Sunday, January 3, 2016

SICK: Farrakhan Makes Despicable Announcement About What White Folks Will Do if Trump Is President

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SICK: Farrakhan Makes Despicable Announcement About What White Folks Will Do if Trump Is President

On New Year's Eve, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan made a despicable announcement suggesting that if 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump becomes our next president, white Americans will turn into uncivil monsters and America itself will transform into "the abyss of hell." "Mr. Trump is tearing away the skin of the onion of white civility...
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This Is The BRUTAL “Religion” Meme Everyone Is Talking About… Trump Would Love This

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Two GOP Candidates Team Up To Knock Cruz Out Of Iowa… But Cruz Is Ready For Them

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WOW: Mexican Fisherman Makes SHOCK Move Against U.S. Coast Guard Boat on the High Seas

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Muslims Capture “Santa,” Haul Him Before Shariah Judge Where Something Shocking Happens

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BREAKING: GOP Candidate Gets Billionaire Backing… But Look Which Party They Belong Too

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China to 'Gamify' Obedience to the Government

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China to 'Gamify' Obedience to the Government

(THE BLAZE)—With what some are calling a concept straight out of George Orwell's "1984," China has reportedly "gamified" obedience to the government's regime.According to a Youtube video posted by "Extra Credit," which has amassed well over a half million views in just one week, China has created a tool called "Sesame Credit" to track how closely each citizen follows the party line.7:38According...

Record-Setting Numbers of New Olim Arrived in 2015

30,000 people made aliyah in 2015, largest amount in more than a decade. All-time high of 7,900 from France. (Pic. French aliyah (file) Marc Israel Sellem/Flash90)(ARUTZ SHEVA)—The Jewish Agency for Israel has announced that more than 30,000 olim [new immigrants] arrived in Israel in 2015. This represents an increase of 10 percent over last year, and the highest number in over a decade.The...

Book Review: 'Repentance: The Most Misunderstood Word in the Bible' by Michael Cocoris

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Video: Understanding God's Plan for the Ages (Part 3)

Pastor Rokser continues the series on Essentials of True Christianity with Part 3 of a study of God's sovereign plan throughout the ages which He has revealed to us in His Word.54:12...
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And we shall cut timber from Lebanon, as much as you need, and we shall bring it to you as rafts on the sea of Jaffo, and you will bring them up to Jerusalem. II CHRONICLES (2:15)

Shabbat Shalom and Happy 2016 | 20 Tevet 5776
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And we shall cut timber from Lebanon, as much as you need, and we shall bring it to you as rafts on the
sea of Jaffo, and you will bring them up to Jerusalem.


וַאֲנַחְנוּ נִכְרֹת עֵצִים מִן הַלְּבָנוֹן כְּכָל צָרְכֶּךָ וּנְבִיאֵם לְךָ רַפְסֹדוֹת עַל יָם יָפוֹ וְאַתָּה תַּעֲלֶה אֹתָם יְרוּשָׁלִָם

דברי הימים ב ב:טו

va-a-nakh-nu nikh-rot ay-tzeem min ha-l'-va-non k'-khol tzar-ke-kha u-n'-vee-aym l'-kha raf-so-dot al yam ya-fo v'-a-ta ta-a-le o-tam y'-ru-sha-lai-yim

Shabbat Inspiration

Our Sages teach that en route to Jerusalem, the sailors recited a Psalm while bringing the mighty cedar trees for Solomon's Temple. Psalm 93:4 describes "the voices of many waters, the mighty breakers of the sea," and then speaks of the Lord's house, the "dwelling of holiness." As part of their route, the sailors surely passed the northern sea border of Rosh Hanikra, and heard the crashing of the waves into the rock. They must have marveled at the beauty and power of the sea, and praised God for their participation in the building of His great house.  What better way to start the new year than learning the Israel Bible. Now you can get the full 20 volume set, with full Hebrew and English text, and inspiring Israel commentary.

Beautiful Israel by Drone

The beauty of the holy land never ceases to amaze and inspire. You'll love these aerial glimpses of scenes from across our beautiful country.

Descent into Slavery

This week's Torah portion opens with the descent of Jacob’s family into Egypt.  The text identifies the heads of families who traveled with Jacob in a list almost identical to that of Genesis 46, emphasizing the connection between the books of Genesis and Exodus.

Bible Verses in Song CD

Brought to you from the Women’s Jerusalem Choir “Shirah Chadashah” (New Song), comes this moving musical CD of ancient Hebrew Bible verses rendered in sweet, moving voices.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Yosef Symonds' spectacular photo of Lupin Hill in central Israel. In this valley was the ancient showdown between David and Goliath. Today it is known for the beautiful lupin flowers of early spring.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Robin Sussman in memory of her parents Sigmund and Barbara Beer. Todah rabah!

“The More I View Jerusalem365 the More My Heart Longs to Be There

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
  Greetings Rabbi Tuly, May peace be with you and your household today.  I enjoy Jerusalem365 very much.  I am a Pastor who ministers at a Assisted living community.  The more I view Jerusalem365 the more my heart longs to be there, there is so much going on within me that I am just amazed that I can contain it all.  I do thank you again and I do pray that HaShem blesses you and your household mightly.
Shalom, Pastor Ron Murhon.
Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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