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CONTRIBUTOR: . Video…444 and God’s
Chilling Warning!!! Wait Until You See What It Might Mean For All of Us and
People Are Literally Seeing It Everywhere!!! image: It has come to my attention
that people are seeing the number sequence 444 in dreams, visions, on their
clocks, license plates,...
CONTRIBUTOR: . The 5 Most Common
Cryptids Caught on Camera Crawl around on the internet for any length of time
and you’re sure to come across evidence of the weird and paranormal. Now that
everyone has access to their own recording device and security cameras catch
everything we don’t, there’s...
ROCK CANYON CALIFORNIA . We reported in our previous article Massive V-shaped
Cloud and Cigar-shaped UFO emits Light Beam over California about the mysterious
UFO giant V-shaped cloud seen by many witnesses in California...
Oregon witness near Plush reported watching a hovering bright, white light that
dropped orange lights several times beginning about 9:30 p.m. on September 24,
2015, according to testimony in Case 70932 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
witness reporting database. The witness was camped on Beatty’s Butte east...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Welcome, October!
It's the start of a new month and a new beginning---another chance to play
catch-up on this poor, neglected blog, lol. It's been a crazy few days with my
son having surgery AND a birthday party in the same week, plus all sorts of
other stuff, like t-ball,...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Chris Augustin has
been an Alien/UFO/Paranormal Investigator for many years now. Chris is online
for one main reason, the truth. In our community, people who have had UFO
sightings, abduction experiences, paranormal encounters, etc; need a place to
go. They need a place to share what they have experienced without...
. VIDEO: Could this be the moment a UFO flies over Wiltshire? –
Wiltshire Times UFO Sighting Reported in Rochester – KAAL TV 6 News UFO
sighting: Mysterious footage captures glowing globes as they suddenly appear
from nowhere – Mirror Online UFO experts headed for Rio Rancho – Rio Rancho...
. From conflict to communication, a new step is taken in pursuit of the
truth A scheduled two-hour debate regarding the Billy Meier UFO case, between
nuclear physicist and UFO researcher Stanton Friedman and Michael Horn, appeared
to transform into a conversation wherein Friedman, an expressed opponent of the
Meier case,...
. Antonio Paris is an Astrophysicist who is the Chief Scientist and Director
of the Center for Planetary Science. He joins Richard to discuss potential
extinction level events and if Mars could be used as a colony to ensure the
survival of the human race. Diane Tressman is the former State...
CONTRIBUTOR: . While Man-Bear-Pig
may not be real (even though we think it is) Pigman is apparently a very real
thing, and lives in Kentucky. At least according to a woman who spotted the
creature(?) in 1983. The Kentucky woman was driving along highway 94 near
Kentucky Lake when she saw...
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