Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The 01/02/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

The 01/02/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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Robert Spencer: If the Islamic Republic is Falling, It’s Because of Trump
By Robert Spencer on Jan 01, 2018 05:15 pm

Robert Spencer: If the Islamic Republic is Falling, It’s Because of Trump
When one strong individual stands up, others follow. My latest in FrontPage: In 2009, Iran was swept by demonstrations, just as it is now. But at that time, the protesters were shouting “Allahu akbar,” and there was no indication that they wanted anything but reform of the Islamic regime, not the end of the regime […]

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Overall death toll in Iran freedom protests rises to 17
By Robert Spencer on Jan 01, 2018 05:11 pm

Overall death toll in Iran freedom protests rises to 17
How hard will the Islamic regime crack down? This is a spontaneous freedom movement with no apparent leadership. We can hope it will at least weaken the Islamic regime, and topple it soon. “Overall death toll in Iran protests rises to 17,” Al Arabiya, January 2, 2018: As the protests continue in Iranian cities for […]

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Pope: Those who decry security risks of Muslim migrants demean “the human dignity” of the “sons and daughters of God”
By Robert Spencer on Jan 01, 2018 05:02 pm

Pope: Those who decry security risks of Muslim migrants demean “the human dignity” of the “sons and daughters of God”
So now a concern to protect people from being murdered in jihad attacks is “demeaning” to the “human dignity” of Muslim migrants. The Pope is throwing the Catholic Church all in with the idea that if you’re against open borders globalist internationalism and the Islamization of Europe, you must be a racist, bigoted “Islamophobe.” Are […]

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Hugh Fitzgerald: Rev. Alexander Santora, Or, Islam Out of the Mouths of Babes
By Hugh Fitzgerald on Jan 01, 2018 04:02 pm

Hugh Fitzgerald: Rev. Alexander Santora, Or,  Islam Out of the Mouths of Babes
Rev. Alexander Santora is a Christian clergyman in New Jersey who has taken a great interest in presenting Islam in the best possible light and, unsurprisingly,  he gives no sign of being interested in finding out what is actually in the Qur’an and Hadith. He is content to report the clipped replies by young Muslims […]

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Trump: Pakistan gives “safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!”
By Robert Spencer on Jan 01, 2018 11:02 am

Trump: Pakistan gives “safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!”
Trump’s tweet in full: “The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools. They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!” […]

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Iran: Rouhani promises people “completely free to express criticism,” then security forces murder 12 people
By Robert Spencer on Jan 01, 2018 10:51 am

Iran: Rouhani promises people “completely free to express criticism,” then security forces murder 12 people
Taqiyya as an Islamic theological concept originates with the Shi’ites, and can be broad-ranging in its application. “Twelve dead in Iran as security forces are accused of opening fire on protesters after President Rouhani said people were ‘completely free to express their criticism,'” by Chris Pleasance, MailOnline, January 1, 2018: At least 12 people have […]

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Egypt: Muslim murders two Christians in New Year attack on liquor store
By Robert Spencer on Jan 01, 2018 10:43 am

Egypt: Muslim murders two Christians in New Year attack on liquor store
The Muslim persecution of the Christians in Egypt is ongoing, but has aroused little interest in the international media and even less in the “human rights community.” The victims are of the wrong creed. “Two Christians killed in New Year attack on Egypt liquor store,” Coptic World, January 1, 2018: A gunman killed two Copts […]

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Germany: Berlin’s “safe zone” for women fails to prevent New Year’s Eve sex assaults
By Robert Spencer on Jan 01, 2018 10:32 am

Germany: Berlin’s “safe zone” for women fails to prevent New Year’s Eve sex assaults
“The creation of the safety area was heavily criticised by a German police union boss. He said it communicates a ‘devastating message’: ‘By doing so, one is saying there are safe zones and unsafe zones’ for women, a message that could result in ‘the end of equality, freedom of movement and self-determination’, he said.” Yes, […]

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PBS Broadcasts Crusade Myths for the Holiday Season
By Andrew Harrod on Jan 01, 2018 10:24 am

PBS Broadcasts Crusade Myths for the Holiday Season
“The advertising for the new film” The Sultan and the Saint “suggests it presents revisionist history in line with the modernist ecumenical agenda,” wrote in 2016 Dr. Benjamin J. Vail (OFS), an American Secular Franciscan. The finished film, shown to this author and others last April, thoroughly vindicated Vail, and is now offering hackneyed Crusade […]

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Sweden: Muslim caregiver refuses to buy elderly woman Christmas ham due to “religious reasons”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Jan 01, 2018 10:15 am

Sweden: Muslim caregiver refuses to buy elderly woman Christmas ham due to “religious reasons”
A Muslim caregiver in Sweden has caused controversy after she refused to purchase a Christmas ham for one of her company’s clients, saying that it violated her religious beliefs. Liberal Party member Eva Castberger stated that “faithfulness is a private matter and nothing that should affect other people in one’s occupation.” This is precisely the […]

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image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2018/01/sienna-brynden-dogs-gofundme-600.jpg
Sienna Bryden, 22, is a dog groomer at Petsmart, where she was mauled last week by a pit bull, leaving her with severe injuries and unmet medical expenses.
Sienna Bryden, 22, is a dog groomer at Petsmart, where she was mauled last week by a pit bull, leaving her with severe injuries and unmet medical expenses.
GoFundMe site has been set up to help finance the recovery of a Petsmart employee who suffered grisly injuries during an attack by a pit bull earlier this week.
Sienna Bryden, 22, was mauled by the animal Wednesday while working as a pet groomer at the store’s Hyannis branch in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
The dog, named “Bubba,” attacked Bryden she was grooming him, according to MassLive.com.
“While the dog was being moved, for no apparent reason and without warning, the dog attacked the victim and would not let go of her arm,” Barnstable police said Wednesday.
The result were horrific wounds to Bryden’s arms, wrist and torso that required major surgeries.
Emergency responders found her in the store nearby to a “trail of blood,” and she was airlifted to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston for treatment, police said.
The animal, which had been involved in an earlier attack in Forestdale in September, was euthanized Thursday.
According to Bryden’s GoFundMe page, the owner of the dog had brought the animal in with a muzzle but described it as “sweet as can be.” The owner claimed the dog was wearing a muzzle because it had previously attacked another dog, but did not disclose that it had, in fact, mauled a 62-year-old Forestdale woman and shredded her left hand in September, according to Sandwich Deputy Animal Control Officer Walter T. Fagnant Jr.
The dog, Bubba, was voluntarily surrendered by his owners, Clifford and Edith Gardner of Forestdale, and euthanized at around 7 p.m. Thursday, Fagnant told the Cape Cod Times.
Brittany Korsh, who tried to pull Bubba off her mother during the Sept. 5 attack, said she was “heartbroken” for the Petsmart employee.
“This should never have happened,” Korsh wrote.
The GoFundMe account says Bryden’s arm was bitten as many as 20 times and that the dog ripped her shoulder from its socket.
image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2018/01/26590156_1514646338.1833_funddescription.jpg
Wounds to the wrist and arm of Petsmart dog groomer Sienna Bryden.
Wounds to the wrist and arm of Petsmart dog groomer Sienna Bryden.
Police described Bryden’s injuries as “bite wounds to her upper torso, wrist and hand, as well as extensive tearing of the flesh, possible broken bones and a suspected dislocated shoulder.”
“She is now home and starting her road to recovery,” the site reads. “She is obviously in pain and is tramatized [sic] by the whole accident. Please for the safety of others It is very important for people to please tell the Truth about your dogs when bringing them into grooming facilities.”
Barnstable police Sgt. Sean Sweeney said the dog “wouldn’t let go. She has a long road to recovery.”
Korsh criticized the Gardners for keeping the dog and Sandwich Police Chief Peter Wack for allowing Bubba to remain at home after he declared the dog dangerous following an Oct. 25 hearing.
Wack ordered Bubba to be muzzled and securely leashed whenever he was outside and off the Cliffords’ property.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2018/01/pit-bull-mauls-petsmart-worker-during-grooming/#IIp2OWCFK3qucJ2B.99

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