Tuesday, August 1, 2023

‘PREGNANCY IS DANGEROUS!’ Since the fall of Roe v. Wade, pro-abortion activists have preyed on the heartstrings of Americans claiming: “Pregnancies are actually more dangerous than abortions.” Is this true? Are the risks of pregnancy really greater than the risks of abortion? CatholicVote dug into a few stats to find out.




WSJ: SCHOOL CHOICE CAUSES SPIKE IN ENROLLMENT  According to the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal, a handful of states have seen a significant increase in the use of education vouchers or education savings accounts (ESAs) in the past year. “Many states have recently created or expanded school-choice programs, but are parents taking up the opportunity?” the Journal wrote Sunday. “It’s early days, but data from several states should encourage lawmakers that robust offerings are in demand.”  READ
WITNESS TESTIFIES BIDEN JOINED HUNTER CALLS  During testimony before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Monday in a closed-door meeting, Devon Archer reportedly said Hunter Biden would sometimes put his father on speakerphone during meetings with business partners. Archer, a former associate of the younger Biden’s, said the first son would put then-Vice President Biden on calls to sell “the brand.”  READ
A recently-launched business platform is rapidly becoming popular for its pro-life, pro-family values. Now it’s gaining attention for reaching out to help 350 former Bud Light employees who were laid off last week. PublicSq., a “marketplace” for “values-aligned businesses,” connects shoppers with local and national companies that don’t support “woke” values. 
MUSK SLAMS BIDEN-BACKED ESG AS ‘COMMUNISM’  Elon Musk slammed environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) as a form of “communism” during an interview late last week. “We don’t basically do some sort of like bizarre, like communism rebranded thing, which is like a lot of what ESG is and to be inflicted upon corporate America without the knowledge of the actual shareholders, which is what’s going on!” Musk said.  READ
STUDY: YOUNG BOYS TRENDING CONSERVATIVE  What is in America’s political future? One way to find out is to look at American youth and their political ideas. And according to a 2022 survey, 12th-grade boys are beginning to lean more conservative, while girls are becoming more liberal. Read the details here!  READ
CREEPY OR HOPEFUL? APP SPARKS ‘BABY FEVER’  A new AI app is sweeping the app store, sparking “baby fever” in a generation known for low parenthood and marriage rates. “Remini” can generate ready-made images of a potential future self, including a self with a spouse and children. It’s intriguing to young adults who had not previously considered having kids, but are now able to “see” themselves in these roles vividly.  READ
JULY HEROES AND ZEROES  Things got hot in July on the Hill – and some Catholic leaders really brought home the bacon, while others wilted like kale in the heat. Who are your picks for the month’s heroes and zeroes?  READ
INTERVIEW  What would you do if David Koresh called in to your radio station? Today Tom talks with Charlie Seraphin, a veteran radio host and executive, about journalism in the internet age, brokering a cease-fire with the Branch Davidians, and a surprise invite to meet Ronald Reagan.  LISTEN
‘PREGNANCY IS DANGEROUS!’  Since the fall of Roe v. Wade, pro-abortion activists have preyed on the heartstrings of Americans claiming: “Pregnancies are actually more dangerous than abortions.” Is this true? Are the risks of pregnancy really greater than the risks of abortion? CatholicVote dug into a few stats to find out.  READ
WHEN EVERYONE'S SUPER…  Are you sick of the modern phenomenon known as "the influencer?" Are you concerned about the effect "perfection" is having on young people (and perhaps yourself)? Read here to discover more about the death of mastery and the evil of being "influential."  READ
SAINTS OF AUGUST  August is a banner month for feast days in the Catholic Church! Check out this list of saint days to look out for this month – along with a few ideas about how to celebrate them with a dish, a T-shirt, or a coffee mug in their honor!  READ
CATHOLIC 101  Every Catholic knows—at least partially—how to use holy water: we dip our fingers in the font and bless ourselves as we enter the church. Ideally, we are supposed to recall our baptism and our baptismal promises, including our renunciation of Satan. We Catholics often forget the power of this sacramental, and take holy water for granted most of the time. But we shouldn’t let ourselves remain numb to holy water’s efficacy.  READ
SAINT OF THE DAY  St. Alphonsus Liguori became a lawyer at the young age of 19. He practiced civil law for eight years without losing a case. He eventually resigned from the profession of law and entered seminary. He earned a reputation as a gifted preacher and confessor, although he personally suffered from scrupulosity for much of his adult life.  READ


DAILY PSALM  “The Lord is kind and merciful.” (Psalm 103:8)  READ

DAILY READINGS  Today's Mass readings.  READ
FAITH  The statue of St. Rita of Cascia towers 183 feet, which is 65 feet taller than the famous Christ the Redeemer statue that sits atop Rio de Janeiro. But there are plans in Brazil to construct a statue of St. Michael the Archangel that would reach 187 feet – which would make it the largest Christian statue in the world.  SHARE
     Credit: MacĂ­lio Gomes / Wikipedia


The LOOP is a publication of the CatholicVote Education Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization.

The LOOP is organized, funded, and published by faithful Catholic laity. We do not claim to speak for any individual bishop or the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.


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10 Signs The Mainstream Media Is Not Telling You The Truth About The Economy..Even though inflation is out of control, the commercial real estate market is in free fall, corporate bankruptcies are surging, and large businesses all over America are conducting mass layoffs, we are being told that everything is just peachy.


10 Signs The Mainstream Media Is Not Telling You The Truth About The Economy

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If you believe the corporate media, the U.S. economy is doing absolutely great as we start to roll through the second half of 2023.  

Even though inflation is out of control, the commercial real estate market is in free fall, corporate bankruptcies are surging, and large businesses all over America are conducting mass layoffs, we are being told that everything is just peachy.  

For example, the following comes from a recent NPR article entitled "What recession? It's a summer of splurging, profits and girl power"...

The numbers are in and things look surprisingly rosy for the U.S. economy:

The Federal Reserve is still cautious, but big brands - including Coca-Cola, Hilton and Visa -- are singing praises to shoppers seemingly undeterred by companies' raising prices. What's more, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé and Barbie are enticing people to part with their money, bolstering local businesses.

Yes, "girl power" is supposedly saving the U.S. economy.

Doesn't that sound wonderful? Unfortunately, it just isn't true.  Here are 10 signs that the mainstream media is not telling you the truth about the economy...

#1 When the economy is doing well, there is a tremendous demand for trucking.  But when the economy is tanking, trucking companies often get into serious trouble.  So it is a very bad sign that "one of the country's oldest and largest trucking businesses" is literally on the brink of collapse...

Yellow, one of the country's oldest and largest trucking businesses, is preparing to file for bankruptcy and may collapse within days, leaving some 30,000 workers without jobs.

The nearly 100-year-old company is known for its competitive pricing and has more than 12,000 trucks shipping freight across the US for brands including Walmart and Home Depot.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the company is preparing to file for bankruptcy and is in the process of selling off other parts of the business.

#2 You can add Anheuser-Busch to the rapidly growing list of large companies that are conducting mass layoffs...

Anheuser-Busch, the parent company of Bud Light, announced it will lay off 350 employees, many of them in corporate positions, as it seeks to recover from the fallout over a campaign involving a trans influencer.

#3 The number of large corporate debt defaults so far this year has already exceeded the grand total for the entire year of 2022...

The total amount of corporate debt defaults in the United States this year have already exceeded the amount seen in 2022.

Experts have been warning of a wave of defaults to hit the economy for some time due to higher borrowing rates.

At least fifty-five American-based companies defaulted on their loans in the first half of 2023, according to data from Moody's Investors Services.

That is a 53 percent increase from the total number of defaults last year, when just 36 companies said they would fail to repay their debt obligations to lenders.

#4 The cost of living continues to soar.  CNBC is reporting that vehicle repair costs have risen by nearly 20 percent over the past 12 months...

Car repair costs are up almost 20% in the past year, according to the consumer price index -- more than six times the national inflation rate and among the largest annual price increases of any household good or service.

So, what's driving up prices?

It's a combination of factors, experts said. Some emerged in the pandemic era while others are longer-term trends in the auto market, they said.

#5 More than three-quarters of a million households in the state of California are behind on their rent, and now it appears that a tsunami of mass evictions is coming...

More than 768,000 households are behind on rent in the Golden State, with debts totaling more than $5 billion, putting approximately 721,000 children at risk of eviction, according to the National Equity Atlas--a collaborative data and analytics tool founded by Oakland-based Policy Link and the University of Southern California Equity Research Institute.

Residents in the City of Los Angeles are facing a deadline of Aug. 1 to repay all rental debt accrued between March 2020 and September 2021, with that from October 2021 to January 31, 2023, due by February 2024.

#6 Electric vehicles were supposed to be the wave of the future, but Ford is going to lose 4.5 billion dollars on electric vehicles this year alone...

Ford Motor Company announced it is projected to lose a whopping $4.5 billion from electric vehicles (EVs) this year, up from the previous projected loss of $3 billion.

The company released its second-quarter financial results on Thursday. The U.S.-based automaker's EV division, called "Ford Model e," has lost $1.8 billion so far this year, according to Fortune.

#7 A yield curve inversion normally means that a recession is coming, and right now the yield curve is the most inverted that it has been in more than 40 years...

How big is big when it comes to the latest inversion? To measure the magnitude of the inversion, a time series of the gap between the yields on a long-term and a short-term is calculated. The most common-used measure of this is the gap between the 10-year Treasury and the 3-month Treasury. If we graph this difference between the 10-year and the 3-month, we can see that we're now experiencing the largest inversion in more than 40 years #8 Just like we saw in 2008, home foreclosures are starting to surge...

Home foreclosures have shot up for the second year in a row - as concerns grow that owners are sitting on a 'negative equity timebomb.'

Figures from data firm ATTOM show that around 186,000 foreclosures have been filed in the first six months of the year. The trend is being driven by an uncertain housing market and soaring mortgage rates.

#9 I have repeatedly warned my readers that we are in the early stages of the worst commercial real estate crisis in U.S. history, and now one expert is comparing it to a "Category 5 hurricane"...

Starwood Capital Group's Barry Sternlicht recently told Bloomberg's David Rubenstein about the ongoing crisis in the commercial real estate sector, equating it to a severe "Category 5 hurricane". He cautioned, "It's sort of a blackout hovering over the entire industry until we get some relief or some understanding of what the Fed's going to do over the longer term."

Currently, the biggest problem in the CRE space is sliding office and retail demand in downtown areas. Couple that with high-interest rates, and there's a disaster lurking for building owners.

#10 According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the number of announced job cuts in the United States during the first half of this year was 244 percent higher than the number of announced job cuts during the first half of last year...

Employers have announced 458,209 cuts so far this year, a 244% increase from the 133,211 cuts announced through June 2022. It is the highest first-half total since 2020, when 1,585,047 cuts were recorded. With the exception of 2020, it is the highest January to June total since 2009, when 896,675 job cuts were announced.

Considering all of the facts that I just shared with you, how in the world can anyone possibly claim that the U.S. economy is heading in the right direction?

It just doesn't make any sense.

Of course those that work for the mainstream media can write anything that they want.

But that doesn't mean that we have to believe them.

We live in a time of great deception, and it is only going to get worse.

If you think that things are bad now, just wait until we get to this time next year.

With the presidential election looming, the mainstream media will be desperate to portray the Biden administration in a good light.

But no amount of spin can change the truth.

The U.S. economy really is in big trouble, and very dark storm clouds are gathering on the horizon.

Originally published at The Economic Collapse Blog - reposted with permission.

Scary: One in Six Democrats Believes Violence Is Justified To Restore Abortion;Australian Christians Warned Censorship Coming With New Disinformation Bill;Polls Show An Increase In Unbelief And Uncertainty, And It's Not Surprising



Breaking News Updates - August 01, 2023
10 Signs The Mainstream Media Is Not Telling You The Truth About The Economy
If you believe the corporate media, the U.S. economy is doing absolutely great as we start to roll through the second half of 2023. Even though inflation is out of control, the commercial real estate market is in free fall, corporate bankruptcies are surging, and large businesses all over America are conducting mass layoffs, we are being told that everything is just peachy.
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Polls Show An Increase In Unbelief And Uncertainty, And It's Not Surprising
Clearly, we are living in a time of depravity. Not in the sense of how humans are depraved on account of the fall in Genesis 3, but in the sense that Americans are deprived of truth while constantly being fed lies. Whether viewing these statistics from a biblical or secular worldview, the results shouldn't be surprising.
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Australian Christians Warned Censorship Coming With New Disinformation Bill
Australia has joined the list of nations around the globe where people soon will be banned from expressing their opinions on a long list of issue - all coming under the mantle of "misinformation" and "disinformation."
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Scary: One in Six Democrats Believes Violence Is Justified To Restore Abortion
One in every six Democrats believes that "force is justified to restore abortion rights," a new poll has found, underscoring the secular Left's growing support for political violence.
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While scholars debate the timing of the Rapture, the world has lost why this event is prophesied to occur in the first place; knowledge that was once understood by those in the first century.

Today, researchers in the Middle-East have rediscovered ancient anthropological evidence from the time of Christ that reveals exactly how and why the Rapture must occur; unveiling new biblical insight that will reignite hope for believers in these trying times and prepare the world for what's coming.

This docu-drama includes Bible Prophecy experts: Amir Tsarfati, Jack Hibbs, JD Farag, Jan Markell & narration by Kevin Sorbo.  From the producers of The Coming Convergence.




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