Thursday, March 1, 2018

Who’s Behind Anti-Gun ‘March for Our Lives?’ Take a Wild Guess HINT: It's not the bereaved high school shooting survivors.

Who’s Behind Anti-Gun ‘March for Our Lives?’ Take a Wild Guess

HINT: It's not the bereaved high school shooting survivors.

A few of the survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting became media darlings in the hours after the February 14th massacre. It didn’t take long for them to call for nationwide walkouts and for the media to follow their every move as they screamed for gun control. 
Soon after, a march on Washington was announced for March 24 called the “March for Our Lives.” While others have already occurred on a smaller scale, this is going to be the big one. And with that comes big name supporters behind the scenes. The regular suspects are all here, even though they’d like for us to believe this is the brainchild of the children.
BuzzFeed reported on who’s really pulling the strings behind the scenes:
Barely two weeks ago, the student survivors sat in a circle in the living room of one of their parents’ homes, planning a trip to Tallahassee to meet with lawmakers and handling nitty-gritty matters like which media outlets to talk to.
Since then, major players and organizations — including Everytown, Giffords, Move On, Planned Parenthood, and the Women’s March LA — told BuzzFeed News they are helping the students with logistics, strategy, and planning for next month’s March for Our Lives rally and beyond. Much of the specific resources the groups are providing to the Parkland students remains unclear — as is the full list of supporting organizations — but there are broad outlines.
…Everytown for Gun Safety — bankrolled mostly by Michael Bloomberg — recently secured a $1 million donation from entrepreneur and philanthropist Eli Broad.
MoveOn said it will encourage its millions of members to follow and promote the March for Our Lives movement on social media and attend the rally next month. The group said it had offered support in organizing logistics such as security and portable toilets, but it is unclear if the students have taken them up on their offer.
A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood said the group is “teaching and hosting trainings” for young activists across the US “to keep momentum going so they don’t get burned out.”
Planned Parenthood said it has been in contact with Giffords, which is spearheading the national coalition of groups working with March for Our Lives.
The Women’s March, whose leadership includes pro-Sharia, anti-Israel shill Linda Sarsour, are the ones who applied for the permit to march and according to Legal Insurrection, the attendance is expected to be around half-a-million marchers.
Also involved is the American Federation of Teachers, which has been providing buses for students to march at the Florida state capitol against guns. AFT President Randi Weingarten told BuzzFeed, “There are a lot of people who know how to put on a march in Washington and we are here to help support the teens with that experience in terms of logistics and strategy but it’s still early and they have some time to figure that out. We will be here for that ‘oh shit moment’ when they realize they need things like permits.”
So much for that “spontaneous youth uprising" thing. And let’s not forget the irony of Planned Parenthood’s involvement in a march FOR THE LIVE’S OF CHILDREN. That's rich!

Leftists Now Branding NRA as Anti-Semitic

"LaPierre’s speech never mentioned the word 'Jew.' And yet, nearly every example of the 'enemy' was Jewish."

Amid all the other attacks on the National Rifle Association blaming the organization and its members for the Parkland, Florida high school shooting on Valentine's Day, the left is now emphasizing another angle of attack: declaring the NRA anti-Semitic.
At, Rabbi Avraham Bronstein painted the NRA's Wayne LaPierre as an anti-Semitic Christian nationalist who delivered a "chilling call to arms" at the recent CPAC in Washington D.C. LaPierre's speech singled out a number of enemies America faces, a disproportionate number of which, Bronstein notes ominously, are Jewish:
In particular, he called out George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Tim Steyer as avatars of this looming menace. Though none of them are elected officials, they do share Jewish ancestry, along with wealth and influence acquired in the world of high finance.
They also share a dangerous, far-left activism, but Bronstein glosses over that because he is a Progressive Jew.
In a similar vein at, contributing editor Jay Michaelson claims that the NRA has "an anti-Semitism problem." He too points to LaPierre's CPAC speech as alarming and anti-Jewish. It was "McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites." Like Bronstein, Michaelson expresses his horror that LaPierre "disproportionately singles out Jews as examples of the foreign disease afflicting America."
Like all leftists, Michaelson sees Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan as a terrifying appeal to white supremacists to take their country back. He views it that way because leftists are globalists who don't believe America is or ever was great, and they don't want it to be great in the future.
Because LaPierre stressed the necessity for American patriots to cling to their Second Amendment rights, Michaelson claimed that the NRA leader was dog-whistling his support for a "planned massacre of Jews... to be carried out by armed mobs of 'the people' rising up against the outsiders within."
"LaPierre’s speech never mentioned the word 'Jew,'" Michaelson writes. "And yet, nearly every example of the 'enemy' was Jewish." Those Jewish examples include, as Rabbi Bronstein also pointed out, George Soros, Michael Bloomfield, Tim Steyer, and Saul Alinsky.
Perhaps LaPierre didn't mention the word Jew because it wasn't the Jewishness of these men that is the issue. Perhaps it is their radical, cultural Marxism that conservatives care about.
Jonathan S. Tobin at Haaretz stressed this very point in a more sensible opinion piece at Haaretz, "Just Because Jews Don't Like the NRA, That Doesn't Make the NRA anti-Semitic." Tobin is no fan of LaPierre, but he reassured readers that the NRA leader wasn't dog-whistling:
[M]erely tallying up the Jewish names mentioned by as NRA opponents - in a speech that never once mentioned Jews or Jewish issues - isn’t enough to make a case for dog whistling, let alone anti-Semitism.
The notion that the NRA is solely focused on liberal Jews - even though most major Jewish groups and the religious denominations are in the forefront of the fight for more gun control laws - as its opponents is false.
As for LaPierre's mention of Soros, Bloomberg, and Steyer, Tobin states, "It is possible to criticize [Soros] for his politics - as is the case with his counterparts on the right like the Koch Brothers and others - without being anti-Semitic. The same is true for Bloomberg. The former mayor of New York is not just some random billionaire whose name was plucked out of the air by LaPierre. He is the founder of a major anti-gun rights political operation." And "Steyer is the prime donor and the face of the movement to impeach Trump as well as a major backer of liberal efforts on guns."
Tobin concludes with, "It should be possible to oppose the NRA without dragging in such specious charges." Indeed, but the left attacks almost exclusively through the politics of personal destruction, not appeals to reason.
Yehuda Remer at The Daily Wire provides a paranoia-free perspective on this issue from the right, calling the NRA "Freedom’s Safest Place." As for the organization's purported anti-Semitism, Remer describes his positive experience:
[T]he NRA itself does not care if I am Jewish. Actually, let me rephrase that — they very much care that I am Jewish, because they care to make the playing field even. They want me to be able to protect myself from a tyrannical government and defend myself from those willing to harm me only because I am Jewish. The fact that I am Jewish does not exclude me from the NRA. The fact that I wear my Kippah does not restrict me from joining the millions of Americans who care about one thing — to be safe.
The Jews of America need not look any further than the NRA for a safe haven. They provide training, insurance, education, and support. They do not care if you are Jewish. They want to ensure one thing and one thing only. You have the ability to defend yourself against any enemy no matter your background.
I am a proud American Jew. I am a proud member of the NRA. I live in America’s Safest Place. I am the National Rifle Association.

Farrakhan Speech: 'Jews Are My Enemy,' 'White Folks Are Going Down'

Farrakhan Speech: 'Jews Are My Enemy,' 'White Folks Are Going Down'

“Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out."

With the leftist media entirely focused on the push to ban AR-15s and repeal the Second Amendment, practically no one noticed Louis Farrakhan's Saviours’ Day 2018 Address in which he told an approving audience that "powerful Jews are my enemy," and "white folks are going down," according to The Washington Examiner.
Farrakhan, of course, is the raging anti-Semite and race-monger who leads the Nation of Islam, the loony, militant, black nationalist organization whose mission is to throw off the yoke of the inferior white devil. This is the same Farrakhan with whom then-Sen. Barack Obama took a photo at a 2005 Congressional Black Caucus meeting, a photo that was subsequently suppressed in order to protect Obama's political future.
“Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out, turning men into women and women into men,” Farrakhan said in his keynote speech. “White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled a cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through."
After Farrakhan's speech Sunday, CNN anchor Jake Tapper, among a few others, began tweeting out a few quotes from it, and declared that Farrakhan was more dangerous than other "alt-reich" leaders because he “has a much larger following and elected officials meet with him openly.” His Twitter thread begins here:
Somehow the openly racist and anti-Semitic Farrakhan and his hateful organization have managed for decades to avoid being harshly denounced as such by the news media, which instead has spent the last two years attempting to smear Donald Trump as the new Hitler.
For more on Farrakhan, check out his profile here at Discover the Networks, the Horowitz Freedom Center's resource site of the left.

Former Porn Star Reveals She Quit Over ISIS Threats

Former Porn Star Reveals She Quit Over ISIS Threats

“Looking back on it I don’t know what I was thinking... I was 21 and dumb.”

What with all its murdering, torturing, enslaving, inspiring terrorism abroad, and now fleeing American bombing runs under President Trump, it's hard to imagine how the Islamic State (ISIS) finds time to scour porn websites and take offense over specific performers, but perhaps they're just good multi-taskers.
In a podcast interview with former cyclist Lance Armstrong called The Forward, former porn star Mia Khalifa revealed that she left the biz for several reasons, but primarily because she found herself on the receiving end of death threats from ISIS.
Fox News reports that the Lebanese-American Khalifa performed in porn for only three months at the age of 21 but swiftly found herself the top-ranked performer on the adult website PornHub
“Looking back on it I don’t know what I was thinking ... I was 21 and dumb,” Khalifa, now 25, told her friend Armstrong about the decision to do porn. “As soon as I started to gain popularity that’s when I was like ‘Get the f--- out of this’... This was not what I was trying to do whatsoever. I just wanted to let loose and rebel a little bit. It didn’t validate me. Nothing like that ever does. That’s not what you should be doing to try and build your self-esteem.”
The porn experience "started to spiral out of control," she said, "when the death threats from ISIS started coming in."
Armstrong noted that he had had at least one other guest who had gotten death threats from ISIS, and he joked that it was becoming a trend.
"Can I get on that list?" he kidded.
"That's not a list you want to be on," Khalifa countered. She laughed, but there was clearly a very serious undercurrent to her response.
What may have prompted ISIS' outrage was one particular sex scene Khalifa did while wearing a hijab.
Khalifa - whose family is Christian - said that the scene was meant to be satirical, according to the UK Daily Mail. ISIS apparently didn't get the joke and threatened her via social media with beheading, sending her mocked-up execution photos.
She also took a lot of social media heat from other Arabs for her tattoos, obviously very visible in her sex scenes, which include the opening line from the Lebanese national anthem and another of the Lebanese Forces Cross, which is meant to "show solidarity with my father's political views after a bombing in Lebanon in 2012."
One Twitter user threatened that Khalifa's head "will be cut off soon." Another warned her she would be "the first person in Hellfire."
Apparently off ISIS' radar now, but still widely recognized as a former porn star, Khalifa is attempting to move forward by accepting her past and rebranding herself.
“I gave up on just trying to lead a normal life. Now I’m going to try to rebrand and change the narrative,” she said. “Accept that I’m Mia Khalifa now and try to be successful at that, doing something else.”
The moral of the story, young people, is don't get involved in porn. ISIS is watching.

ABC News Ignores 30,000+ Complaints Over 'The View' Star Behar's 'Anti-Christian Bigotry'

“I am sure the advertisers will be just as appalled as I am about the anti-Christian remarks made on the show.”

As previously reported on TruthRevolt, Joy Behar, The Wicked Witch of The View, recently declared that Vice President Mike Pence's Christian faith was some sort of mental illness because he stated, as Christians often do, that he talked with God. Pence didn't take this lying down; he defended, not himself, but the many millions of Christians in America whom Behar smeared with her clueless interpretation of prayer. He told ABC News that Behar "is just wrong" -- which is putting it way too politely.
Now Fox News reports that ABC, network of The View, has received over 30,000 calls since the Media Research Center (MRC) began a campaign to hold the show's gabby co-hosts accountable for their “anti-Christian bigotry” -- but the network is keeping mum about the controversy.
Back on the Feb. 13 episode, Behar's co-host Sunny Hostin worried that “I don’t know that I want my vice president, um — speaking in tongues and having Jesus speak to him.” Behar added that hearing from Jesus is actually called “mental illness.”
The MRC, which describes itself as “America’s leading media watchdog in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias,” said the comments “took the liberal media’s pronounced bias against Christianity to the next level.”
MRC President Brent Bozell published an open letter to ABC News calling for an apology and posted contact information for 14 of the ABC News program’s advertisers, as well as that of the president of ABC.
“I am sure the advertisers of ‘The View’ will be just as appalled as I am about the anti-Christian remarks made on the show,” Bozell wrote.
As of Wednesday morning, ABC had received 30,588 calls and the show's advertisers, including Clorox, Gerber, Oreo and Home Advisor, have received no fewer than 6,000 calls, according to the MRC. Nonetheless, MRC apparently hasn't received any word from ABC News, its parent company Disney, or any of the advertisers. Apparently they're hoping the controversy will simply go away.

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