-m'-khu khol kho-say vakh l'-o-lam y'-ra-nay-nu v'-ta-saykh a-lay-mo v'-ya-l'-tzu v'-kha o-ha-vay sh'-me-kha

Today's Israel Inspiration

Despite all the threats surrounding the State of Israel, Israeli citizens consistently rate high in global surveys measuring happiness. The key to that happiness is found in this verse: “all that take refuge in You rejoice.” Israelis have no choice but to rely on the salvation of God, and by placing their trust in the Lord they achieve true happiness. The brave soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces combine faith in the Almighty with extraordinary efforts to defend and protect the people of the Holy Land. While the rest of the nation celebrates the Jewish New Year at home with their families, our brave soldiers stand guard to protect and defend the citizens of the Land.

Happy Rosh Hashanah
from the IDF!

Enjoy this BEAUTIFUL video of Israeli soldiers describing what Rosh Hashana means to them, and bestowing their wishes to you and to all of Israel for a year of peace and joy.

IDF's Large Scale Drill to Prepare for Northern War

The Israeli military has begun preparations for a possible ground operation in the Syrian Golan Heights to deal with mounting threats from the north.

Official IDF T-Shirt

Wear your support of Israel with this great t-shirt. With the official IDF logo, this is the authentic t-shirt that IDF soldiers wear during training.

Today's Israel Photo

From their army tanks, young Israeli soldiers dip apples in honey for a "sweet" and peaceful Jewish New Year.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo featured Timna Valley in southern Israel. Timna is the site of the world’s first copper mine, and thousands of ancient mining shafts can be seen here. Here you can also find a life-size replica of the Tabernacle. So when are you coming to visit?!

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

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Visual Reminders”

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We live in Wisconsin, USA. After having lived in Israel for 6 weeks while harvesting grapes in Samaria, we look forward to your photos that give us daily visual reminders of all that G-d is doing and restoring. We miss Israel immensely and can't wait to return. Shalom, Becki
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Matthew 5:5 (5) Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth. Galatians 5:23

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        Berean: Daily Verse and Comment for Matthew 5:5
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  Matthew 5:5

(5) Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.

  Galatians 5:23

(23) gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
New King James Version   Change Bible versions
Meekness (gentleness, NKJV) is so important that it is the third characteristic Jesus mentions in His foundational teaching, the Sermon on the Mount: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5). Obviously, the world's ideal of the perfect man is very different from His. The meek are among those so favored that they will share in Jesus' inheritance of the earth.
He was not the first to state the importance of meekness, but He was the first to collect, in what we call the Beatitudes, a God-authored, organized list of the characteristics of the perfect man. Others have made lists of outstanding virtues, but Jesus' list is unique in that He relates them to the Kingdom of God and in the depth and breadth of what He meant.
How can this be, though? Given how modern man considers those who are meek, His statement about meekness is almost incomprehensible. The world would word this, "Blessed are the strong, who can hold their own." The world favors more conspicuous and so-called heroic virtues. Those who are strongly—almost fiercely—competitive, aggressive, and assertive are the ones who receive recognition, admiration, and reward. Do they not seem to end up on top of the pile, possessing the most and best despite other obvious and perhaps even offensive flaws in their character?
On the surface, this beatitude seems to have little meaning, and what there is seems to contradict the plain facts of everyday life. No sensible person, looking about the world or studying history, could sincerely accept it at face value. Unfortunately, many Christians have ignored it in practice, perhaps regretting that no doubt it should be true, but that it certainly is not so in the real world. Rather than taking God at His Word, they remain conformed to the world's standard of practice, missing the benefits meekness will produce in their lives. Remember, Jesus Himself says this: Blessed—happy, favored—are the meek.
So we must decide. Jesus either meant what he said, or He did not; He either knew what He was talking about, or He did not. Jesus is either a reliable guide, or He is not. We must either take Jesus seriously or not, and if we do not, we should drop His teaching altogether. If we decide to straddle the fence and strive for some characteristics but not others, we become hypocrites. Of course, the true Christian will accept it, learn from it and grow in it.
What Jesus says is a very practical doctrine. It may at first seem impractical, foolish, and even wild, but He was no sentimental dreamer who dealt in empty platitudes. He was an unflinching realist who has given us a great key to prosperity and dominion under God's purpose. One commentator, Emmet Fox, author of an entire book on the Sermon on the Mount, states that this beatitude "is among the half dozen most important verses in the Bible."
"The meek shall inherit the earth," and when they do, they will proceed to govern it. Meekness is a virtue God has determined those who will have dominion in His Family must possess. Without it, will we even be there?

— John W. Ritenbaugh
To learn more, see:
The Fruit of the Spirit: Meekness

Related Topics:
Beatitudes, The
Inheriting the Earth
Perfect Man
Practicality of Meekness
Sermon on the Mount
Commentary copyright © 1992-2015 Church of the Great God
New King James Version copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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