Wednesday, September 30, 2020
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Top Stories
• Joe Biden Says “I am the Democratic Party.” It Supports Killing Babies in Abortions Up to Birth
• Chelsea Clinton Opposes Amy Coney Barrett Because She Supported Pro-Life Laws
• Joe Biden Supports Abortions Up to Birth During Debate: “Roe v. Wade is at Stake”
• Joy Behar Wants Moderator To Hit Trump With Taser Every Time He Interrupts Biden
More Pro-Life News
• Joe Biden Wants Abortion Any Time, Anywhere, Under Any Circumstances
• Pro-Abortion Groups Spending Millions Trying to Defeat Amy Coney Barrett
• Amy Coney Barrett Open to Overturning Roe v. Wade Because Precedent Isn’t Forever
• President Trump is Ending Liberal Domination of Federal Courts
• Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories
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Joe Biden Says “I am the Democratic Party.” It Supports Killing Babies in Abortions Up to Birth
During last night’s first presidential debate, Joe Biden declared that he was the Democratic Party.
Chelsea Clinton Opposes Amy Coney Barrett Because She Supported Pro-Life Laws
Joe Biden Supports Abortions Up to Birth During Debate: “Roe v. Wade is at Stake”
During last night’s presidential debate, Democrat nominee Joe Biden supported the Supreme Court decision that allowed virtually unlimited abortions up to birth.
Joe Biden Wants Abortion Any Time, Anywhere, Under Any Circumstances
I have long since given up pretending I understand the long-term impact of presidential debates, particularly the first of three, which took place last night in Cleveland, Ohio.
Amy Coney Barrett Open to Overturning Roe v. Wade Because Precedent Isn’t Forever
President Trump is Ending Liberal Domination of Federal Courts
Our system of government and the liberty it provides are compromised when judges decide cases based on their own personal views and political beliefs rather than the law.MORE PRO-LIFE NEWS FROM TODAY
New York Times Pushes Bogus Poll Falsely Claiming Americans Support Abortion
Feminist Brags About Killing Her Baby in an Abortion to Oppose Amy Coney Barrett
Kamala Harris Refuses to Say if Biden Will Pack Supreme Court With Activist Judges
Female Senators Say Amy Coney Barrett Will “Inspire Our Daughters And Granddaughters”
Satanic Temple Sues Billboard Company That Refused Signs for Abortion Ritual Killing Babies
THE VIRGIN MARY SPEAKS TO AMERICA: "Come to Me, all mothers who weep for their children. Come to Me and I will solace you, and you will find great comfort with Me." - Blessed Virgin Mary - Join in Our Lady's 50th Anniversary Vigil, September 26 to 28, 2020. Priests go free, domestic air, hotels, meals. Buses available in various states. For info or call 609-654-0245 or 609-206-2963. For a free rose petal blessed by Jesus and Mary write to St. Michael's World Apostolate, PO Box 514, Bayside, NY 11361 (ADVERTISEMENT) |
Judge Blocks Tennessee Law That Saves Babies From Abortion
Biden Refuses to Say if He’d Pack Supreme Court With Liberal Judges: “I Won’t Answer the Question”