Hezekiah was the most righteous of all the kings of Judea. His name is
composed of the word "kha-zak" - strong - and God's name "ya" meaning that he
strengthened the people's devotion to God. In a recent sensational discovery,
King Hezekiah's royal clay seal was unearthed at the foot of the Southern Wall
of the Temple Mount, bearing the inscription: “Hezekiah (son) Ahaz King of
Judea.” In a time when the Jewish claim to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is
attacked as never before, the discovery verifies the biblical account of a great
Jewish king, who strengthened, purified and "opened the doors" of the Holy
Temple. May we merit to once again see the opening of the Temple Mount to a
Jewish presence, where all will be able to worship the One True God in