Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels

It turns out it’s not just pro-abortion agitators who are targeting pro-life pregnancy centers.

Leftist politicians, judges, and bureaucrats are also targeting these lifesaving facilities. And the state of California just sued two pro-life Pregnancy Resource Centers for one crazy reason.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta (D) recently announced a lawsuit against two faith-based organizations, Heartbeat International (HBI) and RealOptions Obria. Both groups operate pro-life pregnancy resource centers in California and provide abortion pill reversal services. 

Not the first time they’ve been targeted

Of course, this is not the first time a California Attorney General has gone after pro-life pregnancy centers.

And they’ve targeted them for any number of reasons, real or imagined. This time the lawsuit is over “fraudulent and misleading claims to advertise an unproven and largely experimental procedure called ‘abortion pill reversal (APR),’” according to the AG’s news release. 

But in fact he’s really just targeting the clinics because abortion pill reversal humanizes the unborn baby, makes the abortion industry look bad, and threatens the abortion mill industry.

So what are the “fraudulent and misleading claims” Bonta is referring to?

His news release tries to give some examples.

“The evidence shows that the vast majority of people do not regret their decision to have an abortion — more than 95% of patients who undergo an abortion later say they made the right decision,” said Bonta. 

So his claims is that these pregnancy centers are advertising a product almost nobody wants.But even if Bonta’s claim were true (which they are not), it would not contradict what RealOptions states on their website, “after taking the first pill, some women regret their choice and want to reverse it.” 

Even if it is less than 5%, it is still “some women.”

In fact, RealOptions even offers a 24/7 helpline for women seeking to reverse their abortions. 

That would be a huge waste of resources for the group if no one ever called.

But HBI’s 24/7 contact center “answers more than 150 mission-critical calls a month.”

So the very existence of this hotline undermines Bonta’s claims.

Another false charge 

But Bonta wasn’t done.

He continued, “Advocates of APR falsely claim that if a pregnant person takes high doses of the hormone progesterone within 72 hours of taking the first drug, mifepristone, it will safely and effectively cancel the effects of the mifepristone.” 

Unfortunately for Bonta, once again the facts prove otherwise.The pregnancy centers he sued do not make this claim at all.

“Initial studies of APR have shown it has a 64-68% success rate,” said RealOptions. 

“However, the outcome of your particular reversal attempt cannot be guaranteed.” 

And both pro-life organizations repeated phrases like, “There may still be time,” or “It may not be too late.”

Bonta also claimed there is “no scientific basis” for abortion pill reversal. 

But HBI cited academic sources for their claim that “The protocol used in the Abortion Pill Reversal process is nothing new. In fact, progesterone has been used routinely and safely with pregnancy since the 1950s.” 

RealOptions explained how doses of progesterone could help. “By giving extra progesterone, we hope to outnumber and outcompete the mifepristone in order to reverse the effects of the abortion pill (also known as mifepristone). Mifepristone blocks progesterone’s actions by binding to progesterone receptors in the uterus and the placenta.” 

Colorado passed a law prohibiting abortion pill reversals, also alleging a lack of scientific evidence, but the state’s lawyers didn’t even attempt to defend the law when a Catholic health system presented a mountain of scientific evidence against the law.

“Across the country and around the world, pregnant women facing threatened miscarriages are commonly treated with progesterone — a naturally occurring and safe hormone that supports pregnancy,” Bella Health and Wellness argued in a lawsuit against Colorado.

There is no logic, no science, and therefore no law that backs up Bonta’s lawsuit. 

There is only one reason for filing the lawsuit — politics. 

The California Attorney General’s office is often seen as a launching point to seek higher office. The last two California AG’s, Kamala Harris and Xavier Beccera, leveraged their role into high-profile posts in the Biden administration. 

The path forward for Bonta to reach higher office is to appease the rabid progressive pro-abortion activists who now control the Democrat Party.

And he doesn’t care how many have to die for him to do it.

Pro-Life Press will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.