Thursday, October 1, 2015

Chilling: Netanyahu Glares at UN Delegates for 45 Seconds for Their 'Deafening Silence' on Iran Deal Cortney O'Brien

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Chilling: Netanyahu Glares at UN Delegates for 45 Seconds for Their 'Deafening Silence' on Iran Deal
Cortney O'Brien
At the United Nations General Assembly Thursday in New York City, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu renewed his warning about Iran’s path to a nuclear bomb. Considering the recent passage of the nuclear agreement with Iran, the prime minister’s comments were especially powerful.
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Poll: Fox News is Most Trusted News Source
Stephen Self
Poll: 'Liar' And 'Dishonest' Top List Of Words That Describe Clinton
Matt Vespa
Ben Carson Raked in Some Serious Cash This Quarter
Christine Rousselle
‘Total Rubbish’: Russia Responds to US Claim that Airstrikes are Not Targeting ISIS
Cortney O'Brien
Nuclear Weapons Didn't Help USA On 9/11 Jokes Socialist Leader
Andre Walker
Hillary Raises Just $2 Million More than Sanders in Third Quarter
Cortney O'Brien
VIDEO: McCarthy’s Gaffe: How Good Is It For Hillary Clinton?
Mark Halperin and John Heilemann discuss House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthys controversial comments on the Benghazi hearings on With All Due Respect.
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GOP Can't Win in 2016 by Losing Now
Michael Reagan
Some Republicans in Congress will never learn. This time the GOP's hard-right conservative minority had dreams of shutting Washington down over Planned Parenthood's illegal profiteering in fetal tissue from its abortion business.
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VIDEO: Bernie Sanders With Record $26 Million In Donations Closing In On Clinton
According to preliminary estimates of third-quarter campaign receipts, a record number in small donations has propelled Bernie Sanders to within sight of Hillary Clinton's once commanding fundraising lead. The former Secretary of State leads Sanders in fundraising by just about $2 million.
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Republicans Fail at Hearings -- Again
Mona Charen
Dear Republican Members of Congress: Consider this an intervention. You guys do not understand how to hold a decent hearing.
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VIDEO: 'Misinformation': Russia Insists Its Jets Are Bombing ISIS
Russia on Thursday defended its airstrikes in Syria amid mounting questions over their targets, insisting that Moscow's planes had struck ISIS installations. US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said that the strikes did not appear to be targeting ISIS installations.
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The Republican Party's Big Choice
Ben Shapiro
Naturally, conservatives feel that they have been betrayed.
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Pelosi Scolds Reporter Over Abortion Question: I'm a Woman and You're Not
Guy Benson
A vintage 'End of Discussion' performance from Nance here, huffing that an entirely reasonable question is somehow illegitimate because it was "ideological" in nature, and -- more importantly -- asked by a man.
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Oregon Police Report Multiple Students Dead After Campus Shooting at Community College
Cortney O'Brien
Multiple students have died after a shooting at Umpqua Community College in Douglas County, Oregon.
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Netanyahu Warns U.N. "We Will Not Stay Silent" As Iran Threatens to Wipe Israel Off The Map

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Oregon College Shooting: Initial Reports 13 Dead 20 Injured (Video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. Update: 13 Dead and possibly growing. (CNN)Preliminary information indicates 10 people were killed and more than 20 others injured in a shooting at Oregon's Umpqua Community College on Thursday, said Oregon State Police spokesman Bill Fugate. Douglas County Commissioner Chris Boice told CNN that the shooter is in custody. It...


Guaranteed False Flag in the Works with New Active Shooter Scenario

CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson. Whether this is a real event with real fatalities or another staged Sandy Hook-type story, it WILL be used to rehash the gun-grabber agenda. Watch for it! Keep your eyes open this time. No doubt before the supposed bodies are cold, a NEW ROUND OF GUN CONTROL will be heralded...


Netanyahu Warns U.N. "We Will Not Stay Silent" As Iran Threatens to Wipe Israel Off The Map CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. If you did not get the opportunity to watch Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech on the Iranian deal today before the U.N., you missed history in the making. I don’t have the fingers and toes combined to count how many times the hair on my neck shot straight to the ceiling. I...


Infuriating! The Federal Takeover Is Happening Now! Feds Moving In On Local Police Forces—Next Step, Tyranny! CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven The power struggle between state governments and the federal government has been increasing over the years. Unfortunately our federal government has been overstepping their boundaries for some time, in attempt to overtake states rights. The states have been consistently bowing to the pressure and left...


Breaking: U.S. Army General Launches Bombshell Claim Against Obama CONTRIBUTOR: It Makes Sense Blog. by Scott McKay The critic in question is not some crank. He’s a retired two-star general who held a variety of high-level command positions, including commanding the 2nd Infantry Division, which mans the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, and the US-Israeli Combined Task Force for Missile Defense. And...


9/11 Fairy Tale Destroyed by Roth and Tatum (CIA)! CONTRIBUTOR: Glenn Canady. Glenn Canady (Friend me!) LIKE my other Facebook, Truth Warriors Page , Twitter , Tsu ... Watch the first video on www.project.nse... open a Doorway to God! Those who join Project Nsearch will learn how I went from Zero to over $8,000 a month, get free ebooks on natural cures, free...


Breaking: World Leader Accuses Obama of Treason on the Floor of the United Nations (Video) Start Of the Fall? CONTRIBUTOR: King of Shambhala. By King of Shambhala (I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a Buddhist reluctantly delving into the Christian Apocalypse as a Messenger of it. I’m the Messiah/Jesus.) Address of the Argentine President Cristina Fernández to the UN General Assembly It begins at 16:40,Argentina President speaks about Iran and the USA...


444 and God's Chilling Warning! Wait Until You See What It Might Mean For All of Us and People Are Literally Seeing It Everywhere! (Videos) CONTRIBUTOR: Lyn Leahz. It has come to my attention that people are seeing the number sequence 444 in dreams, visions, on their clocks, license plates, receipt totals, and everywhere! The people who are experiencing this 'numeric phenomenon' are left with a feeling that God is trying to tell them something or that there...


Red Dragon Ambassador: A Message to the Satanic Planners of WW3 (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: illuminatinsider. The post RED DRAGON AMBASSADOR: A Message To The Satanic Planners Of WW3 appeared first on Kev Baker Show. In this excerpt from The Gold Fish Report No.18, listen to The Ambassador to the Red Dragon Family issue a dire warning to those behind the scenes as they pull...


Mid-East Coup: As Russia Pounds Militant Targets, Iran Readies Ground Invasions While Saudis Panic

CONTRIBUTOR: silveristhenew. Back in June, the commander of Iran’s Quds Force, Qasem Soleimaini, visited a town north of Latakia on the frontlines of Syria’s protracted civil war. Following that visit, he promised that Tehran and Damascus were set to unveil a new strategy that would “surprise the world.” Just a little over...



CONTRIBUTOR: Now The End Begins


CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CONTRIBUTOR: illuminatinsider


CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson

CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson

CURATOR: Lisa Haven



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