Sunday, January 3, 2016

China to 'Gamify' Obedience to the Government

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China to 'Gamify' Obedience to the Government

(THE BLAZE)—With what some are calling a concept straight out of George Orwell's "1984," China has reportedly "gamified" obedience to the government's regime.According to a Youtube video posted by "Extra Credit," which has amassed well over a half million views in just one week, China has created a tool called "Sesame Credit" to track how closely each citizen follows the party line.7:38According...

Record-Setting Numbers of New Olim Arrived in 2015

30,000 people made aliyah in 2015, largest amount in more than a decade. All-time high of 7,900 from France. (Pic. French aliyah (file) Marc Israel Sellem/Flash90)(ARUTZ SHEVA)—The Jewish Agency for Israel has announced that more than 30,000 olim [new immigrants] arrived in Israel in 2015. This represents an increase of 10 percent over last year, and the highest number in over a decade.The...

Book Review: 'Repentance: The Most Misunderstood Word in the Bible' by Michael Cocoris

Thomas Stegall Duluth Bible Church What does it mean to "repent"? Throughout the history of Christianity, great confusion has surrounded the condition for eternal life and what it means to "repent." Is repentance a separate condition from faith? Does it mean to do penance for one's sins? To feel sorrow or remorse for sin? To forsake all and follow Christ? To stop sinning or resolve to do so? In...

Video: Understanding God's Plan for the Ages (Part 3)

Pastor Rokser continues the series on Essentials of True Christianity with Part 3 of a study of God's sovereign plan throughout the ages which He has revealed to us in His Word.54:12...
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