Salvation Prayer
Book of Life.
Salvation Prayer
Barack Obama set his sights on seizing as much power as possible as President.
But one part of his tyrannical legacy outlasted his Presidency.
And Barack Obama slammed his fist in rage when Ted Cruz shut down this sinister scheme.Former President Barack Obama was furious that Congress was blocking him from passing gun control during his second term.His Justice Department launched Operation Chokepoint as a backdoor attempt to infringe on Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
The Justice Department began investigating banks that did business with legally operating firearms dealers and other businesses that were deemed a risk for fraud and money laundering by the government.
The goal was to choke off firearms dealers from the banking system to put them out of business.Operation Chokepoint was shut down under former President Donald Trump after the government was forced to settle multiple lawsuits.
Obama’s legacy of trying to remove firearms dealers from the financial system was still being carried out by major Wall Street banks.
Intuit is the financial software company behind QuickBooks, the most popular accounting software used by small businesses.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was alerted when Dawson Precision, a Texas company manufacturing firearm parts and accessories, had its payroll services canceled by QuickBooks.Staffers with Cruz, a member of the Senate Commerce Committee, launched an investigation into Intuit.
“My office became aware of these discriminatory policies when Dawson Precision . . informed my office that Intuit had, without warning, canceled its subscription to QuickBooks payroll services,” Cruz said. “Dawson Precision only discovered what had happened after it submitted payroll . . . Intuit later said that it canceled Dawson Precision’s account because, as a firearm manufacturer, it was in violation of Intuit’s acceptable use policy.”
Cruz’s staff discovered that Bank of America and JP Morgan were pressuring Intuit into enacting the policy against firearms.
JP Morgan “demanded that Intuit create and enforce bank policies regarding firearm sellers and manufacturers.”
Intuit uses third-party banks to help them handle the payroll services for small businesses.
JP Morgan admitted that they were behind the anti-firearms policy during a meeting with Commerce Committee staffers.
Officials with Intuit told the committee that Bank of America also placed restrictions on firearms in their policy for handling payroll for the company.
Two major Wall Street banks following the legacy of Obama used their financial muscle to attack firearms companies.
Intuit is backing off of its policy against servicing firearms companies after the investigation by Cruz.
“Intuit continually reviews and updates our policies to ensure they best serve the needs of our customers and remain compliant with all applicable federal and state laws,” an Intuit spokesman told Fox Business. “Our commitment to customers is unwavering, and we will continue to ensure our policies serve their needs.”
The fight over gun control is expanding from legislatures and the courts into the financial system.
America’s First Son is haunted by his recent past on a daily basis.
Now one threat he thought had disappeared is back.
And Hunter Biden is looking for cover after this missing witness resurfaced with fresh dirt about the First Son.Former Israeli Forces officer and professor Gal Luft made himself into one of the Biden Regime’s biggest enemies by attempting to alert the world to the Biden Crime Family’s activities ahead of the 2020 election.
Luft, who actually has relevant experience in the industry, was working with China’s CEFC—an energy company—at the same time Hunter Biden was cutting deals with executives there. But when Luft shared his suspicions about illegal behavior on the part of the Biden family to the FBI, he soon found himself the target of an investigation and arrested over accusations of gun-running and foreign lobbying.
Now Luft is a fugitive from justice, refusing to turn himself over to Joe Biden’s weaponized Justice Department. Ironically, Hunter Biden still hasn’t been charged over failing to disclose that he was acting as an agent lobbying for foreign interests.
But despite having caused Luft to go into hiding, the Bidens got bad news this week when they found out the whistleblower has been communicating with members of the House of Representatives.
Luft sent an open letter to three Republicans responsible for Biden’s impeachment inquiry: Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Jason Smith (R-MO).
In the letter, Luft dropped some bombshell information about a mole inside the FBI who was allegedly working with Hunter Biden. This new revelation is adding even more fire to some of the most shocking and incriminating evidence the Biden’s are trying to explain away.
Bombshell evidence that Hunter Biden sent threatening text messages to shake down Chinese executives for millions of dollars was revealed this summer.
“I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” Hunter had written in a text to CEFC employee Raymond in 2017 according to IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley.
“I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction,” the First Son threatened. “I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”The next day Zhao told Hunter, “CEFC is willing to cooperate with the family. He thinks now the priority is to solve the problem mentioned last night.”
Within a matter of days, CEFC wired $5.1 million to Hunter.
In his letter to Congress, Luft revealed that he believes Hunter Biden had been tipped off by an FBI mole nicknamed “One-Eye” that his Chinese partners were about to be indicted in New York.
“The existence of a potential mole within the FBI and/or Justice Department who conveyed to Chinese individuals’ information about sealed indictments has, apparently, to this day never been solved,” Luft wrote in his letter to Comer. “Perhaps Congress should investigate the issue as part of its impeachment inquiry.”
According to Luft, one of the executives named in that indictment, Patrick Ho, revealed that Hunter had inside help from the FBI.
After Ho’s indictment was made public, Hunter cashed in even more by receiving a $1 million retainer form Ho in order to represent him as his attorney.
Later when Ho returned to New York and was arrested he asked Hunter to “find the names of the FBI agents you spoke with.”
Hunter replied by saying he was “working on it.”
Now that Comer has his hands full trying to sort out the whole mess, the New York Post reports that Democrats have accused him of trying to interview shady characters.
Comer responded by saying, “That’s a reflection about Biden, not our inquiry.”Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.
The second GOP Presidential debate is in the books.
Conservatives were left scratching their heads.
And Rachel Maddow praised Fox News for the one reason no one ever expected.Fox News exists because back in the mid-1990s Rupert Murdoch saw an opening.
The rest of the media acted as propagandists for the Democrat Party and the liberal agenda.
Murdoch put Fox News on the air in 1996 to counteract the bias in the media and serve an audience that wanted to see a press that reported in a fair and balanced manner while also challenging the media’s support for the Left’s narratives.
For the next 27 years, the rest of the press smeared Fox News because Fox was the one broadcast and cable network not to work on behalf of the Democrat Party.That’s why the GOP debate moderated by Fox’s Stuart Varney and Dana Perino, and Univision’s Ilia Calderón was so jarring.
The three moderators attracted praise from none other than Rachel Maddow, the queen of liberal cable news for their questions.
Maddow praised Varney, Perino, and Calderón because their questions accepted liberal premises such as America being a hateful country where homosexuals face rampant discrimination, gun ownership causes mass shootings, and that Republicans should support mass amnesty for illegal aliens because of what Ronald Reagan once said and did in 1986.
Calderón’s demand that Republicans support amnesty stuck out like a sore thumb.In the debate, Calderón cited Reagan’s much derided 1986 amnesty for 3 million illegal aliens as a reason that Republicans in 2023 should collude with Democrats to grant amnesty and voting rights to the tens of millions of illegal aliens currently living in America.
“President Reagan granted amnesty to nearly three million immigrants — something no Democrat or Republican President has done since,” Calderón declared.
This is exactly why Joe Biden is leaving the border open and inviting in as many illegal aliens as possible.
Biden knows that Fox News – whose founder Rupert Murdoch supports amnesty for illegal aliens – is right on board with the campaign to pressure the GOP to cave in and deliver citizenship and voting rights to illegal aliens.
Globalist entities are deeply concerned about populist movements.
They want to make sure that control remains in central authority. And the United Nations is planning one initiative that will send a chill down your spine. As the international Left becomes more radical and authoritarian, Right-wing populists have won elections in countries like Italy and Hungary.
The Left hate that people are fighting back against globalist agendas.For example, in Canada, the freedom trucker convoy protested the country’s vaccine mandates.
In the Netherlands, farmers protested emissions regulations that aimed to put them out of business.
Authoritarians are lurching toward their holy grail
Perhaps the most disturbing agenda from central authorities is the push to control information.
It’s no accident that world leaders and corporate-controlled media outlets have been prattling on about misinformation and disinformation.They want to be able to shut down speech they don’t like under the guise of reducing harm and the spread of lies.
In reality, it’s all about control.
And the United Nations launched a new project called the Code of Conduct for Information Integrity on Digital Platforms.
The idea is to get “stakeholders” in lockstep on censoring certain platforms and ideas.
Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres announced at a UN summit, “We will call for action from everyone with influence on the spread of mis-and-disinformation on the internet. Governments, regulators, policy makers, technology companies, the media, civil society. Stop the hate. Set up strong guardrails. Be accountable for language that causes harm.
And as part of my report to our common agenda, we are convening all stakeholders around the Code of Conduct for Information Integrity on Digital Platforms. And we’ll also further strengthen our focus on how mis-and-disinformation are impacting progress on global issues, including the climate crisis.”
The big question is who gets to decide what constitutes misinformation and disinformation?
According to the UN, it does.
Guterres added in a statement, “In Our Common Agenda, I called for empirically backed consensus around facts, science and knowledge.”
But COVID taught everyone that legacy institutions once trusted to provide empirical data have been compromised by political ambition. The “consensus around facts” is a mirage intended to silence people who have a different perspective.
For instance, NIAID head Dr. Anthony Fauci declared himself “the science” and publicly shot down the lab leak theory even though he knew it was a possibility and communicated as such behind the scenes.
More people with access to information is a threat to globalist power, and this is an attempt to reassert dominance.
Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.