Wednesday, February 2, 2022

‘I stand corrected’: Whoopi apologizes for saying Holocaust not about race February 1, 2022...“I’m sorry for the hurt I have caused,” Goldberg said. By World Israel News Staff


‘I stand corrected’: Whoopi apologizes for saying Holocaust not about race

“I’m sorry for the hurt I have caused,” Goldberg said.

By World Israel News Staff

ABC’s ‘The View’ host Whoopi Goldberg insisted that the Holocaust was “not about race” on last Sunday’s show, creating tension among the co-hosts and sparking major backlash on social media.

“Let’s be truthful about it,” Goldberg said during the show. “Because the Holocaust isn’t about race. No, it’s not about race.”

She apologized the next day in a statement on Twitter.

“On Today’s show, I said the Holocaust ‘is not about race, but about man’s inhumanity to man.’ I should have said it is about both,” she said.

“As Jonathan Greenblatt from the Anti-Defamation League shared, ‘The Holocaust was about the Nazi’s systematic annihilation of the Jewish people — who they deemed to be an inferior race.’ I stand corrected.

“The Jewish people around the world have always had my support and that will never waiver. I’m sorry for the hurt I have caused.

“Written with my sincerest apologies, Whoopi Goldberg.”

Meanwhile, Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, invited Goldberg to visit and learn more about “the causes, events and aftermath of the Holocaust.”

  • Except it wasn't "about both!" It was 100% down to Adolph Hitler and his hatred of Jews! He was rejected from art school, and then rejected his own mother's heritage, killing millions. Yes, he would later expand that to gypsies and others he deemed "unworthy of inclusion in society," but the core of the entire thing has always been that ADOLPH HITLER HATED THE JEWISH PEOPLE!

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      She has always been on the wrong side of an issue

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        Any idiot that follows Whoopie is as stupid as she is!

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            I think they will soon stop apologizing. There is nothing for her to do in the Holocaust museum, she will not understand anything there and will not learn anything.

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                This macha shaifeh is dumber than a box of rocks and even more prejudiced than Oprah. I never listen to a dumbass word she says -- and I'm certainly not going to take her CYA "apology" as being sincere. Adopting a Jewish surname did not give this cretin any noticeable increase in intelligence.

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                  This is perfect BLM rhetoric, who wish to separate race from ethnicity on a color palette. The term "person of color" is to convey that there is white and everything else to perpetuate the binary view of the world, with whites as the oppressors. So by that definition, Whoopi Goldberg and so many others say what they think extends from their race-based definition of everything; history, logic, sensibilities be damned.

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                      Honestly, when you say that it’s more in line with her original “humanity being inhumane” statement. The problem was that she wasn’t acknowledging the racial nature of the Holocaust

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                          Not sure where you are reading that or how you interpret that from what I wrote.

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                              You’re saying the problem is a “race-based” definition of everything. Her problem is the opposite. She did not define the Holocaust by race

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                                  I said "their race-based definition of everything." She stated that it was white on white, so it was not about race. But if one only defines race by color (which the "master race" did not), then the world is seen through her colored view.

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                                      Ahhh, I understand your point now. You are saying she held an incorrect definition of race.

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                                          Precisely. And it is not just an accident of mis-definition, but it is by intent. If people of color want to put their brand of persecution alone on the front page, then you do so by completely separating race (as color) from ethnicity (as country of origin or as religion). Otherwise they have to "compete" with the Holocaust, Armenian Genocide, etc., which are not comparable to black slavery. That creates the race dismissiveness in Whoopie's statement.

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                                              This is not just a problem for “people of color”. I hear Jewish people proclaiming that Jewish is not a race. There is a lot of ignorance around this. The idea of race being solely color based primarily comes from slavery and Jim Crow days

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                                                  Which unfortunately this president invokes in a manipulative and wrongheaded manner, further endorsing and cementing the ignorance and offsetting the accuracy of remembrance and history that is required.

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                                                      Yes, there definitely needs to be more education about these issues. A lot of the individuals engaged with the wrong groups are ignorant to the issues and that’s why they’re caught up in these things. Biden should be being taken care of by his family. He is senile and deluded. He is Pelosi’s puppet

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                                        We can watch her pronouncements with interest in the future.

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                                          She has been so dumb all her life.

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                                              She was very good in the Color Purple and Ghost. Don't recall any other movies with her but don't go often to see movies. Don't have a TV for well over a decade, so interesting to hear that her appearances on that screen are no longer limited to Hollywood Squares where she was terrific.

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                                                You stand in constant shame, siding with the "woke" haters of many races, including your own!!

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                                                    Funny how an apology is sufficient for some people and others get cancelled. Is it about the person or the topic???!!
                                                    Hmmm. I wonder???🤪

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                                                        Essentially, Ms. Caryn Elaine Johnson is saying, "I'm not wrong; we're both right." Not much of an "apology," is it? Hollywood/celebrity types would do well to avoid putting foot in mouth by withholding comment on unstudied topics. It's not the first such instance. Unfortunately, it won't be the last.

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                                                            "Whoopi Goldberg" born, Caryn Elaine Johnson (yes, she is a "Caryn"), may have intentionally been seeking to prop up the Left's phony race narrative, to wit, People of Color are victims of systemic Jewish and European White Race racism. Even if Jews trace their ancestry to Western Asia, hence identify as an Asiatic people (like most Moslems) thereby rendering them non-white, the Jews, unlike other Asians, in particular, Moslems (ignore their open alliance with Hitler), are deemed to aspire to be white, curiously asserting while simultaneoulsy denying that Jews are white.

                                                            No one will ever claim that Europeans who must trace the roots of Western Civilization to the Western Asian Fertile Crescent, do so because they aspire to be a Semitic people or Asian Jews.

                                                            It is inconvenient for Democrat "woke" Leftists to have Jews portrayed as a separate, inferior, race by a certifiably European White Race that believes itself to hold a patent on the color, or the alleged absence of color.

                                                            Correcting the historical narrative makes Jews intersectional with Blacks and other selectively designated Peoples of Color laying waste to the Democrat Woke Leftist "critical race theory" narrative. In short, it would present a serious problem for Democrat Woke Leftists if People of Color were to begin to see (or once again saw) Jews as fellow oppressed victims of European White Supremacists.

                                                            Whoopi (Goldberg) Johnson's Holocaust narrative may have been an intentional act of historic revisionism in furtherance and salvation of the Democrat Woke Leftist Narrative.

                                                            It is not surprising that the former Obama-Biden Administration official, Jonathan Greenblatt (ADL), would rush in, correct, forgive, and quickly bail Whoopi out. No doubt Greenblatt too wants to blow it all off of the news cycle as quickly as possible. Why let the poisonous fruits of all that race scamming and compounding anti-Semitism everyone on the Left has worked, and is working, so hard to promote as historical fact go to waste.

                                                            Democrat Woke Leftists need to blow the truth off the news cycle as quickly as possible if they ever hope to salvage their Leftist Woke Anti-Semitic Race Narrative. I stand corrected, Whoopi's words were not spoken by accident.

                                                              see more
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                                                                It was very audible and loud for the whole world to hear , said by Hitler, Goebbels, Goering et al. There is evidence of it on newsreel of the time. There is no denying as it is a FACT..

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                                                                    Why is it that these idiots/antisemites always make the statement and then try to walk it back ? Who do they think they're kidding ?

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                                                                        Americans, for the most part, are very inward minded with a shortness of outside the country knowledge. If Ms Goldberg, a woman with a Jewish family name, with supposed Jewish ancestry, if she had any worldly views, she would have met with some holocaust survivors, and even, done the march of the living. If not to be there in person for that march to visit Poland and Israel, at least to see much of it, on YouTube, The atrocities of the German Hitler crowd, beginning in the middle 1930's to post World War 2 is something she should immerse herself into, for her own knowledge. I don't believe she is capable of so doing.

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                                                                          Woopi should also apologize for her ugly face which looks like a basketball.

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                                                                            acting stardom and intellectual stardom do not always go together. Whoopie Goldberg's gaffe was a result of ignorance of the subject. Consider the BDS movement, peopled by blatant Jew haters but also some very naive folk and nut cases, totally ignorant of our country or the meanings of the nasty terminology they use for Israel bashing.

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                                                                                You changed your name to milk the Jewishness of Hollywood. And yet, you know nothing about people and the world. You're as ignorant and racist as your worst enemies. I turned off every show that featured you but now you show up in all the Jewish sites that I belong to. Please go hide somewhere and stop spreading your ignorance. You are hurting your people and mine.

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                                                                                    She did not make an apology. She said that she was right, and he was right. It is not an apology.

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                                                                                        Rosanne Barr got fired on the spot. Most likely because she is Jewish. Whoopi, well she's black and NOT Jewish so they will not touch her. Too bad, her ignorance will be ignored. Whoopi is an ignorant kalbah.

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                                                                                            Whoopi Goldberg has a bigmouth

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                                                                                                It was about both though.. They murdered gays and lesbian, they murdered Gypsies and any other group they felt was beneath them.

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                                                                                                  Actually the Nazis did not think the Jews were inferior, they thought they were a threat to Germany and wished to destroy it through their 'world wide conspiracy'. At least that is what they said in all their propaganda. This was shown to be complete nonsense when various countries turned the refugees away. If the Jews were in control of everything that obviously could not and would not have happened

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