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Census Bureau’s Latest Data Release Confirms Leftist States’ Worst Nightmare December 31, 2021 Ryan Green Latest News, Social 5 Comments


Census Bureau’s Latest Data Release Confirms Leftist States’ Worst Nightmare

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It’s no secret that those who were frustrated with blue states’ authoritarian policies left their states en masse to live in states that promote freedom, and now there is ample data to prove it.

The United States Census Bureau released a map comparing the percentage of population changes in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and Washington D.C., from July 2020 to July 2021, which covers the bulk of the pandemic.

California, New York, Illinois and Hawaii, which are all deep blue states with Democratic governors, were the only states that saw a negative population increase of 0.60 percent or lower.

Washington D.C., led by Democratic Mayor Muriel Bowser, also saw a negative increase of 0.60 percent or lower.

By contrast, 7 states saw an increase of 1.01 percent or higher during that time frame.

Texas, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, South Carolina, Utah and Delaware all grew substantially in population, and all but Delaware boast conservative leadership at the helm.


Idaho saw the highest annual percentage increase overall, with a 2.9 percent growth, which translates to 53,151 people, according to the Census Bureau. Unsurprisingly, New York had a 1.6 percent annual decrease, a jaw-dropping 319,020 people.

When broken down into net population change, states that kept people trapped inside their homes ended up losing out in a big way.

California had the largest domestic migration loss with 367,299 residents moving to other states.

New York was a close second — prompting 352,185 of their residents to flee.


So yes, this could be considered an exodus.

Many families, like my own, were fed up with the coronavirus goalposts constantly changing in blue states, especially with their never-ending fear-mongering campaigns.

In addition, the high cost of living in blue states creates an incentive to move to more affordable states that do not tax their residents and businesses into oblivion.

Unfortunately, this does not mean the former residents of those blue states are going to assimilate right away.

Former Californians and New Yorkers might feel inclined to still vote for Democrats despite their policies being the root cause of their move.

This aloofness could result in states that were once reliably Republican becoming more competitive, and they could quickly lose their appeal.

In short, if you moved in the past year due to your state’s policies, don’t vote for what you fled.

via trueconservativeshub

  • This is exactly why I don't want them in Texas and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. I don't think any of my brothers and sisters want them in their states with their leftist crap! They flee their sorry democratic schit holes because they're tired of the way they are run, they come to our red states because they want the freedoms and opportunities we enjoy, then as soon as they get here they vote dimocrat, WTH people! You are welcome here but not if you're going to work against us! If that's your agenda then stay where you are!

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        I hope they remember "don't vote for what you fled."

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          What is AMAZING is that these DEMOCRATIC CONTROLLED STATES do not recognize what they are promoting is HARMFUL to their CITIZENSHIP. They are setting themselves up to lose Representation in the House of Representatives which is detrimental to their governance. These DEMOCRATS continue to expose their CITIZEN to harm in multiple areas like HEALTH and CRIME. Hmmm, I apologize, I keep forgetting that the DEMOCRATS HATE our CONSTITUTION and ALL OF THE FREEDOMS of RELIGIOUS and SPEECH GUARANTEED to us the Citizens of the U.S. The DEMOCRATES HATE our LAWS that provides protection from Criminal Activity like Murder or Assaults or Robberies, they want everyone to live in FEAR 24/7 so they can control the CITIZENSHIP. Which means THE DEMOCRATS HATE the AMERICAN CITIZEN.
          It has become horrific even to visit cities like L.A., N.Y.C., Portland, Seattle or Chicago for fear of being harmed or refused public access if NOT VACCINATED.
          The NEXT AMAZING FACT is the citizens of these states continue to vote the TYRANNICAL DEMOCRATS into Governorship, Mayoral Office, City Councils, etc. Guess they like living in FEAR 24/7 for the safety of their families.
          My opinion is mention above but my heart goes out to those who cannot afford to escape the Tyranny and are stuck in those cities.

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              It is not Democrats they are fleeing from, it is Communism they are running from. The Politicians are robbing them of their money to enrich themselves at the expense of businesses and the People.

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