Wednesday, February 1, 2017

WATCH: Normally Quiet Orrin Hatch Finally Loses It... Goes OFF on Dems in Unexpected Outburst

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Daily Dispatch - Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Free Book: The 7 Signs of the Coming Gold & Silver Boom
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Investigative journalist infiltrates anti-Semitic organization in California

Investigative journalist infiltrates anti-Semitic organization in California

Lee Kaplan is an undercover investigative journalist who has been published and on radio and television internationally.  Kaplan joins Doc Thompson to talk about his latest investigative report on The Shia Association of Bay Area. He explains that after a comment on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Catholic Bishop Patrick Joseph McGrath visited and declared “solidarity” with The Shia Association of the Bay Area (a.k.a. SABA Islamic Center), a staunchly pro-Iranian regime, anti-Semitic organization based in San Jose, California.
To see more from Doc, visit his channel on TheBlaze and listen live to “The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson” weekdays 6–9am ET, only on TheBlaze Radio Network.

Senate Dems plan to block two Trump nominees with a surprising maneuver

Senate Dems plan to block two Trump nominees with a surprising maneuver

Senate Dems plan to block two Trump nominees with a surprising maneuver
Surrounded by empty seats, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) confers with an aide during a committee meeting to vote on the nominations of cabinet nominees Tom Price and Steve Mnuchin, on Capitol Hill Tuesday. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
Democrats in the Senate Finance Committee are boycotting the confirmations of President Donald Trump’s nominees to helm the Treasury Department and the Department of Health and Human Services. In this case, the boycott may not be merely a symbolic gesture, but might actually prevent the committee from voting on the nominations under current Senate rules.
The Senate committee was slated to vote Tuesday on former Goldman Sachs partner Steven Mnuchin for treasury secretary and Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) for secretary of HHS. However, the panel requires at least one Democrat be present in order to conduct the vote.
“I’m very disappointed in this type of crap,” Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said. “I mean, my gosh, there’s no excuse for it.”
He went on to call the move “one of the most alarming things I have seen in my whole 40 years in the Senate.” Hatch has been a member of Congress since 1977. He said Democrats know the nominations will advance and are just choosing to delay the inevitable.
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), the ranking Democrat on the committee, explained outside the chamber that the reason Democrats are boycotting the confirmations is because they still have unanswered questions for Price and Mnuchin.
However, Hatch believes the Democrats, whom he said should “stop posturing and acting like idiots,” are just pulling this stunt because they don’t like President Donald Trump.
“I think some of this is because they just don’t like the president,” he said, according to Business Insider. “They have a right not to like the president, I happen to like the president very, very much. … But they really shouldn’t treat dignified people who are willing to sacrifice to serve in the government.”
Democrats have raised concerns about Mnuchin’s past dealings with the controversial OneWest Bank’s foreclosure practices. Under Mnuchin’s leadership, there were allegedly some 36,000 foreclosures.
And when it comes to Price, Democrats have questions about the Georgia congressman’s investments in several health care-related stocks while he was sponsoring legislation that would have a direct impact on those shares. Over the past four years, Price has traded more than $300,000 in shares in health industry stocks.
Republicans, though, said Democrats’ concerns were not enough to stop the nominations of two candidates they see as qualified.
There are 26 members — 14 Republican and 12 Democrat — on the Senate Finance Committee. Only one Democrat needs to show up for the confirmation to advance.
This is not the first time Democrats have blocked a Republican majority from proceeding by refusing to take their seats and thus denying Republicans a quorum. In 2003, 11 Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives literally fled the state for weeks in order to prevent a redistricting plan favored by Republicans. Eventually, one of them returned and the redistricting plan was passed. More recently, in 2011,Wisconsin Democrats fled to Illinois for three weeks to avoid a vote on Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s budget bill because of provisions that were opposed by Wisconsin unions. However, the GOP-controlled legislature defeated the Democrats’ maneuvers by separating these bills from the budget and passing them separately.
It is unclear what action the Republican Senate plans to take in response to the Democrats’ boycott, or if Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will simply bring the nominations to the floor immediately, without a recommendation from the Finance Committee.

Matt Walsh: Goodbye, Boy Scouts of America. You spineless cowards.

Matt Walsh: Goodbye, Boy Scouts of America. You spineless cowards.

Matt Walsh: Goodbye, Boy Scouts of America. You spineless cowards.
(Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images)
Goodbye, Boy Scouts. You fools. You invertebrates. You caved once again and will now allow “transgender boys” — also known as girls — to enter your ranks. I guess you forgot that the girls already have their own branch of the Scouts. It’s called the Girl Scouts. You know, the one with the cookies. Will the Boy Scouts start selling cookies now, too? That would be one upside to all of this, at least.
Your chief executive declared yesterday that it’s “not sufficient” to use a birth certificate as reference point to determine a person’s gender. I’m certain that he doesn’t actually believe that. Most of the people who’ve submitted to the “transgender” superstition don’t actually believe it. They know full well that a girl is a girl and a boy is a boy. That’s the obvious truth. But in these irrational days, it takes a bit of fortitude to stand by the truth, especially the most obvious truths. Unfortunately, fortitude is precisely what you lack. And by “you,” I mean the leadership who made this decision. The actual scouts themselves are just another set of victims here. But not for much longer, because Christian families are pulling out. We’re done with you. For good.
We tried to tell you this would happen. Once you start compromising with the Culture of Death, it never ends. You can’t just sell a piece of your soul to the Devil and expect him to leave you alone. No, he wants to eat the whole thing. He’s always hungry, never satiated.
So, you surrendered to the LGBT lobby a few years ago and allowed in openly gay Scouts, even though the Supreme Court had already upheld your right to exclude them. You thought the forces of darkness would be satisfied with that, but they weren’t. Like we warned you. Then you surrendered and welcomed openly gay scoutmasters into the fold, enabling homosexual men to accompany young boys on overnight camping trips and all the rest of it. You thought they’d finally leave you alone then — I mean, what else could they possibly want? — but you were mistaken.
You’d made every concession demanded by the LGB, now it was the T’s turn. They didn’t have to fight too hard. You were already on your knees, groveling and whimpering. You’d already decided to abandon the “keep myself morally straight” part of the Scout oath. Why not dispense with the rest of it? Why not utterly dismantle everything that has defined you for over a century? Why not defeat the entire purpose of your organization for the sake of an infinitesimal fraction of the population? The point of the Boy Scouts is to teach boys how to be men. Why not alter that formula so that you can also teach girls how to be men? Well, I can think of a few reasons why you shouldn’t: logic, sanity, decency, reality, morality, etc. But you’d punted those particular footballs a while ago. So here we are.
You’re finished now. You know that, right? It’s primarily Christian parents who send their kids into the Scouts. Well, that’s over. My two sons will never be Scouts. Ever. And I guarantee that my feelings reflect the sentiment of most conservative Christian families, which is (or was) your lifeblood. Good luck trying to survive with only radical leftists donating their money and enrolling their kids. How many leftist scouting enthusiasts do you think exist in the country? Leftists don’t go camping unless it’s a jam band festival. You better starting singing Phish tunes around the campfire or you don’t stand a chance.
Wait, did you think that leftists were trying to fundamentally reshape and restructure the whole point and purpose of the Boy Scouts because they actually care about your organization? Oh, goodness. You silly, silly fools. The gay lobby and its disciples aren’t going to repay your capitulation by supporting you. This was simply about power and control. As far as they’re concerned, you’re still a bunch of backward, trail-hiking, Bible-thumping nerds. That doesn’t change just because you crawled into the fetal position. It only gets worse from here, actually.
Oh, you didn’t think they were done making demands, did you? No, I told you it never ends. Give a mouse a cookie and eventually he’ll want to rip your beating heart out of your chest. Haven’t you ever read that book? I’m paraphrasing slightly. The point is, all you’ve done is allow “transgenders” and homosexuals into the Scouts. Next, you’re going to have to loudly, regularly, and enthusiastically affirm left wing sexual doctrines. You’re going to have to gather the kids around the campfire and talk to them about the fluidity of gender and the evils of white privilege. You’re going to have to start handing out merit badges for cross dressing and sexual experimentation. You think I’m joking? Have you not been paying attention at all?
It’s like the book “Silence.” The priest renounces his faith and thinks the Japanese authorities will let him be. But, no, they come back and make him renounce it over and over again until he dies in disgrace. Of course, he did all of this under threat of torture and death. You did it under threat of angry blog posts. Tomato tomahto, I suppose.
So, if I haven’t been clear, here’s how this works: You give the leftist bullies every last thing they want, and in return you get nothing. Whatever you already had, you lose. Those who supported you while you were being attacked, no longer support you. The people who hated you still hate you and the people who loved you now resent you for betraying them. You are now officially in a lose/lose/lose/lose-unto-infinity scenario.
That’s what you get for being “inclusive.” That’s what you get for not standing your ground. That’s what you get for meeting the demands of the pitchfork mob. That’s what you get for negotiating with moral anarchists. But hey, at least the media will write a few nice articles about you. That is until they come up with the next reason to push you around. At which point the whole process will repeat itself again. Good luck with that, fellas. Whoops, I mean, well whatever we’re supposed to call you these days.
Meanwhile, we Christian families will be sending our boys to Trail Life USA. Same sort of organization, minus the cowardice and confusion. That’s what a win/win looks like.
To see more from Matt Walsh, visit his channel on TheBlaze.

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