Saturday, December 2, 2017

Down With 'Bigot-In-Chief': Rep. Al Green Promises - Again - He Will Impeach Trump

"Impeachment will be voted on before Christmas."

He’s back! Nutty Al Green returns, pitching his “Impeach Trump” plot all over again. 
As reported by TruthRevolt in September, goofball Representative Green of Texas promised he would impeach President Donald Trump “next week.” Green was apparently tied up for a while, and therefore Trump has remained in the Oval Office. But Green is at it again, and with a whole new reason. 
As a reminder, President Trump’s impeachable offense in September was, according to Green, his use of the term “son of a b*tch” as a reference to people kneeling during the Star-Spangled Banner. At the time, Green did his best Jesse Jackson before the Speaker of the House, sporting an American flag tie and his cool ponytail:
“I rise today…to make comments that I never thought I’d have to make…I rise today to defend, denounce, and announce…I rise today…to defend any mother who has been called a dog, because her son has engaged in peaceful protest…I rise today…to defend any son who is called the son of a dog because he engaged in peaceful protest…I rise today to denounce these comments that have been made, because they have brought discourse to a new low…I rise…to say…that this is not what America is all about—calling people ‘SOB’s’…and we know what a ‘B’ is:  it’s a dog…I rise because my heart tells me that I must do something…I rise to announce that on next week…I will bring a priveleged resolution…and I will call for the impeachment of the President of the United States of America.”

Somehow, Green’s jets over Trump’s NFL comment have cooled. And so, meet his new charge against the Commander-in-Chief: Trump’s retweeting of three Muslim videos -- “Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!” “Muslim Destroys a Statue of Virgin Mary!” and “Islamist mob pushes teenage boy off roof and beats him to death!” 
Green responded with indignation, stating on November 29th:
"When hate emanates from the presidency the solution is impeachment. Impeachment will be voted on before Christmas."

And the very next day, seemingly in the same suit (and still "rising"):
"Next week, there will be a vote to impeach the Bigot-In-Chief. Our constituents expect us to eliminate -- not tolerate -- hate!"
If impeaching (and rising) is wrong, Green doesn't want to be right; subsequently, it becomes hard to keep up with how and when we're losing our nation's leader due to the success of one of the Texan's crackpot crusades. In May, for example, he tweeted this:
"Today on the floor of the Congress of the United States of America, I will call for the Impeachment of the President between 9am & 10am CST."

Something must've detained him then as well.
Al Green impeaching President Trump like a furniture store that, perpetually, has "lost [their] lease" and is having a "Going Out of Business" sale. Except in Green's case, instead of losing his lease, he's lost his mind.

Vox Doubts ‘Pence Rule’ Protects Women, Nixes Open Bar at Party to Protect Women

So, maybe self-control DOES work.

Leftist outlet Vox wasn’t impressed when Vice President Mike Pence talked about his standing rule to never be alone with a woman or attend an event with alcohol served without his wife by his side. The “Pence rule,” it doubted, “Doesn’t make women safer,” and is “disingenuous at best” because it does more to protect men in power from scandals than protecting female virtue.
In October, when Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein began his deep decent into the annals of sex abusers, Vox writer Tara Isabella Burton recoiled at former Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka suggesting that had “Weinstein… obeyed @VP Pence's rules for meeting with the opposite sex, none of those poor women would ever have been abused.” Not true, Burton said, criticizing Gorka for having a repulsive “smugness” like other right-wingers. At best, she added, the Pence rule might have saved some women from harassment, but not all. Burton suggested the rule should just be “not harassing women” in the first place — which is the Pence rule in a nutshell:
But we shouldn’t mistake the rule’s efficacy for unselfishness. It is a completely self-serving maxim, designed to protect men against women, and not the other way around. It does little for the women whose careers are stymied by a lack of access to good mentors and peers. A system in which private male-female interaction is treated as an automatic “red flag” is one that penalizes women for existing. In these scenarios, women may be more protected from harassment — just as their male counterparts are more protected from the specter of spurious allegations — but they are likewise barred from interactions that might benefit them professionally. Meanwhile, their male colleagues and superiors would suffer no such professional backlash, especially since men in the entertainment industry already tend to have powerful positions.
Sure, had Weinstein taken it upon himself to follow the Pence rule, it is true he probably would not have had opportunities to harm his alleged victims during meetings and audition-type scenarios. But plenty of other decisions Weinstein might have made — say, not harassing women — would have had the same effect.
But here’s a curiosity: Vox Media is having a “holiday party” this month and have decided to nix the open bar this time around as a way to hopefully stymie potential sexual harassment. You might call it a “Vox rule” of sorts:
Amid the wave of recent sexual harassment allegations against a number of individuals at media companies, and after firing its own editorial director for sexual harassment last month, Vox Media announced to its staff on Thursday that it will not have an open bar at this year’s holiday party.
As explained in an invitation sent out to Vox Media’s New York staff members Thursday afternoon, the reason for the change is to help curb any potential “unprofessional behavior.”
The invitation adds: 
[I]nstead of an open bar, each attendee will receive two drink tickets with which they can get alcoholic drinks if they choose. After that only non-alcoholic drinks will be available.
We recognize that even though alcohol isn’t always the reason for unprofessional behavior, creating an environment that encourages overconsumption certainly contributes to it.
Ah, so, if Vox places certain restrictions on itself, then it could potentially avoid engaging in bad behavior? That makes a lot of sense. Surely, Pence would approve of such self-imposed control.

Christmas Market Evacuated in Germany: Explosives Found

“There was a successful attempt to spread fear, because at this point it isn’t possible for Christmas festivities to go ahead as normal.”

Merry Christmas, infidels. Police have evacuated a Christmas market in the German city of Potsdam after finding a suspicious package that was found to contain an explosive device.
The Washington Post reports that the package contained nails, powder, and firecrackers. The package has now been destroyed, and no one was injured. Police spokesman Peter Meyritz said that the package, approximately 16 by 20 inches, was delivered to a pharmacy near the Christmas market where it aroused suspicion and the police were called.  It contained, as the police described it, "a cylindrical object with cables, batteries, and nails but, at this point, no ignition device has been found." 
Brandenburg state's top security official, Interior Minister Karl-Heinz Schroeter said "The evaluation and analysis is just beginning now. If it was really explosive or if it was a fake or a dummy, we will only know through further investigation." He went on to say that, either way, the package had some success as an act of terrorism:
There was a successful attempt to spread fear, because at this point it isn’t possible for Christmas festivities to go ahead as normal.
Christmas markets opened across Germany last Monday, but had increased security after a Christmas market was attacked in Berlin last year, killing 12 people.

Sheila Jackson Lee Stands by Her Man, ‘Patriot’ John Conyers

Thinks the decision to resign is his alone.

Another Democrat in Congress is standing behind alleged sexual harasser Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) and refuses to urge him to resign.
Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee was on MSNBC Thursday dodging the “should he step down” question and instead remained defiant on behalf of her pal:
“I believe the decision to go or come will be the decision of that member. As I understand it, Mr. Conyers is with his family. I’m praying for them. I’m praying for the women to make their decision. But all of those decisions are at the behest of the member and I expect that to be the case here.”
Jackson Lee assured that she “believes women” when they come forward with sexual assault allegations and wants mandatory sexual harassment training for Congress. But as for Conyers, Jackson Lee said, “I’ve only known him to be a patriot.”
Here’s where MSNBC anchor Craig Melvin gets some credit for pressing his Democrat guest to answer why she is so insistent on covering for Conyers. He reminded her about the $27,000 “settlement” Conyers paid in public funds as hush money to one of his victims and how that seemed to him like an admission of guilt. 
“Are you concerned at all about your party no longer being able to profess to be the party of women if it doesn’t force a congressman like John Conyers out?” Melvin asked.
After recovering from laughter, Jackson Lee changed the subject to Republicans Roy Moore and Donald Trump and the “appalling” allegations against them. She also veered off into the topic of the sexual abuse against black women going back to the founding of the country. Deflection and race card — two great tastes!
Melvin interrupted the strange rant to inform her that while they were talking, her friend and colleague House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) had called for Conyers’ resignation, prompting the host to ask again if Jackson Lee was still willing to hold her position. She answered in the affirmative.
The congresswoman stressed that she will leave it up to Conyers to make his own decision and resolved to get back to fighting for women — and corrupt congressmen, apparently.

Hillary Thinks Lauer’s Downfall is ‘Karma’ for Being Tough on Her in 2016 (Then Hillary Should Just Burst Into Flames, Karma )

Wow, she makes everything about herself, doesn’t she?

At an event in Philadelphia Thursday night pushing her election memoir What Happened, Hillary Clinton stepped away from the orthodoxy of her Methodist upbringing and stated she’s starting to believe in karma. But really, she just needed something else to blame for her spectacular loss in 2016.
At one point in the evening, Clinton discussed how Matt Lauer was tougher on her during the NBC Commander-in-Chief Forum than he was with Donald Trump. And now that Lauer has fallen the way of Harvey Weinstein, Clinton interpreted that as karma for his treatment of a female candidate.
“Every day I believe more in karma, that’s all I can tell you,” Clinton said. She said Lauer and the like are “men who shaped the narrative” against her during the campaign. 
“The only way we will get sexism out of politics is to get more women in politics,” she added.
In her book, Clinton unloaded on Lauer, a one-time Clinton Global Initiative partner: “I was ticked off. NBC knew exactly what it was doing here [in the debate]. The network was treating this like an episode of 'The Apprentice,' in which Trump stars and ratings soar… Lauer had turned what should have been a serious discussion into a pointless ambush. What a waste of time.”
This story as covered by the Philly Voice includes an update on Clinton’s health:
At one point early in the evening, Clinton launched into an extended coughing fit, the kind of thing that tended to lead to theories during the campaign that the candidate was concealing some sort of illness. [Host Jennifer] Weiner attempted to fill the time by making a self-deprecating joke about her own last name, but knowing that Clinton’s history with a man of that particular surname is what led to the notorious Comey Letter, she may have not found it so funny.
We are also told the fawning audience “paid hundreds of dollars” to sit in the auditorium last night and watch Clinton blame everyone but herself for an abysmal campaign.

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