Friday, October 2, 2015

The Church & The Tribulation

Spirit News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

The Church & The Tribulation CONTRIBUTOR: . by Don McGee A lot of anxiety has been stirred up recently over the teaching that the Church will go through some, if not all of the time known as the Great Tribulation. Jesus referred to this special time in Matthew 24:21, and it has been the springboard for books...

When Demons, Aliens, & Angels Visit Your Bedroom (2015) (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . Exploring Sleep Paralysis. When Demons, Aliens, & Angels Visit Your Bedroom (2015) Anyone have any insight to share on this in comments? Let us know. Thanks. Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy....

Huge Energetic Shifts – Simple Tips for Integration

CONTRIBUTOR: . 2nd October 2015 By C. Ara Campbell Guest Writer for Wake Up World There is a ton of energy that is moving in our world right now, which is causing big shifts in our reality. You can feel it energetically. It’s been really ramped up lately. These shifts in vibration...

A Time Of Disharmony In Our World! CONTRIBUTOR: . by Samuel David Meyer “I create the fruit of the lips; Peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is near, saith the Lord; and I will heal him. But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast...

Holy Spirit. A Dove Of Light On Head Of Pope Francis (Video)

CONTRIBUTOR: . A photograph among many those were taken along the travel of Pope Francis in Paraguay, one of them draws attention. In the image, a dove that looks like a being made of supernatural light. Resting on the head of the Pontiff, the ‘entity seems came from heaven in a huge...

This Week's Pagan Events In and Near London CONTRIBUTOR: . Here are events in London and other parts of the UK that could be of interest to pagans. If you know of an event that you want listed, please email the details to me at – 31 January 2016; Celts: Art and Identity Exhibition. Venue: Sainsbury Exhibitions Gallery (Room...

Messages from the Afterlife A Bereaved Father’s Journey in the World of Spirit Visitations CONTRIBUTOR: . Interview with Mark Ireland 1. What was your prime motivation and inspiration for writing and sharing “Messages from the Afterlife : A Bereaved Father’s Journey in the World of Spirit Visitations, Psychic-Mediums, and Synchronicity”? After my first book, Soul Shift, was released it became apparent that there was a need...

Head of Haiti’s Voodoo Religion Dies CONTRIBUTOR: . . File picture shows a Voodoo priestess (R) treating a sick woman during a ritual ceremony in Cap-Haitian, north of Port-au-Prince (AFP Photo/Thony Belizaire) Port-au-Prince (AFP) – Max Gesner Beauvoir, the supreme chief of the voodoo religion, died at the age of 79 in the Haitian capital, his relatives...

Voodoo Priest Challenges Christian Pastor To Battle (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . Voodoo Priest challenges Christian Pastor to Battle; Test of Spiritual Power. This is highly amusing. I could not stop chuckling at it. Shame on me I guess. lol Let us know what you think about this glorious battle in the comments section. Voodoo vs. Christianity! Who will win this battle...

Voodoo Witchcraft Doctor Escapes Dark and Becomes Christian (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . Curtis “Earthquake” Kelley had many experiences of dark spirit when he was involved in Voodoo. His father was practicing Voodoo and he was trained since young age. Angels are real and demons are real. He also had experience called astral projection. It is that his spirit was out of body...

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775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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Massive Protests Against Muslim Invasion of Europe: But You Wouldn’t Know It Watching CNN -Video

Protests Demonstrations News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Massive Protests Against Muslim Invasion of Europe: But You Wouldn’t Know It Watching CNN -Video CONTRIBUTOR: . Published on September 28, 2015 See this BIN article: Pamela Geller, WND Column: Muslim ‘refugee’ invasion of Europe, EU to Relocate 120,000 | Opinion - Conservative...

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775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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Video…444 and God’s Chilling Warning!!! Wait Until You See What It Might Mean For All of Us and People Are Literally Seeing It Everywhere!!!

Paranormal News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Video…444 and God’s Chilling Warning!!! Wait Until You See What It Might Mean For All of Us and People Are Literally Seeing It Everywhere!!! CONTRIBUTOR: . Video…444 and God’s Chilling Warning!!! Wait Until You See What It Might Mean For All of Us and People Are Literally Seeing It Everywhere!!! image: It has come to my attention that people are seeing the number sequence 444 in dreams, visions, on their clocks, license plates,...

The 5 Most Common Cryptids Caught on Camera (video) CONTRIBUTOR: . The 5 Most Common Cryptids Caught on Camera Crawl around on the internet for any length of time and you’re sure to come across evidence of the weird and paranormal. Now that everyone has access to their own recording device and security cameras catch everything we don’t, there’s...

Blood Moon Alien Craft In The Sky Over California CONTRIBUTOR: . BLOOD MOON ALIEN CRAFT IN THE SKY OVER CALIFORNIA . SEPTEMBER 27, 2015    ……….. ANAHEIM / BLACK ROCK CANYON  CALIFORNIA . We reported in our previous article Massive V-shaped Cloud and Cigar-shaped UFO emits Light Beam over California about the mysterious UFO giant V-shaped cloud seen by many witnesses in California...

Witness photographs hovering UFO in remote Oregon CONTRIBUTOR: . An Oregon witness near Plush reported watching a hovering bright, white light that dropped orange lights several times beginning about 9:30 p.m. on September 24, 2015, according to testimony in Case 70932 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness was camped on Beatty’s Butte east...

Madam Violet, Vampire Queen CONTRIBUTOR: . Welcome, October! It's the start of a new month and a new beginning---another chance to play catch-up on this poor, neglected blog, lol. It's been a crazy few days with my son having surgery AND a birthday party in the same week, plus all sorts of other stuff, like t-ball,...

UFOs, Alien Abduction & Paranormal Encounters CONTRIBUTOR: . Chris Augustin has been an Alien/UFO/Paranormal Investigator for many years now. Chris is online for one main reason, the truth. In our community, people who have had UFO sightings, abduction experiences, paranormal encounters, etc; need a place to go. They need a place to share what they have experienced without...

Daily UFO Headlines 10/1/2015

CONTRIBUTOR: . VIDEO: Could this be the moment a UFO flies over Wiltshire? – Wiltshire Times UFO Sighting Reported in Rochester – KAAL TV 6 News UFO sighting: Mysterious footage captures glowing globes as they suddenly appear from nowhere – Mirror Online UFO experts headed for Rio Rancho – Rio Rancho...

Physicist Stanton Friedman To Investigate Billy Meier UFO Case

CONTRIBUTOR: . From conflict to communication, a new step is taken in pursuit of the truth A scheduled two-hour debate regarding the Billy Meier UFO case, between nuclear physicist and UFO researcher Stanton Friedman and Michael Horn, appeared to transform into a conversation wherein Friedman, an expressed opponent of the Meier case,...

Extinction Level Events And UFO Agenda - The Richard Syrett Show - September 27, 2015

CONTRIBUTOR: . Antonio Paris is an Astrophysicist who is the Chief Scientist and Director of the Center for Planetary Science. He joins Richard to discuss potential extinction level events and if Mars could be used as a colony to ensure the survival of the human race. Diane Tressman is the former State...

'Pigman' Seen Crossing Road In Kentucky! CONTRIBUTOR: . While Man-Bear-Pig may not be real (even though we think it is) Pigman is apparently a very real thing, and lives in Kentucky. At least according to a woman who spotted the creature(?) in 1983. The Kentucky woman was driving along highway 94 near Kentucky Lake when she saw...

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775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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Putin Lands Knockout Blow To President Obama's Already Awful Credibility

Politics News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Putin Lands Knockout Blow To President Obama's Already Awful Credibility CONTRIBUTOR: . If you did not have a moment to watch Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin follow one another before the United Nations earlier in the week, be fair warned: It is AWFUL! Most sane Americans would rather have hot needles poking in both eyeballs while cooking inside a stove than listen...

Netanyahu Warns U.N. "We Will Not Stay Silent" As Iran Threatens to Wipe Israel Off The Map CONTRIBUTOR: . If you did not get the opportunity to watch Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech on the Iranian deal today before the U.N., you missed history in the making. I don’t have the fingers and toes combined to count how many times the hair on my neck shot straight to the ceiling. I...

Jim Willie says 1 Year Delay in Economic Reset

CONTRIBUTOR: . 1 Year Delay in Economic Reset | Jim Willie (Part 1) - YouTube &n... THIS INTERVIEW:- Reset delayed by 1 year ►1:00- How much gold is the U.S. stealing? ►8:55- Why can't the Fed hike interest rates ►14:37- SUBSCRIBE to be notified when Part 2 is released ► OR Watch...

You Don't Really Think You Survived September Unscathed Do You? CONTRIBUTOR: . Some of you out there were probably relieved when you saw the October 1st on the Calendar, because you knew that meant we lived long enough to survive all the end of the world prophecies the news was bombarding us with in September, right? Well, I’m afraid I have some...

X22Report Oregon Mass Shooting Coincidence, Distraction, Gun Control? - Episode 780b

CONTRIBUTOR: . Oregon Mass Shooting Coincidence, Distraction, Gun Control? - Episode 780b - YouTube Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.comReport date: 10.01.2015 60% of Americans do not trust the corporate media. FBI data shows killing with rifles or AR15 are...

Alex Jones Show: Thursday (10-1-15) Joel Skousen & Tim Donnelly

CONTRIBUTOR: . Alex Jones Show: Thursday (10-1-15) Joel Skousen & Tim Donnelly - YouTube ConspiracyScope COMMERCIAL FREE VIDEO HERE... this Thursday, October 1 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into Sen. John McCain's plan to arm ISIS-linked Syrian rebels to shoot down Russian airplanes, which would likely spark...

D.H.S. Re-Institutes Citizens Spying On Each Other and Reporting CONTRIBUTOR: . (Infowars) The program is called "See Something, Say Something," you just better make damn sure you don't say the wrong the thing. According to the Department of Homeland Security’s Twitter feed, the agency has relaunched its campaign to involve citizens in tracking down and reporting terrorists. FOR MORE NEWS BY...

National Weather Service Issues Very Creepy Hurricane Forecast


Oregon School Shooter Was a Terrorist Who Only Executed Christians (Videos) CONTRIBUTOR: . There have been MAJOR developments over night with regard to the Oregon Shooting, not the least of which was another lecture from skid mark that occupies the Oval Office. Already after yesterday’s mass shooting and Obama with his gun rhetoric, there are all the rumblings of a false flag. Look,...

[Alleged] Oregon Gunman Identified as Chris Harper Mercer

CONTRIBUTOR: . A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order [Alleged] Oregon Gunman Identified as Chris Harper Mercer | 01 Oct 2015 | A law enforcement official has identified the gunman as Chris Harper Mercer, 26, and said he had three weapons, handguns...

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