Foretelling horror, prophesying hope

Four hundred years ago, a young girl from Spain named Mariana de Jesús Torres, braved a tempest-tossed journey to the New World to meet a profound destiny in a convent in Ecuador. In tonight's In-Depth Report, Church Militant's Martina Moyski tells us more about Mariana's visions — just coming to light.
Fr. Jim Blount, exorcist: "What I would like to do is jump backwards a few hundred years, and that is because I am completely enthralled with the approved apparitions and messages of the Virgin Mary to Mother Mariana Torres."
Near the end of the 16th century, a nun named Mother Mariana at the Convent of the Immaculate Conception in Quito, Ecuador experienced numerous apparitions.
In one vision, the convent chapel where Mariana was praying became immersed in a smoky darkness. The tabernacle opened — and Christ Crucified emerged as He was on Golgotha.
Mariana felt she was being chastised by what she saw. But she heard God say: "You are not to blame. The chastisement will be for the 20th century! I will punish heresy, blasphemy and impurity."
Fr. Blount: "The message is aimed at our time."
In another vision the Blessed Mother — holding the Christ Child — appeared, lamenting that in the future "innocence will almost no longer be found in children, nor modesty in women."
Mariana was tortured by these visions.
Fr. Blount: "Our Lady asked Mother Mariam whether she'd be willing to pray and suffer for the people of the 20th century and of these times, and Mother said yes."
The Blessed Virgin also predicted the attacks on the sacraments — baptism and confirmation would be ignored, the Holy Eucharist profaned, marriage attacked, last rites prohibited and Holy Orders defiled.
"Woe to the religious in the 20th century! They will tremble before the dread judgment of God," the Blessed Mother warned.
Fr. Blount: "Our Lady even told Mother Mariana that the message of Our Lady of Good Success would remain hidden for several hundred years and only come out to the general public at the time of its fulfillment, and now it's coming out everywhere."
And in a final vision, the nun saw the sanctuary light go out at 3 a.m. while she prayed.
Fr. Blount: "And Our Lady actually told Mother Mariana that darkness would cover the earth."
The Blessed Mother predicted a "corruption of customs":
And after the middle of the 20th century, a great immorality will invade the clergy, and priests will become unworthy of their office. The priests left to uphold the Church will be persecuted. And the innocence of children will be targeted to achieve the corruption of the world.
Fr. Blount: "Just when it appears everything is lost, Mama said, 'I will come down from Heaven with my Son and I will chain Lucifer. We will cast him into Hell.'"
The last prophesy of Our Lady of Good Success — as she's come to be known — and the only one not yet realized is that after a "horrible night," the Church will be restored and the tyranny of the Devil will end.
Last year — because of the pandemic — a Rosary procession held in Quito every year on Feb. 2, the Feast of Our Lady of Good Success, was canceled. But the faithful men and boys of St. Louis de Montfort Academy in Pennsylvania rescued Our Lady's legacy — picking up the tradition and processing in her honor.