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SMUT FOR KIDS RE-SHELVED NEWS: VIDEO William Mahoney, Ph.D. • • November 30, 2021 17 Comments War for young souls rages on



by William Mahoney, Ph.D.  •  •  November 30, 2021    17 Comments

War for young souls rages on

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Books depicting salacious acts, homosexuality and gender dysphoria are back on the shelves in Fairfax County, Virginia. After conducting its own investigation into books temporarily removed, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) concluded they were inoffensive and appropriate for middle and high schoolers. Church Militant's William Mahoney recently spoke with the devout Catholic mother of six who first challenged the school board.

Stacy Langton, Virginia mom: "Fairfax County Public Schools has not done the right thing in how they've handled this from the beginning."

Stacy Langton is appalled: FCPS has reshelved two pro-homosexual and pro-pedophilic books, making them accessible to children as young as 12. In September, Langton became the first parent to confront the school board over the books Lawn Boy and Gender Queer.

Produced in comic book style, Gender Queer is replete with pornographic images, foul language and extremely vulgar themes that probably would've caused the infamous Marquis de Sade to blush. 

When FCPS announced, in a press release, its decision last week, Langton's phone was inundated by those outraged by FCPS' decision.

Langton: "I've got 100% anger messages — people saying, 'What? What is this?' And people saying things along the lines of 'these people are evil.'" 

The reinstatement of Lawn Boy and Gender Queer comes on the heels of the Department of Justice being weaponized against parents. Regarding Attorney General Merrick Garland's misuse of the DOJ, Langton deduced the following: "I think it has emboldened school boards to engage in activities that are intimidating to parents ― because I am experiencing that myself. I am being threatened, and those threats are clearly designed to intimidate."

Langton explained that parents nationwide are likewise being threatened for denouncing perversion and corruption in public schools. It's unclear why Garland is using mafia-like tactics to silence parents who are trying to protect their children from filth.

Langton spotlights in a tweet that "these images can't be broadcast on NBC, ABC, CBS because they violate FCC obscenity rules. These images can't be published in Washington Post, New York Times, because they violate obscenity standards. [FCPS] says they are not obscene. Let that sink in."

Despite intimidation, threats and the latest decision by FCPS, Langton asserts she'll never back down. Based on the official process, her next step is to file an appeal. 

Meanwhile, other Catholic media outlets have yet to contact Langton.

Langton: "You know what's funny ― I've had a few Protestant groups reach out to me, Family Research Council, Heritage Foundation, Billy Graham's organization. Where are the Catholics? Crickets. Except for Church Militant."

While the bishops are busy drafting fruitless documents and feigning eucharistic revivals, only one prelate has ministered to this faithful Catholic mother.

FCPS is going to hold its next public meeting Thursday evening. Stacy is going to be there. And she's asking for prayers that she happens to be just one of the randomly chosen speakers.


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