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CONTRIBUTOR: . If you did not have
a moment to watch Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin follow one another before the
United Nations earlier in the week, be fair warned: It is AWFUL! Most sane
Americans would rather have hot needles poking in both eyeballs while cooking
inside a stove than listen...
CONTRIBUTOR: . If you did not get the
opportunity to watch Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech on the Iranian deal today
before the U.N., you missed history in the making. I don’t have the fingers and
toes combined to count how many times the hair on my neck shot straight to the
ceiling. I...
. 1 Year Delay in Economic Reset | Jim Willie (Part 1) - YouTube &n...
THIS INTERVIEW:- Reset delayed by 1 year ►1:00- How much gold is the U.S.
stealing? ►8:55- Why can't the Fed hike interest rates ►14:37- SUBSCRIBE to be
notified when Part 2 is released ►http://bit.ly/Subscription-Link-- OR Watch...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Some of you out
there were probably relieved when you saw the October 1st on the Calendar,
because you knew that meant we lived long enough to survive all the end of the
world prophecies the news was bombarding us with in September, right? Well, I’m
afraid I have some...
. Oregon Mass Shooting Coincidence, Distraction, Gun Control? - Episode 780b
- YouTube Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel –
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rn...Get economic collapse news throughout
the day visit http://x22report.comReport date: 10.01.2015 60% of Americans do
not trust the corporate media. FBI data shows killing with rifles or AR15 are...
. Alex Jones Show: Thursday (10-1-15) Joel Skousen & Tim Donnelly -
HERE...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s_ji...On this Thursday, October 1
edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into Sen. John McCain's plan to arm
ISIS-linked Syrian rebels to shoot down Russian airplanes, which would likely
CONTRIBUTOR: . (Infowars) The
program is called "See Something, Say Something," you just better make damn sure
you don't say the wrong the thing. According to the Department of Homeland
Security’s Twitter feed, the agency has relaunched its campaign to involve
citizens in tracking down and reporting terrorists. FOR MORE NEWS BY...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Diogenes Middle
CONTRIBUTOR: . There have been
MAJOR developments over night with regard to the Oregon Shooting, not the least
of which was another lecture from skid mark that occupies the Oval Office.
Already after yesterday’s mass shooting and Obama with his gun rhetoric, there
are all the rumblings of a false flag. Look,...
. A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US
imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order [Alleged] Oregon Gunman
Identified as Chris Harper Mercer | 01 Oct 2015 | A law enforcement official has
identified the gunman as Chris Harper Mercer, 26, and said he had three weapons,
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